They did everything they could to make the scene better.

They did everything they could to make the scene better.  "It simply came to our notice then.  

Putting her father's body on the bed left in the porch, when everyone went to the sitting room, Alia ran to the bed.  Aman was weeping profusely from the bed sheet.  Najma Phu Phi was calling her brother Raja.  

The older aunt was hugging the mother and the Quran was being recited with the crane bowing its head.  Alia rolled the veil over her father's face.  Is this Pitch Pitch Dad?  He wanted to recognize that the prison had left nothing.  

Big Uncle Alia took Big Uncle's hand.  He stood silently, bowing his head to his brother.  "They killed my brother.  He did not even earn the reward by killing the British ruler and he gave such a great punishment.  

I will tell everyone that I will take his funeral in procession.  The bones were sold with enthusiasm. "Who will take out the procession?"  "Mother stood up for a moment. When they were alive, they belonged to you, they were your shadow. 

Now they are mine. No one can desecrate their corpse."  Then Dad left.  There was a commotion and it stopped.  How much lust there is in the last visit, she wondered why the picture of Abba was not drawn in her puppets.  

About eleven o'clock at night, Israr's mother and elder brother returned from the graveyard.  At that moment, the tears had stopped and the patient's heart was pounding.  

Tell the crane-clad little bride that if I had died in their place, I would surely have died.  But the servant is very helpless.  Israr Mian's voice tore the senate.  "You can't die Israr Mian, you will live, you can't die. 

On the evening of the third day, Zafar Pacha and his uncles came from Hyderabad Deccan.  Aman was getting very restless with her brother.  

There was a strange begging.

And begging in their eyes but the uncles were stealing their eyes, they did not want to see anything.  Would his English wife have committed suicide by embracing the snare of family life.  

Zafar Pia was exhausted from the shock and kept saying that if my brother had lived in Hyderabad, this fate would not have happened today.  Then in the evening they set out for the land of their secure government.  

He promised to help Aman in every possible way. A letter came several days later.  Maybe he wrote in tears.  The tears spread the ink.  In the end, she wrote that she no longer wanted to come to this house because of the small village.  

He still hadn't written anything about himself.  A letter from Jamil Bhai was also received.  He wrote that even Mazhar Chacha could not die.  They will live forever.  He wrote to come on a two-day vacation. Alia's heart was not found.  

How heartbroken she was after her father's death.  How quickly the spring passed this time.  Lots of flowers and sunflowers bloomed in Kiari but there was nothing attractive in them.  As soon as he got bored in the mango trees, he started screaming.  

But an unknown anguish did not bother Aaliyah's heart. What would Aman think now?  She used to live, Alia used to sit with her wings but she did not speak her heart out.  The heat was intense.  

If it seemed easy in the evening, the children of the neighborhood would make noise.  "Yellow wind came. Yellow wind came." Hardly a day goes by without a wind blowing. All day long, the whirlwinds were moving in the street and Alia was lying in her small room thinking about her future.  

They were not cutting. 

She wanted to run away from here now. Every single thing in this house would run to cut her. If she went to the valley room, she would hear her sharp breathing.  

She would look down and when she saw the iron curry, why would she start to panic and then run away ... the desire to run away would start to take root even more. Jameel bhai could not even come to comfort her.  

On the other hand, she was disgusted with Jameel Bhaiya. Came out and came to the roof.  Najma Phu Phi was still sleeping in her room.  On the other hand, for a few days now, they also seem to have changed.  

The book was lying open on her chest and she kept thinking what to do.  Alia thought many times that in this way Najma Phu Phi's English would be weakened.  Boys were flying red and yellow kites from nearby rooftops.  

The voices of "she kata" were coming and the seller of rose bundles in the street was as if he had become a part of this street.  He wanted to see and count the kites with interest but in a short while he was stunned.  

Today she was very sad and upset.  

She was lying on the bed in the sun all day.  "Mom." Alia sighed.  She was surprised when her mother came.  Time passed, he did not even step on the stairs.  

She had never talked to him in solitude.  Then, after the death of her father, she was like a lost Buddha.  Will you go to Aligarh to do BT?  He sat down next to Alia and asked, "I will definitely go. 

Write to your uncles so that they can send more money."  The waiter birds were flying in a row.  Alia looked at him reluctantly and then Aman's face began to sting.  

Despite some thought, she looked very satisfied at that time.  "Alia, what will become of us now, baby? The truth is that we are ruined. If there was a boy in your place, I would not be so disappointed. 

Well, now you are everything. She has to do everything."  "There was a gleam in my mother's eyes."I say give up the idea of ​​going to Aligarh now.  God bless Jamil. I will take all the money from your uncles and give it to him. 

Your drink shops will be open in a few days.  He is a very good boy, he has always treated me well, God bless him.  I think that if I had said that after the war your uncles would have given him a big post.  

As for your big drink and mystery, I will make them walk away from this house soon. There is a house built which is no less than Mili.  I will write all your names.  Tashkeel is considered dead, otherwise he would have written a letter to his mother.  

After saying everything, Aman was looking at his face.  Alia understood everything.  He opened his eyes and looked at his mother.  The witch of the stories heard in her childhood seemed to be trembling in front of her hiding her face.  I will go to Aligarh.  

Congratulations to this house.  

It would be better if you did not think such things.  Alia said sternly and turned away as if she didn't want to hear anything anymore. That is the nature of a father.  I know you can't see me happy.  You want me to be homeless.  

My lost kingdom will never be found again.  The mother put a blanket of dupa on her face and started sobbing.  Alia sat silently like a stranger and watched him cry. She sympathizes with the ruined life of her mother.  

She wants to comfort them but she doesn't know anything and what a dangerous scheme she was trying to destroy.  Being a mother, she is pushing him.  

Jamil never tried to capture the joys of life for a single moment and now that he has gone to earn money, his goal is to eradicate fascism.  She will never live a life like that of her aunt and mother.  

What kind of life has Aman lived? Dad couldn't be at home even for a minute what.

                     (Next part)

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