Islami History

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that Patha is the one who gathers the present and its work in a dream.  

If a person sees in a dream that the tax has been blackened or broken, then the argument is that the friend, the lawyer of his work, will be separated from him and will leave the world.  

And if one sees in a dream that the muscles of his body have become dry, then the argument is that he will be separated from his friends.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that his muscles are the proof of his family and family.  

And if he sees in a dream that there are hard arrows behind his body so the proof is that his relatives and family will be weak in any case desert Jungle.

Hazrat Daniel has said that the desert has luck and sustenance according to its openness and openness in the dream and if he sees in the rose that the desert is raining then the proof is that he will accumulate a lot of wealth from his earnings.  

And if a person sees in a dream that he is wandering in the forest with a group, then he will get a lot of money and blessings from the journey and the provision will be abundant for him.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has come out of the forest, then the proof is that he will be saved from grief and sorrow.  

If dar sees that he has gone to the desert, then the argument is that he will be shameen and needy.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are four reasons for seeing desert in a dream the first sustenance and luck the second surprise and anxiety third, enmity and Allah, fourth, fear and danger of death but it will come out very soon.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that seeing onions in a dream is haraam, evil and unhappy if the dreamer is on the other side and restrains himself from eating onions then it is fine if there is no money, then he will accumulate haraam wealth and he will always hear bad things in it.  

Especially if he has seen it with his head and if he has eaten cooked onion then the argument is that he will eventually repent from eating haraam food and he will return to the Almighty.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are three reasons for seeing onion in a dream the first is haraam wealth secondly, backbiting, gossip and bad talk in the third deed.

Hazrat Muhammad Ibn Sirin has said that he has made a cup in his dream that he will have luxury and happiness with it and if he sees ari drinking from a cup, then the proof is that he will be happy with Kanir and will have a child from him and if he sees that he has fallen from a cup of water or glass  The child will die.  

Hazrat Jafar sadiq has said that the cup is in a dream for two reasons first Kanir K Second servant.  

Hazrat Daniel has said that in a dream you should see a white robe  and some of the interpreters have stated that the lining of the garment is the proof of his will and work and business and economy.  

If a person sees in a dream that he is wearing a new and loose garment, then it is a sign of advice and goodwill and if you see an Iranian leash, its interpretation is between good and evil.  

And if he sees that his garment is old and worn out, then the proof is that he will be overwhelmed and helpless and sorrow and grief will come to him and as long as the piranha is old and dirty and more torn.  

There will be more trouble and fear the dreamer will die and if he sees that the king has clothed him and given him his robe, then the proof is that he will take the kingdom from him.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has a new foot, then the argument is that apparently there is evil in another.  

And if he sees that his shaman and shalwar are all fair and old, then the argument is that if you are a Nagar, then you will become a dervish and there will be grief and sorrow.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if a person sees in a dream what he has done and is wearing a loose shirt so the argument is that it will be wide on Ali.  

And if he sees that the garment is tight, then the proof is that the garment will be tight on him and if he sees that his shirt is torn so the argument is that Ella will appear.  

And if a person sees in a dream that his feet are unspeakable and there is a crack in it and he is wearing soft sleeves.  So that's the argument.   

His death is near and if he sees that his legs are long, then the proof is that his work will be ego and his intention will be fulfilled and if one sees in a dream that his collar is torn from behind, then the proof is that he will be falsely accused.  

The command is the almighty and if his shirt is torn from behind, then it is and if a person sees in a dream that he has given this garment to someone and he has got that garment on himself, then the proof is that there will be grief for a while and good news will come to him from somewhere.  

The command is the almighty take this shirt of mine and put it on my father's face he has to give and if he sees that the shirt in his hand is bloody.  

So the proof is that you will be in sorrow for a long time and if he sees in a dream that he is wearing a full shirt, then the proof is that his work will be scattered and this car will be visible .

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that the interpretation of seeing a new and wide paradise in a dream is based on reason first people visit the second seventy so happy fourth state fifth, rest and happiness.  

The Sixth Gospel Bait-ul-Ma'mour bait-ul-Ma'mour is a house in the fourth heaven above the Ka'bah and the angels ring there.  

Hazrat Ibn Sir Main has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has gone to bait-ul-Ma'mour, then the proof is that omar will appear among the people with trust and bait-ul-Allah will work and will be safe from enemies.  

And if he sees Bait-ul-Ma'mour on earth, then the proof is that he will be the companion of the just king of the world and if he sees that a house has been built in bait-ul-ma'mour or he has slept in it.  

So the proof is that his death is near and if a person sees in a dream that he is doing tawaf around bait-ul-Ma'mour, then it is in this thread that he will leave this world.  

