Islami History

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that whoever sees a minor slave as having become an adult, then the proof is that he will be free.  

And if he sees that he has set free his slave, then the proof is that he will leave this world soon and if the slave sees that he has sold his master, then the proof is that he will be needy and sad and if he sees that the slave has been sold, then the proof is that he will be happy.  

Hazrat Muhammad ibn Sirin has said that seeing a violet on a weather in a dream is evidence that it must have been sung by a woman or by a bullet and if he is bitten by his own tree, then the proof is that he alone will bear the grief.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a woman sees that the pint is akhara and has given it to her husband, then the argument is that the husband will divorce her and if he sees that someone has given him a purple band, then the argument is that there will be separation between them.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that in a dream, the violet tree is a bad-tempered tree.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if he sees in a dream that he has a new foundation, then the proof is that he will see such a special and common leader.  

And if the foundation is laid in an unknown place and it is not known whose country it is, then the argument is that the work of religion and the world will be useless and if he sees that the foundation has been laid on the land and in his own country, then the proof is that he will benefit from halal food.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a person sees that Niyad has laid bricks and lime, then the proof is that he will get haraam wealth and if he sees that the foundation of raw bricks has been laid, then the proof is that his rank will be higher in the work of religion.  

And if he sees that the foundation of solid brick has been laid and taken out, then the proof is that he will be busy in the affairs of the world and if the dreamer has a foundation and takes wages, then the proof is that he will get profit.  And if you see that the leaf is also the base of the brick so the argument is that the king will benefit.  

And if he sees that the foundation is made of mud bricks and mud, then the argument is that the leader will treat the common people.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that if he sees that he has built a city, then the proof is that he will take the group of people in his shelter.  

And if he seesIf the fort is built, then the argument is that it will live in peace from the mischief of the enemies and if he sees that the palace has been built, then the proof is that he will be engaged in the work of the world.  

And if he sees that he has built a house and is sitting in it, then the proof is that he will eat the thing of qaeda and if he sees that a mosque has been built, then it is a proof that he will bring people to the work of reformation, and if he sees that there is a bar of slogans, then it is a proof that his name is obvious in charity.  

The woman will do it and if she sees that she has made everything, then the proof is that she will fall into sorrow and grief and if he sees that he has made a garden, then the proof is that a pious and rich woman will do it.  

And if he sees that a graveyard has been built, then the proof is that he will be engaged in the work of the hereafter and if he sees that he has built a dome, then it is a proof that he will seek a place of honor, and if he sees a foundation that he has prepared, then it is a proof that he will complete the work of this world and religion all will remain.  

Hazrat Ibn Sireen has said that if the foot is dry in a dream, then there is a little action which will happen after the journey and if a person sees in a dream that he will get it at home.  

Hazrat Jabir Mutraqi has said that feet are richer and blessings which will be easily obtained and dry feet are less wealth which will be obtained from travel and if a person sees in a dream that he eats bread on foot, then the proof is that he will get some money from grief and sorrow while traveling and some interpreters have stated that it will be addictive.  

Which will get rid of very soon his is also the fruit of which you are a martyr teachers of art differ in the interpretation of the book within the dream some have said that he will meet the elders and chiefs from whom he will get good and benefit and will hear good praise and some have said that looking at a book is a child and some have said that it is lovely.  

And those who have interpreted it in such a way that it is said that this color is the proof of love and those who say that the journey will be with a long physical range their argument is that this is what Gabriel (peace be upon him) gave to adam (peace be upon him) when he left Paradise.  

Lahnd has the rule of long journey and sorrow and grief because adam's journey from paradise to the world was with all kinds of grief and sorrow that he got and the reason for those who have given the book to their son is that when 

Hazrat Adam (PBUH) came into the world, his semen increased more by eating the book that is why so many children came into being and those who have said that the old man will receive praise and goodness from the dead.  

Their argument is that it was Gabriel (peace be upon him) who gave and Adam (peace be upon him) who took it therefore, praise has been found to be good and beneficial and the teachers have not given a cursory interpretation of every dream.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that in a dream, even a string on the weather is a child in Tawil and if he learns timeless and yellow, it is lovely.  

Bihar Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that the interpretation of bihar is the king of bihar at the time if a person sees in a dream that the crop is spring and the weather is mild whether it is cold or hot and people are being harmed.  

So the argument is that the people of the country will be hurt and harmed by the king and he will also see and if you see in a dream that the air is mild and the flowers are open and people do not have any problem.  

So the argument is that the people of the country will benefit from the king and if they look at Bihar in its time with moderation, then the argument is that they will get honor and status and the common people will get strength and help from the king and the king will be just this is the interpretation of spring crop.

Hazrat Ibn Sireen has said that seeing paradise in a dream is happiness and good news from the almighty the command is the almighty enter it in peace and tranquility and if he sees that the paradise for me or someone else has given and eaten, then the proof is that the more fruit I eat, the more I will learn the virtues of knowledge and religion.  

