
Within a few days, Alia came to know about the situation at home.  

After selling the estate, bade opened two large clothing stores, which he used to run under his supervision they built this beautiful little house with a big chow.  

There was ideal prosperity in the house but when they started participating in politics with great activity, the shops started functioning under the supervision of Israr mian.  

That too would be spent on donations and political workers the older uncle had been imprisoned several times and had been sentenced to solitary confinement and handcuffs.  

Moses had thick black clocks at his feet while washing his feet, he would look at these black knees with great pride and love he was such a staunch congressman that he could not tolerate any party of pure muslims.  

They even doubted that he was a muslim in his eyes, people of every party except the congress were traitors to the country the great uncle was so engrossed in his world that he forgot the world of his home.  

He had married the only daughter of his firstborn to a modest boy that too just because the boy was a congressman from then until now, his daughter had been living with her four children, beating dung in her yard.  

The elder brother had no time to worry about his daughter's future or to find a family to eat and drink when the great aunt gave her daughter many decades of youth, she did not look better than her political activist.  

But a few days later, the big pecha hated this better man because he had separated from politics and lost some of his learned land and wife and children the elder brother still did not go to his daughter's house.

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He had enrolled jamil bhai in a free primary school najil bhai b  he had no idea how he read it when shakeel was now able to study jamil bhai beat him up and sent him to the same primary school where he had studied.  

Jamil bhiya was not made by his father, he used to make pure love were  he used to go to poetry readings and get back the lyrics sent in magazines and say bad things to the editors.  

Big auntie and kariman boa would spend the whole day arranging food for the guests while they were at home in the past, large meats were cooked in mustard oil so that hindus could buy whole vegetables from the shop.  

The creamy air kept muttering while baking lots of breads, tears kept coming in their eyes remembering the fragrance of pure ghee, still this house was running, everyone would get bread to fill their stomachs when the needs of the house were mentioned to the elder uncle, he would turn red.  

He would go and look at everyone with a smirk, touch his enlarged abdomen and then with great desire would explain to everyone.  

When the country becomes independent, everything will be gone in alla, you guys think a little deeper how far do you go in depth auntie used to get upset sometimes big uncle means fall into the well even she would make fun of such things and they would ignore her as if they had heard something.  

Where did such patience come from in the eldest child if he had been in the house, one or the other would have made ashtar, but he would have laughed and endured or would have taken the path of sitting outside.  

In this house, he would have known the body of a lesson in their eyes  centuries of suffering the worries of so many souls would only be on their shoulders mysterious husbands never bite the big girl's worries by cutting something from the shops.


Sometimes he would reduce it, but for a long time he kept making noises for a few loaves like the beggars lying in the bank fespite all this alia was very fond of big drinks.  

Just like he loved the universe even after complaining to his father she could not understand why the leaders of the misery and destruction of the house kept stirring love in her heart.  

When the older uncles came to the house, they would leave all the work and put water on the post to wash their hands and face seems to be comfortable.  

The elder brother would put his head on his chest and pray for him and then calmly close his eyes and also stop the laughter by sticking the plow of the dupatta in his mouth. 

The big uncles get tired and become thieves no  alia found her home life more hectic and tiring than her own, but she was somehow entertaining herself.  

He also instructed that these keys should not fall into the hands of jameel bhai these books are of no value for this useless closure.  

Her heart was drawn to every character in the books who ate pills for freedom and human well-being, but she also feared them she believed that such people they do not love anyone. 

They get married they have children and destroy them their own home does not belong to any part of the world they do not have human beings at home.  

There are those who bleed in a little while the end of pa was in front of him how sensible she was at the age of seventeen or eighteen how quickly worries and sorrows robbed her of her childhood.

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