His face was turning red.

His face was turning red.  "These brave Englishmen are playing Holi with our blood for their own benefit.  

Mother's theories were billed, but she didn't say anything at the time.  Big Chi was now sitting on her own.  She was lost in the sound of crying.  And I have heard that Zainab Begum's son is in German captivity.  

Bhangan gave another report as he left.  The elders were sitting at the check post, washing their hands.  Alia saw that his.  Hands trembling, she panicked ...  How are you?  He approached and asked, "I'm fine.

He started laughing.  Jamil's letter has not been received for so many days.  "The sound of bones was trembling. The cold winter sun was coming down from the walls and spreading in the courtyard.  

May Allah bring back Jameel Mian, who was killed in the war, with good fortune. "  Najma's aunt's face was showing concern. "Yes, you are getting a higher education and you are fighting a big battle.

Oh!  Who told you to speak English fluently?  He did his BA while sitting at home and thought that he was just capable.  Najma Phu Phi was badly beaten. There was so much war in her accent that Alia's wish was to be buried in the ground.

Don't talk too much about Najma. Whose wealth are you capable of? You are paying this reward by cutting the throat of me and my elder brother. I am not compelled to listen to you. 

• Long live my brother.  

Saying something, she got angry.  I don't want to face you people. Saadi Sahib, who is a ferryman, has also been told to run away from the ignorant like an arrow from a bow and arrow. 

And she left breakfast and went out to go to college."  Don't worry, I will come to know the welfare of Jamil Mian.  If everyone had had breakfast, then Israr Mian's weak voice came from the seat.  "Let all of you be upset, Israr Mian. 

Have your breakfast.  "If you can, take some old and ghee bread and snatch it as if it would hit Israr Mian in the face."  She said to Boa, but she kept quietly collecting false utensils. 

Ben's voice started rising again from Manzoor's house. Big aunty was sitting on the floor.  Withdrawing the money, the crane pushed it towards the wind. In the afternoon, Jameel Bhiya's letter and money order arrived.  

Chi Barabar Jameel Bhiya was being talked about and Crane Hua was making flour for the shrine. God had fulfilled his promise. Jameel Bhiya's letter had arrived.

The pleasant days of February were giving the address of spring but why was the face of the big pacha turning yellow.  His hands and feet were getting dry and his stomach was getting bigger.  Gandhiji was kept in jail for 21 days.  

He had sacrificed his life for freedom and his great uncle had stopped resting.  I don't know where to go or if there is a crowd of friends in the sitting room.  New schemes keep coming up.  

Alia used to cry when she saw the condition of her great uncle - Allah, what kind of clay are these lying on?  Lake Bhai has never been well.  Shakeel has no idea whether he is going to die or live.  The fear of Gandhi's death is haunting.  

• Alia had been thinking for. 

Days that she would explain to her great uncle, informing him of her ill health.  At night, when everyone was empty, she went to her great uncle.  He seemed to be lying down.  

At the first yellow light of the lantern, his face looked even weaker.  "You know, Gandhiji is in jail. I know he will never die if he does."  "If, God willing, something happens to them, the brave British will forget all their cunning. 

There will be such a big storm which will cost the British even more than the war. "All right, big uncle."  "All right, big uncle.  He said in a weak voice.  Now how could she explain to him what to say to her, she would soften his head gradually.  

You don't worry about your health, we are all on your own.  They are and are at the forefront of achieving the independence of the country. I also feel like I am getting weak these days. 

Just raise the price of the lantern. Just as soon as I get independence I will restore the electricity connection.  It does not allow the light of the lantern to read at night. "Alia got up and raised the lantern too. 

Who will be there after independence? Then the service of the country will start, the power connection will be restored.  This house will be plunged into darkness. 

Alia thought to herself and then sat next to her great uncle. What happiness was on her face at that time. Maybe the idea of ​​freedom was fading. Then everything will happen.  "You read my books, don't you?" He asked. "Yes, I read, big ones.

Are  "Even after reading so much, that girl is the sound of the dome. That was the purpose of British education." Big uncle took a deep breath. Alia didn't answer.  

After a while he started snoring and Alia walked out of the room with her feet down.They were swaying here and there.  Aman and Badi Pechi were probably sleeping in their rooms but Crane Hua was still sitting by the stove baking her old bones.  She walked quietly up the stairs.  

• Najma's aunt was still growing.  

Alia closed the door that led to them and lay down on her bed.  From the high school came the sound of owls talking, some stray dogs fighting in the street and some crying.  She found it scary at night and remembered Kariman Boa.  

When dogs cry, disaster strikes.  What other calamity is yet to come?  How would Dad spend his days in prison?  How the night went, the night did not pass, the night passed.  

How restless, how helpless, how the eyes became irritated while waking up --- Allah, Allah, they would groan again and again and dogs would walk in the street crying.  Late at night, when the municipal lights went out, the room became pitch dark.  

When the rooster crows, she falls asleep.  The thought of the morning had removed all the calls from his mind.  Someone knocked on the chain and his eye was opened.  Najma Phu Phi's trembling voice pierced her ears ...  Hi Mazhar Bhai died in jail.  

Mother's screams were getting louder.  Big Chi was crying loudly and she could clearly hear the sound of Kariman Boa's beating.  Still, she lay motionless on her bed.  She was looking around with tears in her eyes.  

How did it happen in the morning, in the morning, in the night, when the sun disappeared, did my father die?  She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream.  She could feel her heart pounding. Omar couldn't do anything and Crane Boa came to her beating her chest. 

She wrapped her arms around him and took him down.  Where was John at his feet? The older uncle was standing in the courtyard.  What are these big ones?  Are they alive  What has happened to them?  Big uncle didn't even look at him.  

She stood beside them.  Aman was weeping profusely.  There was helplessness in his eyes.  What a pity.  The dust of misery was flying over his face.  Alia, fighting, stepped towards her mother and hugged her.  

• And then she realized she could cry too.  

He must have been killed by the British, he didn't die himself, he can't die, my brother's big uncle sat down holding the iron chair ... I'm going to take him." Big uncle on his knees.  

Holding hands, as if standing with great difficulty.  Now everyone was sitting on the window sill, weeping. The sun had gone down from the courtyard and climbed on the walls, and a crow was moaning. 

Whose arrival are they now announcing?  Alia wanted to kill the crows sitting on the wall. All eyes were on the President's door. It was getting late and the older uncle had not come with Abba yet.  

If anyone's footsteps were in the street, everyone would be shocked. If a poor person made a noise and passed by, it would be known that Ben Karin Boa had made a stove in the yard and put water in a big pot and sealed wood.  

In my lap  The Holy Qur'an was being recited.  The air in the yard was getting colder.  Many footsteps were heard in the street and then Israr Mian's voice.

                       (Next part)

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