But the benefits will not go away and if a person sees others in a dream, then the argument is that the time of dispute will be easier for him, and if he sees that he is in Paradise but is deserted, then the argument is that he will be inclined towards corruption and sin.  

And if he sees in a dream that paradise has been closed to him, then the proof is that his parents are angry with him and if he sees that he has returned to paradise, then the proof is that he will fall in love with death.  But he will be healed.  

And if he sees that the angels have taken him by the hand and taken him to paradise and at the time he is sitting in the shadow of Tobi, then the proof is that both worlds will be meant.  

Allaah says interpretation of the meaning and if he sees that someone has given him the fruits of paradise so the argument is that he will have a share in his knowledge.  

And if he sees that fire has been kindled in paradise, then the proof is that he will eat something forbidden from the garden of the new one and if he sees that he has drunk water from the pool of Kawthar, then the proof is that he will get victory over the enemy.  

And if he sees that he has got the ghee of paradise, then the proof is that the beloved heart will find peace and he will get married.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if he sees that Rizwan, the custodian of paradise, is as happy as khurram, then it is a proof that he will be happy and get blessings from someone the command is the almighty peace be upon you, peace be upon you.  

And if he sees that a good place is on a high place which is the form of paradise and he wants it to be paradise, then the proof is that the king will associate with adil or with amr or with the great scholar.  

And if he sees that it leads to paradise, then the proof is that the path will be on the right path.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that seeing paradise in a dream is due to reason first knowledge  دوم زہ۔  third favor the fourth happiness.  the fifth beeshart.  

The sixth peace, the seventh goodness, the eighth blessing, the ninth happiness if a person sees in a dream that he is in paradise, then the proof is that he will get the meaning of two worlds and he will get a lot of charity from his hand.  

If the reformer sees, then the argument is that the beloved will suffer in babylon so the people of paradise will be rewarded and will be learned and people will benefit from its knowledge.  


Hazrat Ibn Serena has said that the aspect in the dream is woman if he sees that his left side is swollen, then the proof is that both his wife and Kerr will be pregnant.  

And if he sees in a dream that the side is red and a bloody piece of flesh has fallen from his side, then the proof is that his woman will have a miscarriage and if he sees that both hands are on the side, then the proof is that he will be deeply saddened.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a person sees in a dream that the bone of his side is broken, then the proof is that he will be saddened by his parents or wealth.  

And if a person sees in a dream that both his sides have turned yellow, then the argument is that his mind will be sick and if he sees that there is a hole in his side and they make jewels out of it, then the proof is that he will have a transcendent and wise son.  

And if a person sees in a dream that both sides of it have come together, then the proof is that he will be saddened and if he sees that his aspect has become strong and mature, then it is a proof of the correctness of the religion and the qur'an.  

And if he sees that its aspect is small and weat ats interpretation is the opposite of the first dream don't kill usher will look into the aspect its interpretation refers to women and if you see that there are many aspects to it, then the argument is that there will be so many women and girls.  

And if he sees that a snake has come out of his side the argument is that a boy will be born to her.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that giving aspect in a dream is due to a piece of reason first lady second girl third cutter k fourth servant but the good woman who is in the house.  

Hazrat Ibn Sir Main (may Allah be pleased with him) said, and if he sees that someone has given him what he got, then the proof is that he will get so much wealth from the woman.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has killed a heron and eaten its meat, then it is a proof that he should eat the wealth of such a woman.  

Will  And the dream of waking up is a proof of greatness and if he sees that he has caught a heron and brought it home, then it is a proof that he should marry one of his own and will get wealth and profit.  

Bored or mat Hazrat Ibn Sir I have said that in a dream bory is a poor and despicable man and she is a weak and helpless woman, and the one who sees her will meet the people.  

And if he sees that the sack is made and finished, then the proof is that he will finish his work and if you see in a dream that there is a sack for the house, then the argument is that the woman will be engaged in doing.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has a puriya or someone has given it to him, then the proof is that he will be benefited by the woman and according to the size and size of the breast.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that there are three reasons for fulfilling a dream the first benefit secondly, to get married third, he was busy with his household chores.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that in a closed dream there is evidence of a deceitful enemy and if he sees that the monkey is sitting next to him and he is their absolute.  

So the argument is that he will overcome the enemy and subdue him and if he sees in a dream that he has fought with the monkey and is afraid of it, then the argument is that he will get sick and will be healed or there will be a defect on his body that he will not be able to get rid of.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if he sees that Bandar Kumar has been cast, then the proof is that he will defeat the enemy.  

And if he sees that his flesh has been eaten, then the proof is that he will fall into pain and defect and if he sees in a dream that someone has given him a monkey so the argument is that someone will act hostile to him.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has killed a monkey, then the proof is that he will be loved and healed quickl and if he sees that the monkey is sitting on the horse, then the argument is that the jew will make mischief with his wife and in a closed dream the mischievous woman falls into magic.  

