
But there was nothing here he went out and looked around the shepherds were going to hunt the goats.  

Two four the children were sitting and playing in the mud two small mud houses were visible his house had only one two-storey house or the house of chaprasi which was made of the first mud.  

She stared at the high-rise two-story house for a long time, but there was no girl she could make friends with a man, holding a white shiny dhoti plow, hurried down and left.  

Then came the sound of singing on the harmonium from the upper floor of the house he repeated the words of the song but how uninteresting those words would be to him birds were chirping loudly on the treen she sat on the doorstep of the bank with great annoyance.  

He wanted to tear his clothes and run away from here son, come to us chaprasi's wife was shouting at him on the low wall of the courtyard she came in she had started packing a lot of things there were comfortable chairs left in the yard and she had made chalk tea. 

Apa safdar bhai abba and aman were all tired and silent no one spoke to her there was a small mandi plant in the middle of the yard, the leaves of which were turning very green.  

For the first time that day, safdar bhai spoke with such affection that she went to him and sat down on a chair near him when Safdar Bhai touched her head, she burst into tears there was a Safdar brother who could understand this.  

She sat on her chair and got tired in his lap let me tell you another story a poor boy who loved a princess yeah al that sounds pretty crap to me, looks like bt aint for me either apa was looking around nervously etThe moon was rising.  

Easy was bright but apa's face was much clearer than the sky in the light and dark of the courtyard he realized that day that apa is always lost even then, she was sitting on her bed, scattering henna leaves in a big lost way.  

The line in the middle of the corridor was very low chari was cooking in the kitchen mother was walking around the room carrying two lanterns in her hand when you enter the school, then many girls will become friends. 

Apa leaned towards her and took her hand and began to caress her but the intense feeling of sadness made her love even a little it didn't work releasing her hand, she turned her face away. 

Then she went to see the birds flying in the sky and she didn't even know when she fell asleep open your eyes mandir Bhai was leaning on him what was the need to wake him up from now on.

He grabbed her hand and then he bent down and hugged her legs brother khansaman didn't even happen here he asked which story is that he also ordered the story without caring for aman respect like apa got up and sat on her bed.

The rain had now intensified the wind was knocking on the door even going to bed was getting bigger he hid his face in the duvet he remembered the words of religion in such detail and what a reason for the brother to be poor.  

The reason for their misery was their mother's hatred father John loved them so much take care of their basic needs if I had not talked to apa safdar bhai I would have taken care of him.  

Aman was so saddened that safdar bhai is called FA pass after reading from her husband's money and reads books of al-zalm from thatt regardless of employment aman used to burn and eat all day long saying whose books can these books be a source of livelihood. 

This scoundrel will eat me and leave this house she was the youngest sister who studied in aligarh college and lived in a hostel there during the holidays she would go to her eldest brother's house.  

Well, she was out of sight, but safdar bhai was in front of her eyes all the time and it seemed impossible for aman to chase after her he would spend half an hour at home. 

Mother would fight over something and father would take the way out once he tried to listen to his father's words but he could not find anything except the names of azadi gandhi and azad.  

She was tired and ran away from the door yes, safdar bhai was so interested in these things that he sat with his head bowed for hours standing in the doorway, she would gesture to lift them, but safdar bhai would not be affected.  

She would get angry with safdar bhai in those days only safdar Bhai was full of his happiness what a common story was related to safdar bhai even on that day when she and you were sitting next to allama aman had started the story of safdar bhai.  

The father of this safdar badzat was the son of a poor farmer his grandfather and father worked on your grandfather's lands ln addition, they did the housework like servants how come these two unfortunate ones fell on the head of your grandmother who was not even covered by them in the house.  

By the way, your grandmother's nature was famous all over the village it was a sign of their severity that when a servant was angry with a servant, he would take a twisted reed and rub it with his skin.  

Oh, what pride, what horror, the souls of the people passing by would get constipated, but they would always speak kindly to safdar's ancestors your grandmother's condition was such that she never spoke directly to her husband and may (Allah) forgive the deceased.  

