
Dad had been very busy for two or three days arrive late from the office.  

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His English officer was coming to check apart from fixing everything, dad was also arranging for her to stay at the post bungalow many of apa's hands clasped well they are abusing the british and now that he is coming, the city of fear of death is lost.  

Then his body would catch fire i wish she could be a mother for a while, then she would tell me what is the benefit of teasing dad was getting away from home and mom was drunk when dad came back at night tired, he had told him.  

Daughter, if you make a good arrangement for dinner, it will be a meal for one or seven men just in the morning, he is coming for inspection there is a limit. If you hate and are flattered, tell me i will arrange the invitation myself. 

After all, don't even ask in front of aman abba if i don't get drunk then you will start begging daddy hurried out and she couldn't say a word to aman. It was a pity to see her desolate face the next day dad got up in the shade of the stars and went to the station.  

She kept laughing, but dad didn't look at her

it was one o'clock in the afternoon, but dad did not come to eat she was busy arranging the night flight with her mother he had decorated the living room in a very new way and had ordered two gas pots and cleaned them thoroughly.  

Aman was preparing a variety of meatballs and kebabs and was going back a year to drink spices without pepper aman had never managed to kill anyone with such devotion the food was just ready when chaprasi entered the house without making a sound.  

He knew that he had been running away for a long time begum sahib got her babu ji caught by the police during the inspection, she got into a quarrel with the officer and her babu ji tore her head off with a roll then they wanted to scream, so they just opened their mouths.  

There was a commotion in the party where shall I go to them in abba he got up and ran away like a madman where are you going, batia then my head goes up he raised both his hands to kill chaprasi i am batia besi's slave, where are you going abuji is at the police station.  

Safe's plow was placed on his eyes dam phol used to say to his father-in-law, haramzada - the thief came towards him with red eyes.  there is blood in my eyes after a while, rai sahib came aman was standing in the doorway and talking to him he had given the address of his uncles to wire them.  

That's just the big uncle seeing her two or three times, she fell in love with him what if there were no older uncles how neatly the uncles were told that attempted murder is a great crime he was also in danger of taking care of the wife and children of such a man.  

Aman had clearly hidden this from her, but she had stood on the porch and heard it with her own ears he hated his uncles and the british so much that he wanted to chew everyone's herbs the older uncle came and put his hand on everyone's head.  

Within two days, the goods were sealed and loaded on the legs the big five were openly abusing the british his enthusiasm was further heightened by his father's death as the older uncle was leaving his father's friends and his leg was slowly crawling, he noticed that the caretaker of his school was moving very fast.  

Coming to tanga, he straightened his bloated breath and then lovingly took her hand don't be fooled, you guys your father was a good man your country will definitely come goodbye, goodbye daddy, what will happen to you behind bars?" She sat up on her bed.  

When the window sill was opened, a cold gust of wind touched it and passed her head was hurting i wish I could fall asleep or wake up in the morning she went to bed again.It was morning, the clouds had parted, and the sun was shining through the open window.  

Sleeping at night for only an hour and a half made my eyes water it looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring wow, you are still smiling shamima's complexion seemed to be getting bigger at that time. 

Alia looked at him intently, she would look so innocent, the angels have made her smile i am waking up late he got out of bed as usual and suddenly remembered that he was in a new place this is the new world and dad's loving cold it's too far.  

I haven't had breakfast yet.  Everyone was waiting for you have eaten shamima said with great pride brother, you would have had breakfast too the hurried with him hathmi made a bad face after climbing the stairs, both of them reached the floor.  

Lying on the porch smoke billowed from the holes in the sackcloth curtains the mother and the eldest daughter were eating betel leaves made from bad fortified pandan the dirt on the throne was for fifty spots of limestone, and the cremation was near the stove the smokers sitting on the perimeter were busy talking.  

Alia got up i didn't wake you up early to find out if you had a good night's sleep big chi sat him down i slept well, great aunt she looked at her mother the dust of night awakening and thoughts was flying on her face after doing this, boa put the pratha to warm up.

If the ghee is dirty and full, don't dry it even on that day, it's just a matter of time the creamy air breathed a sigh of relief.  1 all the stuff is tied like this after breakfast, feed him if you taste, feed him the Imam said softly.  

Jamil and shakeel will come and take care of this alia will like her room she will study alone she used to live there and dilman, will you come here to me the older aunt asked aman yes, I will stay here the mother spoke after thinking for a moment.  

She did not like to invest she was a girl of her house for four big sisters the engagement should also be broken dried ghee bread and camel tea in a little milk. 

While drinking alia realized that the economic condition of the house is not inferior it is as dry as fur don't play lastly chhami said so slowly that no one could hear Kariman Boa. It's fun, mehmi.

Alia stopped her sex if (Allah) wills there will be no harm to alia and mazhar's footsteps here it is not good for them but jamil has passed away after saying something, they became silent. 

If they were worried about their children, why would they be in jail today what did the british do to them for a while, everyone was silent, as if to think may (Allah) save this house from trouble too.

There was a faint sound and kriman boa slammed the tongs then pulled out a runny from the basket, poured the tea into the dirty cup and left the crooked back it is good.  

Shameless self-promotion for ballistic products and a great bargain on a neat little knife for you well, it's not over yet it will be the elder brother's deed the eldest daughter bowed her head like a criminal and looked down at her mother.  

Good said the mother in a very meaningful way and began to bite here she looked so isolated and high up alia listened to everything in silence and a wave of sympathy crossed her chest alas if the poor israr mian's other brothers had not sucked the honey bees of the mangoes, they would probably be alive today. 

They would have been Israr mian's companions now how can these poor people live alone among so many legitimate people go and sit with your grandmother for a while. aman ordered her and she.

                         (parat) 6

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