And if he sees that the slave has come to his house, then there is evidence that the woman will do magic in that house and if he sees that the slave is talking to him, then there is evidence that the woman will harm him.  

And if a person sees in a dream that a monkey has bitten him, then the proof is that he will fall in love or hear abusive gossip from his family and if he sees in a dream that the monkey has given him something or he has eaten from it, then the proof is that he will ruin his property.

Hazrat Daniel has said that the pain of human body is adornment in dream and population of people.  

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that man's tree is lining and wealth and blessing if a person is suffering and his family is suffering, then the argument is that his brother will be widened and his wealth will be lost.  

And if he remembers his bird or sees neelad, then the proof is that he will be overwhelmed with grief.  And if he sees that the soles of his feet are bright, then the proof is that the intention of this person will be fulfilled.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that the redemption of all the beds is a dream come true and the shell of a camel is the vision of a big man and the pain of a goat is a provision for wab dream and if he sees seventy trees, his owner is fasting.  

And if he sees that the animal is lying down, then the proof is that he is related to this man, then he will get wealth from it, and if he sees that he has built a house to remove the bedding if there is a butcher, make a wall in his house and if there is a teacher, he will oppress the boys.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if a person sees in a dream that he is taking off the old poppy, then the proof is that the time will come to fix the old things and it will become the king's appetite when the rich and the leaders of the royal army will oppose the king in many ways  Fur coat. 

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if a person sees in a dream that fur coat is worn in winter season so the argument is that he will get something from his house and even if it is summer season then this is the interpretation but the result will be grief in the end.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has a fur coat of a goat or a lamb, then it is a proof that a rich person will earn money from it and if you see that putin is wearing samurai, then the proof is that you will be a rich woman.  

And if you see that ori is wearing a fur coat, then the proof is that you will be a pious woman but she will be cunning and cunning and if he sees that the rabbit is wearing fur, then the argument is that he will marry an unworthy woman.  

And if he sees that the cat is wearing fur, then the argument is that he will marry a bad woman who will be a thief and dishonest and if he sees that she is wearing a fur coat, then the proof is that he will marry a noble and pious woman.  

And if he sees that she is wearing a mouse coat, then the proof is that he will fall in love with an unclean woman and if they see that the fur is torn or the cat is lost, then the proof is that they will be harmed and will be able to grieve Kissing and kissing. 

Hazrat Ibn Sirin has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has kissed someone, he will have a friend and a lover and if it is crooked or known then the argument is that the nominee will benefit from the place and if he has kissed a known person, then the proof is that he will benefit from it.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if he sees that he has kissed a man out of lust then the argument is that if he sings good for the dead then he will remember him well.  

And if he sees that the man has kissed her, then it is a proof that he will have a friend and seeker, and if he sees that she is against him, then it is a proof that he will not find the purpose.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq (as) has said that there are four reasons for kissing in a dream the first good and benefit.  

Second, need third, get over them the four hear the truth.Ibn Sirin (may Allah be pleased with him) said if a person sees in a dream that a male plays the adornment and does not know how to play it, then the proof is that people will show it.  

If it is, then the argument is that he will lie among the chiefs and will insist on it by swearing and in the end he will appear in the u heir children appear. 

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq has said that the trumpet saves in a dream for four reasons the first is false news. The second is bad news I am a king or a great man in a dream because of which people reach the goal. 

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that the interpretation of the bridge is good in the dream that he will get honor and status from this king and he will see the benefit from it.  There will be a lot of stuff the command is the Almighty.  

Hazrat Jafar Sadiq (AS) has said that there are four reasons for the bridge in a dream the first is the man who serves everyone and fulfills everyone's needs the second king third, goodness and meaning the fourth is to get very small.  

And if he sees that the mill is ruined and the condition of the fallen king and his country there is evidence of a burden on tahadu to dream of a thief is to be a greedy thief and a jealous person.  

If he sees that he is fighting with the potato, then the argument is that his quarrel and enmity will be with a man and in all other situations it is useful to eat adkar.  

Hazrat Jabir Maghribi has said that if a person sees in a dream that he has a potato or if someone has given it, then the argument is that the thief will be defeated.  

And if he sees that he eats the flesh of a potato, then the proof is that such a thief will eat the wealth of a man and if he sees that he eats the flesh of a potato, then he is sure that the thief's child will be given to the slave or his disciple.  Scented and fragrant?  

Hazrat Ibn Sir Bin has said that in Khusha and har ho tawil there is good and praise and evil and incompetent thing.  

If you see in a dream that happiness is written, then the argument is that people will appreciate it and if you smell a lot of perfume in a dream, it is a sign of death because the fragrance of the dead is necessary.  

Hazrat Ibrahim Kirmani has said that if one sees in a dream what is fragrant in it, then there is evidence that he will be praised and thanked and if he looks against it, then there is evidence that people will condemn him and his notoriety will spread.

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