
She got up to leave quickly apa's death and his father's arrest made him very happy maybe that's how aman feels in the evening, there was no talk of dari one was the fatigue of travel.  

Grandmother had attacked the two ends seeing alia, the grandmother spread both her hands the skin of the emaciated hands was hidden but in spite of his great weakness, terror was pouring down his face.  

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Alia grabbed his outstretched hand with great devotion and rested her head on his chest she was also fixing the bed for herself the lantern in the niche had never been lit mazhar never came again my eyes are longing to see him grandma took a deep breath and alia pursed her lips.  

Everyone hid from the grandmother that her son was in jail and that too in connection with the attempted murder grandma doesn't get a holiday now her workload has increased a lot, that's why she sent us all to live here she started looking around to avoid Grandma's gaze thankfully everyone is getting together again. 

Do you know if your little one will come too wadi's eyes sparkled slightly chhmi raised the sugar of the lantern and blew it there was nothing left in the room except two tall black candles and two chairs.  

There was a picture of maulana muhammad ali johar on the wall did any letter from manzar's son come grandma, they are very busy her heart sank at the memory of her father well, it's a man's honor to work your little grandma's pillows are all a little too high.  

You know that he went to the time of khilafah did not come again at that time the khilafah was very strong i don't like such things but in other houses women used to donate their hats they made songs, what a wonderful song grandmother put the bill on theories and started thinking yes, he remembered.  

Don't worry about the old lady, dear son khilafah, all these are nonsense, in the same way your great uncles are trapped in foolishness but now who is listening to me, well, someday you will come to your senses and say oh, what a filthy room it is. 

Grandma's saliva and urine from it, but i will let my grandmother stay in another room for a while this is my own room my great aunt says that i was born in this room hurry up she left murray and returned with a broom today he was thinking of cleaning.  

Because of the dirty room she was looking at alia with embarrassment and alia was wondering where her father would be, in which jail he would be, his letter would come now.  

Even after talking so much, grandma's breath started to swell, but when mimi started blowing dust with a hammer, she had a severe seizure i couldn't breathe because of the coughalia was caressing his chest in panic but was also sweeping with great satisfaction.  

Sweat was dripping from grandma's face and alia stood up in a dazed state crimson boa snatched in and came over to grandma both his hands were full of coming but. ----------------------------------------------------------


She was caressing and placing one hand on her chest as if stopping her sinking heart hey, tell your aunt to call the doctor immediately alia was witnessing such a severe attack for the first time. 

The doctor used to come and talk about such a thing grandma has a seizure like this every time the doctor is called, you are scared no matter what i will hide my face in the dupatta and stop my laughter will there be wind here he thought fearfully.

Dad used to call the doctor for a little sneeze, but even here he laughs in the name of the doctor the yemeni wind can be heard Everyone is busy with their work no one comes here after a while, grandma's breathing got better and she was exhausted. 

Crane Huwa was wiping sweat from her face how are you but what how was the anguish in the eyes of yemen boa call chhami grandmother said softly, then she stood on the doorstep of the room and started shouting at us.  

How can i come when i wash my face, she keeps calling all the time she was sitting on the bench in the courtyard, washing her hands and mouth she kept muttering something else all the stories of grandmother's horror flew before her eyes.  

When the voice came, she slipped away from her grandmother she was sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed at that time he looked at jamil bhai with great attention he was a good man at heart and could rarely do any harm to anyone.  

At that time, they were sitting in the middle of the arch of the corridor as if exhausted after planting all their belongings mom looked very bored it's just like a long journey and the destination is far away when will this journey end.

Alia asked herself and then moved towards her bed which had grown on one side of the courtyard her box and bed had to go in a small room upstairs i take it hummy's gargoyle's daughter was returning to the ground she was bedridden she was disgusted i don't want to answer you because of bijaya, otherwise.

Hami's face turned red get out i will take bijaya's bed myself shhami shook jamil bhai's hand and went to bed dragged off, she started climbing on the ground jameel bhai sat on the check post as if it was a spectacle with great pleasure. 

Lots of dust was flying from the rubbing of the bed closure the big chi got up in a panic if two mothers ever fall i too will see her helpless jamil bhiya khiya kar wow what a thing, they are happy to see the helpless jamil bhiya, then there is another mother, they will be very happy.  

Alia called jamil bhai from the plane and then looked down they were already staring at him they 4 holly hurried behind, but the bed had already gone up he also smiled proudly when he saw her look, jamil bhaiya, who was brought alone in bijaya, was tired of carrying a little luggage. 

If he had climbed on the bed, he would have started laughing he laughed out loud as you can see now, how could she say that this gout was cracked even when she was taken out of the box for drinking these old clothes belonged to her late mother who was now covering her body.  

Alia went with mehmi to open the bed it was getting late in the evening but there was no light in the street yet at night she rolled up the bed on which she was lying and made her bed i used to live in this room the biggest advantage of this is that you can get electric charitable light from the street i prepared my ba here.  

Otherwise, in the light of the lantern, the eyes would be opened this big room would also be empty no one would come here at some point, some bats would come she was standing on the open roof outside the room.  

Was apa's marriage taking place with the same rudeness he thought with great disgust oh, she shouldn't have won with him even for a few days is this the same person whose name she used to be happy with with her father.

As he was leaving, he turned around and saw jamil bhai standing where he was standing i was so eager to meet you, just tell you what said amy you have read it, that is why it is big

                         (Parat) 8

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