Don't even know the sun shone down from the high walls and into the courtyard.

Don't even know the sun shone down from the high walls and into the courtyard.These stories have no effect on me, my elder brother.

Mother was saying with great enthusiasm.Alia sat on an iron chair lying in the courtyard as if someone had knocked her down. The eldest daughter did not answer the mother.What was she thinking.Alman," said the older aunt slowly.  

What happened if you were harsh on mazhar mian no one can restrict anyone's hobby.Now allah will do it, then Jameel will give happiness, all your youth passed like this with your elder brother, he didn't even have time to look at his wife ...When the big band cried, Aman hid her head in her knees.  

Allah Mian you are the one who is going to cross the raft of this house, sacrifice for your glory, do whatever you want.Kar Yemen wind sighed.In the meanwhile, if you do not find one day, you will die.The poor man is too big for his tea.  

Green wind, I was saying that if Athar bhai's luggage is not gone, should I deliver it.Everything is gone.The yemeni air was near the stove and began to blow. So only Israr mian is responsible for what happens here. 

Why don't the worms born from the rain of sins die quickly.

Israr mian  Now you get up from your high chair and go to bed comfortably till two o'clock.Went upstairs.She could not make tea for Israr Mian in the presence of aman and crane Hua.  

Then what is the use of sitting here the exams were about to start four days later but he did not understand how to read now.  

Two days later, the sound of a potato talking was coming from a tree across the street, and this sound was making his mind grow even louder, but the oppressor was hungry and the nightingale was coming. 

Even if the brain explodes for a century, it does not stop the hunger.  That is, today she cannot get an answer from the stomach in the grief of her great uncle going to jail.  She got out of bed and went downstairs.The plates were on the throne.  

Aman was sitting near the mill, spitting red buds, and the elder sister was sleeping near the table.  Mahmi and najma phu phi had gone to the market in the morning and had not returned yet.  

How long should I.

Wait for everyone to eat the older aunt said and she sat down next to him.In the meantime, jamil bhai also started dragging the nail and as soon as he entered the house, he started slapping takhil. 

He doesn't read or write anything. He's been wandering around all day. I've just seen him walking around with hard luffs. ga. I read from his books...Shakeel was selling here and there to stop bhai's war and was looking at Alia with salvation eyes. 

Just do it, Jail Bhai will not be lost now. "Alia.Jamil Bhai separated and started washing his hands under the mill.Why are you saving her? It won't be okay either. I'm just so anxious.I will die in agony.His whereabouts are in jail.  

Did you come back.Jamil bhai forgot to wash his hands.Jamil Bhai started washing his hands again.These Congress leaders can't do anything without going to jail. What will they get if they make so many sacrifices for the party of pure Hindus.  

Muslims rioted but they. 

Were not affected at all. I am not ashamed to call my father a hindu.He was a Hindu, so where did you become a Muslim.The big chi mare went out of his mind.Certainly her husband should be called a Hindu when he has not even eaten the portions of Hindu festivals.  

Can the husband of such a woman ever be a Hindu.Well, a hardcore Hindu was not a Muslim, but ...  Jamil bhai khya kar hain gaye.The food just kept getting colder.Now you take care of the house. 

Are you waiting for my death.Even my great aunt was not eating food from China. I'm just thinking. Jameel bhai bo was opened...I am going to Lahore in two or four days and I will come from there and get a job.  

They were eating after some thought. Silence fell for a while. Najma phu phi and also entered the trap laden with bundles, then the silence was broken.Najma Phu Phi took money out of her purse and handed it to him. 

Takmeel was still sitting on an iron chair in the courtyard.

No one had asked him to eat.Wash your hands first and eat.Aunty said but najma is bundled.She was eager to open up and show it to everyone.  

There is a limit to the price of every garment.Now can anyone tell me if this silk cloth goes for the shroud of whites.Najma phu phi looked at everyone with anxious eyes.But here everyone was burning in their grief. 

Mimi laughed out loud at their words.What will you do after going to Lahore.Do you intend to work there.The elder aunt looked at Jamil Bhai.There is a big meeting of the Muslim League, I will just attend it. 

What did you say.

What did you say.Meeting.Said the elder brother.Were looking at let it be known from their eyes that they will swallow their necks.The only limitation is that God is the owner of this house.Aman also had a handkerchief.  

Alia's hopes of getting rid of him were probably dashed and Jamil was afraid that they were sitting quietly with their necks bowed.The arrow that went out of the bow.  

If you adopt this politics, I will give my life, I will get poisoned. One day my life has passed in agony, now I want to rest. I can't go into politics if I want everything.Auntie's insanity was diminishing.  

Jameel bhai was forgetting to eat and was putting his hands around his mother's neck and saying.Bhai, just do it, mother.Najma Phu Phi rolled up the bundles of clothes and put them on the bed.No one was looking.The soul was burnt.They started eating with great reluctance. 

There was hatred on his face but after a long time today my mother gave birth to Jamil Bhai.She was watching with great eagerness. I did not say that every muslim should join the muslim league, long live the muslim league," Chhami added.  

His eyes had turned red. 

Jamil Bhai was patting him, giving him water but there was not the slightest tingling in his crazy eyes.She is also the same wife who has been with bada pia for so many years in her political life.Be at the forefront in supporting her big uncle.  

Listen, big uncle, whatever you are doing, keep going through your head and till this morning she was cursing the arrestees instead of getting tired.I made a necklace around my brother's neck and put it around. 

Mom, now you will see what kind of work I do, I will put you on the silver throne and all you have to do is keep drinking and I will be mine.  Keep washing your water.  

Jail brothers were trying to make fun of their mother along with promises of service but for some reason alia had rolled her eyes at Wilson's name.  

Wow, no one gets a job, they don't get it under silver, no training, no English MA.Najma's aunt spoke with great contempt and she will not come again.She was proudly eating with Najma's aunt.  

Hona they used to beat me, now look, my son has also been beaten. Chhami remembered the beating of the eldest child.Mom, I'll get a big  job.

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