Jamil Bhai hit straight.Najma blows the bubble.Glory be to God

Jamil Bhai hit straight.Najma blows the bubble.Glory be to God.Now such people call MA pass ignorant.  A little education is dangerous.  

Now what if such people do not participate in politics? The elder brother also shot an arrow and did the same to the poor. Najma Phu Phi left the food and rolled up the bundle.  

So people read Arabic and Persian. "Najma Aunty, your elder brother has gone to jail this morning at nine o'clock. When they come, you will ask them where the arrow is.  Jameel Bhai turned around and saw Najma Phu Phi. 

For a moment his complexion had faded ... Hey big brother then he left! ”Najma Phu Phi nodded. Has been look at him being jailed.  "Jamil Bhiya's slaps had soothed her big aunt and now she was watching Makar Makar Najma Phu Phi and Jamil Bhiya fighting. 

Now no one answered Najma Phu Phi. 

She loaded them on her bundle of clothes. She went upstairs to her room. As soon as Najma's aunt left, the senate was overwhelmed again.  

Alia got up secretly in this senate and went to her room.It was the fourth day that Jamil Bhai went to Lahore. Big Chi's condition was noticeable before he left.  It was as if nothing could be further from the truth.  But Jamil Bhai left and he couldn't do anything.  

As soon as Jamil Bhai left, the news in the newspapers began to show. Newspaper sellers tore their hearts and drank. The clash between the police and the Khaksars turned out to be the result of many humble shots.  

Possibility of disruption in PML meeting. 

Boi Chi would hold her heart at the voice of the newspaper vendors. Alia would comfort her in every possible way and explain to her that Jamil Bhai is married.  

She used to go in the morning and ask for the newspaper from the neighborhood and after reading it with great enthusiasm she would lie on her bed for hours. If she had been in the mood for kindness, she would have read the newspaper she had asked for, and her aunt would have read it with thick glasses. 

By the way, she would not let anyone touch the newspaper. Had stopped reading and writing. Najma would say Phu Phi Lakh but she would not look up, otherwise before that it would have been the case that Najma would have memorized the lesson given by Phu Phi for hours and would have looked at Alia like this.  

As if to say that if I do not go beyond you, then my name is not even there.After returning from college, Najma would read a few words with great fluency and in return she would tell him a lot of work. After the lesson, there would be work left in the bus.  While the clothes are being ironed, the sandals are being polished.  

The dupatta is painted so finely that the thumbs and fingers become numb. I will now hire a londa for work. Najma Phu Phi saw him doing this and said to her upper heart. "Take it, what am I doing? Wow, I won't talk to you now."  "Even Najma would have hugged her aunt and she would have said something else at the same time.

Six days have passed, Jamil Bhai has not come.

 The big aunty was moving the cannon and the mother was full of her uneasiness. Why does the elder brother burn his life? The son will also follow in the footsteps of the father. Just wash your hands of it now.  "I have to sit in its shadow.

The scorching sun of life was no longer tolerated by my great-aunt.  The crotch on the bed would start to change. The night would get darker and deeper. Her heart would start to fill up for her great aunt. What is this all about?  Lahore resolution passed, 80 million Muslims will continue to claim their rights.  

Alia peeked out of the window and saw how the morning was bright.Someone was going to take a bath on the street killing. Now he will bathe and worship, fold his hands and bow before the idol of God. Why do these hindus look so beautiful while worshiping?  She suddenly remembered the oath.  

No one even looked at him when he reached Najma Phu Phi's room to go downstairs. Najma Phu Phi was busy preparing to go to college and was also carrying things for her like a slave. "God willing, let us read the Najma." Alia prayed in her heart "- Ki. 

How hard it is to pay a few words for poor Mimi. The tea was ready.  She sat on the throne next to him and drank tea. Taqleel was still asleep. He used to get up a few minutes before going to school. He opened the window and smelled the caramel smell and clung to it. Jamil Bhai had a wire. 

He was fine and was coming soon.  

She made a cup of tea. At that moment, the crane began to bake bread again with the help of some unseen force. Every happiness and every sorrow of this house was their own. Alia had breakfast and came to the sitting room.  He had stepped into the sitting room for the first time. 

The tables, chairs and bookcases were covered in dust. The big picture of Gandhiji was fading away. Were  Burnt pieces of Israr Mian's shackles were scattered everywhere. Squeezing Sara's plow into her waist, she began to clean the room and then, shaking the floor, she sat down on the couch, up from the pillow.  

It . 31Over and over again it seemed as if the door would just open and the big uncles would come in. The elder uncle had also written a letter to him after his imprisonment saying that he was very happy.  

In the routes of the government, there are days when I am eating the pratha of crane Hua's hand. She took a book out of the closet and came out.  

Najma Phu Phi had gone to college and was still meeting in the courtyard today, remembering her lesson several days later. The older aunt spent the day chirping. Even at night, the sound of Aunty's voice quickly fell asleep. Alia used to read very calmly till one o'clock in the night.


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