The exams were over. She wanted to go on vacation for a while now.

The exams were over.  She wanted to go on vacation for a while now.  How tired she was. I was tired of textbooks.  

Now, at night and in the afternoons, she would read books brought from her uncle's library.  All day long the heat was hot and the sound of potatoes talking came from the school trees.  Don't cut two presses so long.  

The warming atmosphere did not allow China to take over.  If it weren't for the big drink books, the two boys would have been lying on the bed for so long and would have lost their minds while thinking about other things.  Concerned neo-hippies and their global warming, i'll tell ya.  

He was afraid of the thought of failure.  If she fails, Najma Phu Phi will have no doubt about her eternal ignorance. Anyway, she kept throwing insults at him. "How easy it is for people to take exams at home.  People like us used to go to colleges and universities.  

Just keep a master of fifteen rupees a month and write down the words of work.  Even after all these wonderful things, she continued to study the meaning at home and even after many months, the second rule of Thami was not over.  Jamil Bhiya had got a modest job in those days.  

He used to put all the money in the hands of the eldest daughter and was able to live at home.  The rest of Jamil Bhai's time would be spent in support of the Muslim League.  Alia used to run away from his shadow now but that Samia was getting taller.  

The sun of love was rising.  

Dad's letter came today.  He wrote that he was waiting for the result.  Good And have done  Occasionally there is a concussion, which may be due to heat.  The prison doctor is giving medicine which has definitely benefited.  

Aman was worried for a while after hearing this letter and she closed the door of her room and cried for a long time.  She could not even imagine her father's boredom, lest he really fall in love, and she too, in a prison cell out of his sight. How hot the last days of June were.  

The sound of even the sleepers could not be heard but the ghost of reading was riding on Chhami in those afternoons.  His second rule was not coming to an end. Fingers would be tied while writing. The whole lesson would not have ended without him in one breath.  

But she was going to memorize the lesson loudly. Sometimes she would even look at Alia through the half-closed doors. Tired of reading, Jhami put the book on the table. Najma's aunt has remembered the whole rule.  

Let's start with the third one, right? "  Not yet, read as I read, it is not Urdu that every ignorant person can read.  This is English.  Najma's aunt suddenly became angry.  "Don't teach us now. This rule will never end."  The book, the ink and the pen were thrown up. 

What nonsense is this, how difficult it is to explain to the ignorant. If the first rule is weak then it is difficult to read further Read, tomorrow I will bring your rule for you. "  "Even the footsteps went down. There is a limit. 

The ignorance of this family

Will never go away. No one deserves to be happy just by talking."  Najma's aunt was talking to herself.  Wu Alia got up and slammed the door of her room.  Hey Najma Phu Phi, I know you very well.  She bragged and then took the book and lay down.  Today, the sky was suddenly clouded.  

When a damp cold wind blew from the window, she put the book down and fell asleep.  She spent the whole two summer hours awake and anxious.  There was not even a fan of clothes and mats on the backs.  

Then which servants went here who would pull the fan on all two?  Chhmi had returned to her original form since she left school. There was a storm in the house. She would fight with everyone or disappear in the neighborhood wearing a burqa.  

Everyone was angry with her but Aman hated her face.  God knows where the messengers of marriage died.  Shall I also teach you?  ...  Many days later Alia went to his room.  As soon as he saw Grandma's Soni Masheri, he started to like her.  

Jamil Sahib will get angry with you again.  "Don't do such things for God's sake." "Well, then remove it.  Manzoor's mother, no one is left now, Allah, how much you want me.  "We shut you up with great pleasure.""Even a man doesn't love anyone. 

Love yourself."  Digest, love yourself, a few days later you will say love your father and all his family. This love of fathers, brothers, brothers, etc. is nothing.  Understanding the treatment, she started looking around. 

A picture of Anwar Kamal Pasha.

And this year's calendar had been added in the room. Who gave it to her?  She was setting up the yard so that Najma would go to her fist room and avoid her. She was being fed hard. An ignorant girl raised her hand from the work of such an educated woman. 

Alia was not coming.  I didn't celebrate, I didn't believe. And now Najma's aunty used to write her own name and iron it all over her eyes.  Go  The middle brother doesn't care that he has read two words of his daughter with someone.  

Which MA to look for as the elder brother married his prostrate.  "Even if Najma's aunty's bus was running, she would have got married in such a place that she would not have had access to water, so she would have pushed the unlucky one to Karbala so that the drinker would die."  Trying to scratch the liver.  

What am I missing?  People will rub their noses, you will not even get a soldier of fifteen rupees a month.  "Even to burn them.  When I got the betel nut, I got the most

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