Islamic History

Hazrat Daniel, the new lemon grower, has said that lemons, however, are somewhat yellow.  

But it smells good and tastes good and looks good and they say that it is one of the fruits of paradise and it is good to see it in a dream.  

If one sees only one memory in three dreams, then his interpretation is childish and if you see a lot, you will get wealth and blessings and the most patient car in a dream is better than one.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that taranj is a rich and handsome man in a dream everyone likes him and if he sees that he has a date or someone has given it to him, then the argument is that he will love such a man.  

And if terej sees tudil in his iapthey will have a handsome boy and if one sees that he has eaten tarabh, then the proof is that he is successful with his wealth or the wealth of an elder, and if he sees that he has to hide and drink, then the proof is that his child will perish.  

And if he sees that there are many taranjis in his house and forgives someone, it is a proof that he will do good for someone and if he sees that terej is in his sleeve, then the proof is that his son will be born from kanir and if taranj has fallen off the sleeve, then the proof is that he will have a son.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are four reasons for seeing taranj in a dream the first lady is beautiful second, pure religion third friend, fourth, farz mad sharif and Saleh.  

Hazrat Ibn Sireen has said that in a dream tarnjabin wealth is halal the command is the almighty.  «وانزلنا عليكم المن والسلوى ما من طبيبات ما رريفكم (Translation)  Eat the clean things we give you and if he sees that his words are interpreted or someone has given it to him, the argument is that he hopes to get a lot of livelihood from the place and his business will be very organized.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that if one sees or eats taranjabin in a dream, then there is evidence that there are three reasons the first is wealth and sustenance without any manman tightness in two economies and jobs third, to find the meaning of the heart.  

Hazrat Muhammad Ibn Sir Main, who is a devotee of tarw dogh and Kisi, has said that eating tarw dogh in a dream is a proof of you and sorrow prostitution (survival of the fittest) If a person sees in a dream that he drinks patience, then his interpretation is good because he has a job that everyone needs and Eid is that tara (Sabri 

Hazrat Ibn Sireen has said that those who are impatient and bitter are evidence of harm and loss opium (antidote) the evidence is that he will be relieved from suffering and all things will be open to him.  

If a person sees in a dream that he belongs to a woman, then he is married, then it is a sign of honor and greatness, and if he is married to a rich woman, and if he sees that a woman has been divorced, then it is a sign that his greatness and honor will disappear.  

And if he sees that he has married a dead woman and has had sexual intercourse with her, then the proof is that he will get something from her land and wealth and if he sees that he has not had intercourse with her, then.  

The argument is that this  Will get some of his wealth and if a woman sees that she has worked with a man and that man has gathered with her in the woman's house, then the argument is that the woman's property will be damaged or her condition will change.  

And if someone see that it belongs to a woman but he did not see the woman and did not know her condition so the argument is that his death is near and if he sees a woman and there is an unwanted place and that house is the land of a dead person and he dies he is gathered with this woman.  

So the argument is that the woman will die and if that house is known then it is a proof of loss of woman.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a married woman sees in a dream that she has another husband and has not seen marriage, then it is a proof of honor and dignity and excess wealth.  

And if he sees that his marriage is about to take place and he has not seen or recognized the marriage so there is a fear of death for him and some say that a man will die at his hands.  

And if he sees that there is love and he has become the seeker of an unknown woman and if koli sees that a radiant woman has come in his marriage and has had intercourse with him, then the argument is that the difficult task will be easier for him and if he has not had intercourse then what we have said will be inferior.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if one sees in a dream that he has married a virgin girl and has lost his virginity the argument is that this year he will have a wife or a concubine and will see goodness from the king and if he sees that he took the virgin girl with him so the proof is that he will get haraam wealth.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are four reasons for having a woman in a dream second, excess wealth third rest fourth, marriage and happiness explaining and glorifying.

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that glorifying in a dream is following the command of the almighty if one sees in a dream that he is a Shia, then the proof is that he will be obedient to the truth and will be saved from grief and sorrow.  

