Has condom use in India reduced the burden of family planning on women?

 Has condom use in India reduced the burden of family planning on women? 

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 According to the National Family Health Survey NFHS-5 in India, the use of contraceptives and styles has increased in the country.

 According to the check, while overall contraceptive use has increased by13.2 per cent, ultramodern styles have seen an increase of8.7 per cent. 


 On the other hand, if we talk about womanish sterilization and condom use, it has increased by an normal of1.9 and3.9 compared to the former National Family Health Survey of India. 

 In such a script, according to the rearmost statistics, the responsibility placed on women in family planning has dropped. 


 Experts working in the field believe that mindfulness about condom use has increased, but that condom use is still much lower than womanish sterilization. 

 Thus, it would be wrong to conclude from these statistics that men have started coming forward in fulfilling their liabilities. 


 Increased condom use 

Punjab, Uttarakhand, Delhi and Goa are some of the Indian countries where condom use has increased by an normal of further than 20. Meanwhile, the number of women using contraceptive capsules has increased in Assam and West Bengal. 


 Poonam Matrija, administrative director of the Population Foundation of India, believes that condom use is much lower than womanish sterilization. 

 Sanjida Arora, a experimenter at CEHAT, an NGO working on health issues in Mumbai, says womanish sterilization is still a common system of family planning. 

Indeed moment, in India's social terrain, the responsibility of family planning is placed on the woman and she's anticipated to suffer sterilization."


 Citing the illustration of Bihar in an interview with BBC, she says," Birth rate in Bihar is underdiscussion.

However, it has increased and this number is about 35, If we compare womanish sterilization then with the former check. That is a lot further than a condom."

 At the same time, she says the numbers come at a time when the country was fighting law-19 and had an impact on healthcare installations. 


 But despite this, the number of womanish sterilizations has increased. How much would it have cost if it were not for the law?'

 Poonam Matreja also seriously agrees and says that the government should work in this direction and move forward to annihilate rumors about condom use among men. 

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