Yes, the same things that apa tamina died after reading in the stories.

Yes, the same things that apa tamina died after reading in the stories.What a wonderful way to screw people over.  

He rolled his eyes, how strange it seemed from the depths of his brother's eyes.Then, brother jamil, should you get tired today and arrange tea etc.If the matter is ridiculed, then perhaps the life is small, but the ghost of seriousness was revealed to jamil bhai.

Look, Alia; they rushed towards him and then stood still.Take this, your letter has come from the office of the muslim league, Kanpur. I have saved the eyes of my elder sister.He took out the envelope and put it in jameel's hand as if it was over. 

Jameel's brother was standing.

With his head bowed like a criminal.  don't mention the letter.he hurried awayhami,najma was pulling her aunt's bed upstairs and bringing her upstairs to the big room and in this toil, her mother-in-law's bad pair had ruptured.mehmi, najma Phu Phi will appreciate your love, why did you turn away from me. 

Alia also looked at him with great love and then closed the door of her room and went to change her clothes.On the way back from eid gah, the children were shouting loudly in the street.  

Say hello to grameen boa manjhli brother and elder brother and also eid Mubarak.While climbing the stairs, alia heard Israr mian's trembling message with joy.How could he wish to greet Israr mian today too.  

IsFinally,Be patient, I will send you soybeans too.Kariman boa replied as if joking.Najma phuli was giving a festive rupee to kariman hawa.He looked at alia and she walked back to her room.It was Sunday.After drinking tea, the older uncle lay down on his bed to go to bed.  

Some have been visible since.

Alia sat next to him.She was upset to see her great uncle like this.poor big uncle, no one cares about him.  If there were no big chi in this house, then everyone would eat them fried.No one asks about their problems and they go through everything. 

How can their real sister be ashamed, just because they have to pay for their food.She forgot that she had been educated in the form of her great uncle.How are you, son.Okay big or aren't you in a bad mood?" She said with a sigh.  You don't care about your health.  

How weak you are. Man does something for himself. I'm fine, son.Hey, is there anyone who cares about me, can anyone treat me better. I am the ghost of the house that ate everything.In the eyes of his great-uncle, he read the faint sigh of sadness which he was laughing at to hide.  

Well, tell me, do you read books from my library or not.Big uncle used to study, but now the exam is on, that's why everyone left.It's important for a like-minded girl like you to read these books.What will happen when freedom is achieved.  He has tried to tease his great uncle's heartfelt words with utter stupidity. 

He had not even expressed his hatred of politics in front of his eldest son.Both become easier. Pray that I do not die in slavery. Uncle god, may you always be safe.  He prayed in his heart.She could not hate her father and eldest child even after seeing so much destruction and ruin of their homes.  

When the chain of the President's door slammed shut, she suddenly stopped.Don't stop, I will see.The big uncle went out and came back immediately.Done.There was a slight thought on his forehead.  Where from. I will return after four or six months of English Brave, you fix my stuff.Alia stood where she was standing. 

Big Aunty threw the basket.

And got up at once.  What is the harm of these illegitimate children who wear clothes every day, what will they do.Looking at the big Chi Aman that And the mother was looking with great contempt, blaming her uncle for the new trouble. 

Big brother, repent now.Take care of your house and your children. Everything is ruined.Aman advised but big uncle didn't say anything.  All my life I have been in trouble because I have to repent.What bad things do they do.Big aunt cried with anger and grief.  

The chain then led loudly to the window and to the large digested door.Explaining to my elder aunt, daughter, had talked about bhami's relationship.Maybe if the answer came from here, he would have decided.He turned his hand on Alia's back and walked out.  

The big daddy went outside, and through the open doors, Sanata entered the air.She stood in the middle.In the street in front of him, surrounded by eight big men, he could see the bridegroom very clearly.But what was it like to have a heart attack.

The older aunt picked up the basket of spinach again and went to Yemen, then got lost under the pot.  All the water from the stream flowing through the process was going into the beds.The flowers of the ball were swaying in the light breeze.  

Oh, he may have given a flower to his great uncle as a gift for spring, but now the time has passed.The great-aunt was reciting the details of her husband's imprisonment and praying that the hands of those who broke the fast would be broken.  

Alia was amazed that neither aunty.

Nor her aunt was crying while her heart was pounding.He was remembering the time of his father's arrest.The eldest daughter probably did not know the meaning of prison and police.  

A story is still fresh in his childhood memory.Once two police spies came to dev's quarters, the entire population of these phathis hid in their houses in fear and the women mourned and wept.So isn't there any terror on the big aunt ...Do they have anything.

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