Alia lifted her clothes as if she were touching something very sacred.

Alia lifted her clothes as if she were touching something very sacred.  She wanted to tell everyone behind the scenes that these clothes were sent by Israr Mian. 

It is a gift of their love and dignity but she could not say anything.  She slowly put the clothes on the bed and went upstairs to her room.  Najma's aunt was sitting in her room doing make-up.  At that time, she was all her own and looked very disgusted.  

So far they have not taken part in any work but today I feel compelled to say goodbye to the campaign.  All changed and Alia came down again.  The sun had turned yellow and had risen on the Vivars.  Everyone was waiting for Barat.  

She went to Mehmi and sat down.  When the noise of coming to Barat was heard, Mami's color faded.  Come on!  "It's like he's scared of something," he shouted.  "What's up, Hami?" He hugged her too.  

She was wrapped in a trembling enigma, but what was happening to her?  She herself was trembling.  Aman, 'Aunty Sajida Apa and Crane Hua' all came in the room.  

Crane Boa had a plate in her hand which was adorned with wedding ornaments and Sahra from Saral.  "All the people are coming for the veil. They are coming for the marriage. 

When the voice of Israr Mian came, they took off the veil and covered themselves with the veil and all hid behind it."  The power of God, come to teach the mysteries of marriage, may God bless you The wind was blowing.  

Chhami said "I am" so easily that Alia was surprised.  He felt that the Baratis would remain at the door till the Day of Judgment.  Centuries will pass on the witnesses who hear it and even the winds will not be able to remove the veil of the veil.  

• Witnesses went back, singing. 

Congratulations to me.  Ho Mubarak Tri came from her father-in-law.  Sajida Apa also made her a bride in a short time by wearing a red dress.  Alia sat apart, as if she were paralyzed.  

When everyone left the room, Alia also changed her mind.  What a wonderful way to screw people over.  - Married, fell asleep, finished the game, digested Monday.  "Bhiya opened her eyes and said softly. Nothing happened to Alia. I am in such a state that sometimes there is nothing left to hear. 

Alia walked out in silence. Even in the milky light of gas, her father-in-law  She was sitting on the moonlight with a big stool. She was eating betel on betel leaf. 

Tamba was being saved again and again and in the midst of all of them, Najma Phu Phi was sitting as the heroine of her time. How much did the groom read?  He asked, "What is the need to read the eight passages? There is no land, two buffaloes are all given by Allah.

Hami's mother-in-law said proudly.  Najma's aunt was smiling at these ignorant women of the village with great contempt.  The flood of your hair Came along  From the inverted head, his typical rustic face was clearly visible.  

• Alia wanted to hide her face. 

This is Mimi's groom.  Hami, who first wanted Jamil Bhai and then liked Manzoor, was not a flower of pride.  In return he just got something.  

When my sheen began to perform the ritual of saw mushaf, my mother saw the groom in such a way that my sheen was left pressing her finger under her teeth.  Even after the meal, the luggage started to leave.  

Jazz equipment was being loaded on the legs standing in the street and they were singing with great tenderness to me.  Aman was thinking of bowing her head and Najma Phu Phi was anxiously waiting for the end of the gathering of the ignorant.  

Where did the bad uncle get such a good groom?  Mimi put her head on Alia's lap and said softly. Alia hugged him and wanted to say something but he didn't get any respite and he took such a good groom in the midst of my laughter and put the veil on his leg.  

Aya. Alia swallowed her patch. She took Rowan Sita. I wish you could become Ram.The house was completely deserted after Chhami left.  The Muslim League and the Congress parties had left the house.  

No one teased anyone.  Everyone was as calm as a still pool.  They would come and go home with great pleasure.  There was no need to close the bank doors anymore.  The unfortunate infidels did not utter any slogan against the Congressmen.  

She would sit on the throne in the evening with the curtains drawn.  Keep looking at the coals in the mud.  What would Aman and Badi Chi think of shaking hands?  No one would talk.  No one was waiting for his letter.  Chhmi had never lived in this house like that.  

This is the condition of the house nowadays. Jameel Bhai's salary had put a little bit of life in the stove and the crane could hardly remember the time spent in the busy air.  Handy had to cook separately. 

• He had flatly refused to allow. 

Jamil Bhiya to spend a single penny of his earnings on himself. Jamil Bhiya had supported the British by employing him.  This Jamil, my children will be my enemy.  She cuts off her grandchildren and throws them away. 

Big tea is someone's father, neither her husband nor her husband. That is why she went to Lanka with Ravan.  Gaya and Jameel Bhai ignited the fire of Mamta and the fire of fascism Went out  It was freezing cold.  

Alia lay on the roof in the sun, either enjoying the books taken out of her great uncle's library or wandering around like a wandering soul.  Mothers rejoice in themselves.  Letters immersed in wide love for uncles kept coming.  She did not read these letters as much as possible.  

He had not even talked to Aman about going to Aligarh next year, yet he had decided that he would definitely go.  Occasionally there would be a letter from her father to read, which would make her feel new life and would count the days of her release with great uneasiness.  

How did the free time?  To whom did he speak, to whom should he speak?  Alia would sometimes feel so confused that she would cry.  I wish Najma would consider him worthy of talking.  

But she had taken Urdu even in BA, so she was completely in their eyes.  It rained lightly throughout the night and the clouds thundered so loudly that the heart was pounding.  

The hail continued to fall for a while and when the window was closed, it seemed as if someone was hitting loosely.  When the light rain fell, she fell asleep.  He saw Jamil Bhai in a dream.  

Where were they running to save their heads from the hail?  Alia shouted at him and stopped.  "I didn't tell you, Aaliyah" and then her eyes opened.  

The clouds were thundering loudly ...  God bless her to come back safe and sound. Aunty's mother-in-law stays cool "... Alia prayed loudly but she was reluctant to think about where Jamil Bhai came from in her dreams. 

• The morning was very cold. 

The night was very cold.  The roof of the temple was getting wet from the rain and the labor was still getting wet.Many people in the neighborhood were killed in the fighting.  

But here she did not come so far in the sound of crying, just heard the news but here for a few days the whole neighborhood was cut off from this house.  She used to tell all the news when she came back to the neighborhood.  

Who ended up on the front?  Whose daughter is getting married?  Who gave birth to the boy?  Who went to jail behind his party and who died of old age?  She hurried downstairs.  

The iron ore lying in the courtyard was being washed away by the rain of the night and the hawthorn plants were bent on the ground by the hail.  She sat quietly on the throne, listening to the cries of Aman and Badi Pechi, who were drinking tea in silence.  

Kremen was praying for the safety of her home while cooking air prathas.  "Who died?" The eldest daughter asked herself. The president opened the door loudly and came to the courtyard of Jhuwar's bhangan on his back.  

It takes a beating.  Standing in the courtyard, she reported and then got to work. "Take me, I went. Big aunt put her hand on her chest and leaned forward. My Jamil."  They will not go to the front. They have another job. "Alia grabbed the eldest daughter.  

If Allah wills, Jameel will be well.  How far is Calcutta from here? Send the mystery and find out how it is.  The mother was also explaining, but the restlessness of the elder sister was not diminishing.  

                   (Next part)

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