Maria Memon's column Women's Pakistan

 Maria Memon's column Women's                  Pakistan 



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Qandil Baloch's killer family has been released and has reached home.

 In the case of Noor Muqadam, a new thing is heard every day Islamabad blackmail case is coming to an end Minar-e-Pakistan has been indicted in the incident.

 Force cases are still commonplace. The Minister of Religious Affairs is writing a letter to ban the Women's March.

This is the Pakistan of women There are laws for women in Pakistan but women infrequently get legal help. 

The law comes to mind only when an incident occurs, which becomes news in the media. 

For some time after that, it seems that there may be roughly far- reaching measures to cover women. When the news comes that the High Court has banned the purity test for women, also there's some stopgap. 


The atmosphere seems to be changing after a woman came a judge in the Supreme Court. This sprinkle of encouraging news soon turns into discouraging news and the thing gets back to where it was. 

 How to immolate a living family for the dying son of Qandil Baloch's family' (Photo Twitter) 

The real situation is that according to the law of Pakistan, the departed is considered the property of his family.

 This means that if the victim is weak and poor also direct pressure on those who are left behind becomes easier and if the victim is a woman and the killer is her relative also no inheritor is plant. 

 How to immolate a living family for the dying son of Qandil Baloch's family. This can be answered if the indicted isn't given this benefit. 


Then's another problem The complainants and substantiations in the case are also family members. 

The state and the police have defenses that real substantiations and real complainants aren't available. 

Indeed if the complainant doesn't reach a formal agreement and just sits down, the case is still settled.

 Whether it's remittal or specialized relief, the case has to be settled. As a result, women's sense of security in Pakistan is dwindling. 

 The question is, what can the state and government do? The answer is that a lot can be wherever the state wants. 

We've laws, courts and numerous departments to challenge terrorism. These measures are essential for the protection of our actuality. Also, it's necessary to take measures on the base of war to cover 50 of the population. 

 In the case of Noor Muqadam, a new thing is heard every day. (Photo Social Media) 



Force, murder, importunity-what are the troubles to women? There's a new description of online crime. 

Blackmail, pitfalls and fake prints are commonplace. And our situation is that indeed theanti-rape law is made with great difficulty. 

Yet domestic rape and domestic violence laws aren't agreed upon Indeed online, our emphasis is to save government agencies from review, women stay now. 

The delay is long for women. For illustration, there's a long delay to make your place in public places.

 Every day news comes that numerous sections have problems with girls studying in advanced education institutions and some with special measures taken by women. 

 We want to recognize women only if they observe our studies and ideas. An independent and tone-reliant woman is as dangerous to us as a pest. 

 We aren't as hovered by revolutionist groups as we're by the many dozen women who come out one day and cry taglines. 

The fact of the matter is that women may not be suitable to assert their licit and legal rights. 

 An independent and tone-reliant woman is as dangerous to us as a pest. ( Train print Reuters) 

 Mukhtaran Mai, Qandil Baloch, Noor Muqaddam-The number of women awaiting justice in Pakistan isn't dwindling.

 Pakistan, still, has to suppose about how a country can develop by keeping 50 of its population pacified, impelled and oppressed and how a society can call itself cultivated by keeping 50 of its population in instability. 

 We can call the rest of the world good or bad, but we've to change the fact that Pakistan is as easy for women as it's for men. 

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