Angan History

How quickly the last winter night fades away even today the clouds had parted from the evening.  

The chill had increased the light bulb of the electricity pole near the window was burning with shame across the street, near the half-built school building, came the sound of owls talking from a clump of trees.  

His voice was being silenced even more at night there was complete silence in the adjoining large room      l wouldn't even feel the urge to change my crotch sleeping happily alia thought with great sadness oh, sleep was not coming.  

How painful it is to not be able to sleep at night this feeling becomes even more intense when there is a brand new place maybe the first night of the new place will be spent in this way insomnia.  

He tried to fall asleep again the window sill plunged the room into darkness, and she hid her face in the quilt and lay down as if she were asleep after lying unconscious for a long time, he realized that all his efforts we didn't know how to sleep.  

Memories of the past were swirling in my mind like a tornado she sat down helplessly on her bed she opened the window and looked out  across the street, the school building, the dense mango and poplar trees, were all in darkness how clean and beautiful it all looked in the evening.  

Sitting at the window, he saw all this with a little interest, but at that moment, in the darkness, the tree felt like black hills and when the wind blew hard, these trees looked like the ghosts of stories heard in childhood that's how sleep stopped he thought and slammed the window shut.  

As he lay down, he felt his body broken the anxieties of the day's journey were nowhere to be found hi bhatti that groan sleep does not come until the world of the brain is deserted memories of the past were pouring in from all sides People say forget the past.  

Looking back on what you have in mind, go ahead but he had inherited only his past the past from which he did not learn anything now how can he avoid this the circumstances in which she came here.  

Because of them, even more memories were raised will the mother be asleep or not what a silence in the house a passerby in the street passed the song in a croaking voice .

How will the night go for you dad, how are you going to spend your nights in jail it was as if a bubble blew in his stomach from far away came the sound of the bell ringing light rain had begun.  

The gusts of wind were humming softly on the window sills what will life be like for you he thought as if he was scared how dark the room was he felt as dark as his question he closed his eyes in panic.  

Sleep was far from coming, but in the memory of the past, she had come to sleep at night it was a desolate district this is how red brick houses are built There was no idea of ​​any order.  

It just feels like someone picked it up and scattered it there were so many temples in this small place raise your head in their gold as if praying to god in the morning and evening hours in the temples, the faint sound of the hymns of the priests would reach the house.  

How many trees there were the dusty dirt roads were lined with thick mango, jasmine and poplar trees on both sides in the shade of these trees, the passers-by were sad in those days it was spring i was bored with mangoes.  

I used to do it all the time in those days she had come there when dad moved to this new place, he felt very lonely and sad it was there that his consciousness was awakened and his ability to think and understand was born.  

On that day, when everyone had landed in the new house, there were large lumps of luggage lying around in the courtyard, which dad was feeding with the help of a chaprasi provided by the department.  

Although the mother seemed to be completely detached from the house and belongings, she had wandered around many times and had seen the high arched arches incoming rooms and bathrooms, etc tehmina apa was looking down and carrying small items to the rooms.  

Mother was half-lying on the curry resting with severe boredom safdar bhai was sitting arrogantly in the altar of his weak shoulder you also help your uncles aman looked at safdar bhai with great contempt.  

Leave him alone he's weak with a fever, but he's tired of the noise dad said softly it simply came to our notice then mother, grow up and then burn like a father they started feeding stuff together.  

Tehmina apa looked at safdar bhai in panic and then looked down and she became a little scared one day he realized that the atmosphere in the house was tense she was even more upset when she saw everyone's arrow she was remembering her old place.  

There were the first bungalows of all the officers from the line there was a mango orchard a little away from the bungalows there is a small pond nearby and in this pond children and buffaloes stand side by side.  

There were many girls and boys his age fun games were played all day if nothing else, the buffaloes sitting in the water would be dragged away and killed.  

Carries would be stolen by entering the garden, but when the theft was caught, the keeper of the garden would not say anything to them but would pick the raw mangoes lying on the ground and give them to them.  

They are the children of their fathers he touched their heads with great love kamala and rawsha used to tease him and make fun of his big teeth but he would not turn around.  

Khansaman happened at night to tell stories against his stubbornness the story of a prince and a princess who slept on the same bed with a sword in the middle.  

She would be very worried about this story if someone takes even the slightest crotch, then give it to shinza or the body of shinzadi should not be cut khansaman boa explains to him that brothers don't cut their bodies in stories.  

It simply came to our notice then even in her sleep, she would not change her mind due to fear where would that sword come from in his bed khansaman Hua and how she used to tell funny stories.  

The story of raja bhoj and gangu tili, the puppet food that ate everything in the raja's palace the story of the puppet was so good when the evil deeds of the puppet were reported to the Raja, they were sung in a very sweet manner.

The puppet ray king of wood has eaten all the horses said khansaman boa didn't he get angry when raja was told to sing she asked in surprise no son raja people have a very delicate temperament, everything has to be said in front of them.  

Otherwise, he should not feed the children in the crusher if she felt scared khansaman boa would hug her while protecting her from drinking the only thing he had in common with aman was that when he came out to play, he would hug her she loves him and instructs him to play again.  

He could only see it from afar we would go to the office in the morning and in the evening we would be full of friends they would all talk loudly, laugh and Khansa man boa would make tea for them she was then admitted to the school now his world had become even wider.  

Many of his girlfriends had come to school and friendships were growing with other new girls when she came to read, Safdar bhai would call her to him and ask questions about reading. 

He would laugh out loud at every answer wow, you don't know anything she was very upset and she tried to run away when she was in fifth grade, she started playing games with the advice of khansaman hua a large dollhouse was built in one corner of the courtyard.  

Dolls would be married in this house when the children of the dolls were born, the heaps received from apa would be cut off by the khansaman boa at the weddings and at birth.  

Sometimes the yolk also ripens on this day Kamala osha and radha did not accept the touch, they all ate yolks in the open.

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