And if he sees that he keeps it with him in the dream, then grief will come to him but he will get his reward and reward and if he sees that he is thankful to the almighty with the shaykh, then the proof is that he will be strong in religion and will get wealth.  

And if someone sees this dream country, then the proof is that his country will be inhabited the almighty has said if you are thankful, we will do more for you.

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that Tasht is a maid in a dream. 

Hazrat Muhammad ibn sirin has said that there is a slave girl in a dream who has the needs of a house if he sees that he has a tray or someone has given it to him or if he has bought, then the argument is that the maid will bring a woman into the house.  

Pakneer will buy and if he sees that the vessel is (or has been) lost, then the proof is that his slave girl will run away and the memory will depart from the new one.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has bought a tray, then the proof is that the servant will make the woman a pauper.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are three reasons for eating tashtar in a dream first lady  دوم کنیر ک۔ third, to benefit women thirst: 

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that mir abi is better than thirst in a dream and if he sees that he is very thirsty and mixed in water, then the argument is that he will get rid of the pain and trouble for remembering the religion.  

And if he sees that thirsty water is not found someone gave it to him and he didn't drink so the argument is that ray and he will be saved and finally reach his goal the worker will repent and the reformer will be saved.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that thirst in a dream is corruption of religion and if he sees that he drank water while he was thirsty, then the proof is that he will commit sin and the amulet.  

If there is a debtor then the debt will be paid off if there is love, there will be healing if he is a prisoner, he will be released if he is on a journey, he will return safely.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if one sees that he writes a talisman and gives it to the people, then the argument is that it will benefit the people and if he gives amulets to people by writing and taking a price, then the proof is that he will be worried and sad.  

Takhar and Bar-e-taghri in a dream or a writer and a righteous woman keep the house right and do it.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a person sees in a dream that his marriage has been broken or lost, then the argument is that the woman will be separated from him or she will pass away and according to some builders, takhar is kanir and khadima tafsil and mature mussoorie is a proof of the sadness of dreaming of mussoorie in a dream.  

Hazrat Ibn Sireen has said that if a person sees in a dream that he eats cooked lentils, then the proof is that he will be sad or he will have a quarrel with someone it will hurt the result is that there is no good in eating lentils saying takbir and building construction 

Hazrat Ibn Sir Main has said that if one sees in a dream that he says Takbir then the proof is that he will live in peace from the mischief of enemies and the door of charity will be wide open for him.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are four reasons for building in a dream first, peace from the enemy second, liberation from evil and temptation thirdly, goodness and kindness fourthly, pistachio work.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin (may Allah be pleased with him) has said that if one falls in a dream on time and not a little, then there is torment and hardship of the world.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that seeing hailstones in a dream is due to sinful reason(Back) the solution in persian is called back. Its rate and interpretation has already been explained in letter p.

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if one sees in a dream that his worldly deeds are from the system and is meaningful so the argument is that this situation will change the command is the almighty  وَحَتَى إِذَا أَخذذَتَ الأَرضضَ ذَخرفرَفَهَ وَزِينَت) Translation.

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that seeing the body of a person in a dream is a proof of grief and sorrow that there is a people's economy and as much as Jari will see more excess I also have evidence on economy and if he sees that his body is emaciated and weak, then there is evidence for dervishes and busy deeds.  

And if he sees that his body is made of thread and has become red, then the proof is that he will live a life of luxury and luxury and this perfection will be more it is said that he will live a long life and run away on a daily basis and if he sees that his body is made of glass, then the proof is that his death is near. 

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if one sees that his body is straight and strong  So the argument is that it will work with the system and it will remain hidden and if he sees that his body is weak, then the proof is that his death is near.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if one sees that his body is right and strong, then the proof is that his work will be done by the system and it will be hidden and if he sees that his body is weak, then the proof is that he will be a dervishes and its secret will be revealed.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that if one sees abuse on one's body then it is a sign of strength and victory over the enemy and if one sees loss on it then its interpretation is against the first interpretation.  