They also gave a lot to your valley they had two daughters who had three sons dawa had built separate houses for his relatives they were not allowed to come to your grandmother's mansion.  

Yes, their children would come to the mansion and call them haraam with your grandmother's names by the way, in those days it was not considered a bad thing to have children, so your grandmother would have tolerated all this.  

The glory of a legitimate wife would be twofold all the work of the landlord was entrusted to your grandmother the crows sent food and drink to both of them your grandmother herself had decided the matter of calling.  

They married your father and the village of their own free will she kept her daughters-in-law very oppressed, but they never abused me i was the daughter of a big house like hers my brother was studying in england i was as terrified as your grandmother.  

Your eldest daughter may not be able to stand in front of them if your grandmother bowed to anyone, she was your youngest uncle when the khilafah movement started, he moved to turkey then they did not know where they went.  

Yet your grandmother never shed a tear in front of anyone remembering his son, he did not sigh in fear don't let dab's eyes go down but (Allah) was pleased with something else yours sincerely phu phi made his face black at the age of fourteen.  

One day your grandmother saw with her own eyes that she was holding safdar's father's hand and whispering on that day, the grandmother locked salma phu phi in the room and beat her so much that her whole body turned blue.  

His body trembled when i sat down to apply baldi lime on his body even so, the punishment was too small for yoursalma phu phi they should have been buried alive.  

The next day, they drove safdar's ancestors out of the land and, calling two chamaras, ordered them to kick their shoes in front of everyone and drive them out of the village what is the fault of the fathers that their shoes were smashed in front of everyone. 

They both left the village hearing this news, the grandmothers became so terrified that everyone trembled after that, they neither dressed properly nor combed their hair your grandmother kept an eye on them all the time. 

One day I saw them in a very strange condition she had gone to the roof to eat sunshine a wild dove was sitting on the temple of Jaat near them and was roaring and salma was talking to her.

Pigeon so take the message of the princesses, a message to have mercy on my condition take mine too tell them that Salma is tormented by your separation.  

The dove flew away again, but I told your grandmother these shameless things it is known to all that (Allah) knows that the dove was the jinn grandma had locked the house and put the keys on her head before going to bed that day.  

But when he opened his eyes in the morning, both the keychain and your salma were missing your grandmother was sitting on her own he looked at them all as if to say that if he uttered a word, he would bury them alive i will be bitten by dogs.  

When grandpa returned the next evening wari talked for a long time in a closed room when he came out, his face was red with shame after telling this story, my mother had said with great sadness that if salma was mine, she would have poisoned him with her own hands on the first day.  

Went and fought with his father for salma with great shame i was in a bad condition i wish I had not been married to your father don't speak, but your grandfather knew that at that time he drove his daughters out of the house and sent an order to leave the village.  

The children did not leave because they were her husband's blood the three returned to the boy's house so it was disgusting to see their faces both 1the little boys were so stunned that in the rainy days, the bees lost their nests by sucking the false nests and died in their chests.  

Thankfully, they died salma had run away and got married fearing your father's threats, your grandfather apparently did nothing but wherever salma's husband would have worked, he would have released her salma and they both would have died of starvation. 

The raw thing is that they  You should have died of hunger like dogs but your father let them die like human beings when the grandmother got the news of salma phu phi's death, she wondered where her shame had died she began to weep over the death of her shameless daughter.  

Take 2 tears from my eyes surprised, she saw your grandmother, who was weeping among the servants at that time, they tied up their three sons your father and elder brother ran away on the death of this Kalmohi, but your good uncle kept everyone's honor.  

He refused to come to his death your grandmother wept and fell silent, but in my eyes she had no respect left she was compelled to remain silent your father and great uncle went to the village where salma lived and when your father returned so this is the word, bring Safdar to your chest.  

The house was destroyed on sight the three sons did not want to live in this village and sold the jagir to a nawab and went back to their jobs.

If it was a property i would have become the queen instead of the valley today, but it was written in my destiny now your grandmother is your eldest son.

                       (Parat 2)

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