And if someone looked at bait-ul-ma'ur like someone else and offered prayers in it so the argument is that all its intentions will be fulfilled.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a person sees in a dream that the road from the earth to Bait-ul-Ma'mour is open then the proof is that many people will perform Hajj and Umrah and if he sees that Bait-ul-Ma'mour is adorned and the angels circumambulate it.  

If they do, then the proof is that the scholars and mothers will be from Dinan and will get honor and status.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that in a dream there is a proof of Feroz and Deknai and strength and meaning.  And if a person sees that turquoise has been lost, then the argument is that his intention will not be fulfilled.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has many non-elders, then it is a proof that hisWill do oil and will get honor and greatness.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are four reasons for seeing Piroza in a dream the first tilfar and nusrat second, need.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has become old and his hair has turned white so the argument is that he will get it twice and if he sees an unknown old man who is happy, then the argument is that a friend will fulfill his purpose and will come with grief.  

And if he sees a known old man in a dream that he is happy and happy the argument is that he will get something out of it and if it is sour, then its interpretation is against the former.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has become old then it is a proof that his honor and status will be harmed and he will be proud of the world and if a young child sees that he is old then it is a proof that honor. 

And he will get rank and will be engaged in the work of the Hereafter.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin (may Allah be pleased with him) said that in a dream there is wealth and a city and if he sees that there is a body on his body, then there is evidence that he will get the same amount of help and some interpreters have stated that there is an inheritance in a dream.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are four reasons for dreaming first mother second legacy third benefit fourth occupation Appearance.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has had intercourse with a man who has died if he is a transcendent reformer and I believe that he will get the benefit of the hereafter and if he is corrupt and stingy, then the proof is that he will benefit from haraam.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that in a dream the forehead is the honor and status of a person because it is a place of prostration to Allah almighty and some have gone to see what is the proof of the forehead of the son that one of his family will have a home.  

And if a person sees in a dream that there is a mark on his forehead, then it is certain that the owner will be famous in dreaming and abstinence and if a person sees in a dream that someone has hit him on the forehead and the blood has become the first, then the proof is that his honor and status will be higher.  

And if a person sees that his forehead has become small and narrow, then his interpretation is against the former and if a person sees in a dream that his forehead has turned away from his condition so this is proof that he will be harmed.  

And if you say that the hair on his forehead is forward so the proof is that he will be in debt and if he sees that the hair is in red or white, then the argument is that it will be due to debt and if a person sees in a dream that he has a swelling on his forehead, then this is a sign of wealth.  

And if one thinks that a snake or something else has come out of his forehead, then the proof is that he will get the same amount of pain and suffering from his enemies.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if one sees that there is an eye on his forehead, then it is a proof that he is careful in the work of his family and if he sees that there are many eyes on his forehead.  

So one argument is that he thinks carefully about his own interests and if he sees that the letter is written on his forehead, then the proof is that he will come to the world to fight.  

And if he sees the verse of mercy written on his forehead, then the proof is that man will be blessed in the end and his death will be on martyrdom and if he sees the verse of torment written on his forehead, then the proof is that his end will be brotherhood his injury is against the first.

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are six reasons for seeing the forehead in a dream the first death, the second honor, the second greatness, the third child, the fourth economy, the fifth state, the sixth judo gift.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if one sees that in any work, such as worship, Hajj, Jihad, etc., then there is evidence that he will be saved in the Hereafter and he will be rewarded by Allah Almighty if one pioneers in the work of the world, the argument is that one will get Iqbal and wealth.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that it is better to leave one's profession in a dream and engage in another profession the argument is that his condition will improve and there will be progress in work and profession and if one sees in a dream that one gains in various ways.  

If these skills are good, then they are good and virtuous and if in evil then evil and evil are evidences and if he sees that some professions are doing evil and some have risen, then the powerful will be interpreted according to them.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that in the dream the forest of the tree is a wild woman if seen in the forest and those fruit trees the head is green, and if you look at the crop and eat the fruit, then the argument is that the woman of war origin will do it or the netter will be affected.  

And if the forest is seen to be empty of these things, then there is evidence of city and loss and if he sees that there are thorns on it instead of trees and he has been harmed by these thorns, then the proof is that he is saddened by the women and blindfolded the reason is the first war woman.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that drinking the Holy Qur'an in a dream is a proof that his religion is humiliating to him if a person sees in a dream that he has sold his slave, then the proof is that his work will be too much for him and he will be a tyrant.  

And if he sees that his other self has come out, then the proof is that his sanctity and greatness will disappear and the two will be infamous.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that the things that are dear in religion it is bad to sell it in a dream and it is not good to buy it pekan and Bhai's next pointed inn will be obtained with accuracy.  Elderly men are very dangerous to dream of.  

If you see that very fast pecan found or if someone has forgiven him, then the argument is that this.

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that in a dream pekan has power in the vision which will tell the opponent especially if the pecan is and is made of steel and if shaktabaz is agar, then its interpretation is against the first.

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