And if he sees that there is swelling all over his body, then the proof is that there will be love tandro boy; to dream of tandro mini thunder is fear and terror from the rulers and common people.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if one sees a person with rain, it is a proof that people will have less fear and terror and will get more blessings and good and if he sees that the rain is heavy and the thunder is also heavy so the argument is that the dreamer will be frightened by the prayers of the parents.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that a little thunder and a little rain is terror from the prayers of zahid and righteous people.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that seeing thunder in a dream is due to reason the first arab second government third, trouble fourth, the wrath of the king if a person thunders in a dream from the time of thunder, then the proof is that goodness and blessings will appear in this country.  

And if any there is rain and thunder and lightning so the argument is that the people of this country will be afraid and terrified of the king and if one sees hail in the rain, then the proof is that there will be tribulation and torment and destruction in this country.  

And if anyone sees that electricity is very hard so the argument is that the voice and the house will be overwhelmed in this country and if he sees thunder and lightning and the wind is dark, then the proof is that the tyrant king will appear.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that in a dream, if the shadow of the pictures falls on the ground, it will strike especially if it is black, then it is an argument for grief

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are three reasons in the picture in the dream the first grief was wind second loss value and times Betrayal in wax works.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if one sees in a dream that he has come to bed from war and is in a place of peace so the argument is that it will be from the system and the range will be in comfort and ease  and if you look against it, the interpretation is not good.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if one sees that the fast has fallen in a narrow place, then the proof is that he will get into difficult work and will not get relief if he sees that there is a shortage of food in this place, then the argument is that he will be short of food and not everything is good in dreams.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that the oven is the elder in the dream and the head of the house and some interpreters have stated that the oven is a house in a dream.  

If he sees that the oven is in his possession, then the argument is that the affairs of the family will be arranged and there will be health, and if he sees that the oven has fallen and deteriorated, then there is evidence of. 

Torah and calamity and love and ruin of the family and if he sees that roni is burning in the oven, then the argument is that this amount of talal's sustenance and his work will be enough.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if one sees that there is a lot of fire in the oven and it is without light and the flame on the oven is without fire, then the proof is that the journey will go to. 

Jerusalem or Hajj the command is the almighty in the blessed place from the edge of the valley of ayman and some people say that the dreamer will have good and benefit goodness and benefit especially if it is new secondly, the man is very strict. 

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if you have a bad dream, especially if it is new, then there is good and blessing if he has done this, then there is evidence that good and benefit will come to him. 

And if he sees that his bad deeds have been lost, then his interpretation is against the first one if someone sees in a dream that he has done this, then the proof is that he will repent of all his sins and disobedience and will do good deeds for the pleasure of Allah almighty, and will raise his hand from this world and seek the Hereafter. 

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said there are four reasons for dreaming First, repentance from sin, second, pleasure of the almighty, third, the path to the hereafter, then the third serum.  

If one sees in a dream that he has applied kohl and has meant the light of the path, then the proof is that he will seek the advice of religion and if his intention is against it, then the argument is that his religion will work hypocritically on people so that people will like it or not.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if one sees that someone has given him cold so the argument is that he will get so much wealth and ifIf he sees that he has eaten sarma, then the proof is that he will be needy and sad.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that if one sees that under the armpit he puts kohl to remove bad smell so the argument is that he will do his own thing, due to which his praiseworthy goodness will be described.  

Tut (Shatut; in the dream, the lion has eaten the mulberry in the lion and the food of lust is grief) if you look at the season, it is much higher than the seasonless and if it is not at the season, then it is a sign of grief and sorrow.  

And if he sees in a dream that he has eaten mulberry, then the proof is that he will be sad and anxious benefit fighting for the third Woman torah 

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if he sees in a dream that he is reciting the Torah, then there is a clear evidence that he will get strength from a noble person and he will quarrel with someone.  

Victory will come and its meaning will be achieved tnd if one sees that he is teaching torah to someone, then there is a proof that he will get better from it that it benefits the people.  

And some interpreters say that he backbites and if he sees that someone has shot an arrow at him  so the argument is that the message will reach him.  

Especially if you see that he has put to touch and if he sees that someone has shot him with an arrow and his intention is aimed, then the proof is that he will receive his letter.

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