Noor Muqaddam"My thing is to bring justice to all the girls who were killed like my son

 Noor Muqaddam"My thing is to bring justice to all the girls who were killed like my son 



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For some time we couldn't believe that the light, our light, had been killed. It was in my mind that he was iinjured She's in the sanitarium and will be back. 

I feel like crying, talking about the light. But I suppose Noor's assassination will spark a movement. 

As a result, the cases of all the girls who have been severely snared from their parents will come to consummation. 


All this was said by Noor's musketeers and cousins whom I met during the unearthing of Noor's oils in Islamabad. 

The purpose of speaking at the launch was to ask how Nur's parents and cousins would like to remember him. 


 Nur's father and former diplomat Shaukat Muqaddam was also present at the event and was thanking everyone for coming there. Started talking about his nonage. 

They said," (Noor) didn't bother me. She wasn't stubborn  She was as mischievous as any other child, but I was surprised that despite my bulletins in new countries, she'd snappily mix with the people there, make new musketeers veritably snappily. 


For the last many months, people from each over the world have been asking about it,"he says. I am answering what happed.

Shaukat Muqaddam took a deep breath when his voice came heavy and started talking again saying,"I want to remember my son as she was. Philanthropic and caring. 


 The picture that Shaukat Muqadam was standing by was made by Noor as a child. Near the same print, his family Sara Muqaddam was taking a diplomat and his woman to other prints.

 And he'd a big white map with everyone writing their studies as well as signing. 

Near this, 99 names of Allah were written on a big wall. All these filmland were made by Noor himself and everyone was taking filmland in front of him. Noor's two relatives were standing near the filmland. 


 Talking to Noor's kinsman, he said,"Noor used to laugh and laugh a lot. Her horselaugh was followed by horselaugh. 

One month before this incident, all of us relatives got stuck in a auto and went for a walk. During which it was delicate to stop laughing.

 I still look at these filmland moment.” He said that one day a phone call came and it was reported that Noor had been killed.

"The scene I saw entering the house during that time is inexpressible and I'll noway forget it.

 Noor's parents didn't get a chance to kiss their son's forepart. 

There are still some days when the light is veritably intensively remembered. Also I supplicate for her.'

Noor's kinsman, who was standing next to him, said he still couldn't use the word" was"about Noor. 


"I still feel like she's gone and will be back. It has been snared down from us with great atrocity and it'll take time to accept this verity. 

I still remember the stories he told me and the fact that I used to laugh a lot when I heard his horselaugh. 

Noor's neighbor Maryam Burki Nasir was also present at the event. 

She said she had known Noor since nonage and her children used to go to academy together. 

Noor was a veritably peaceful and lovely girl,"she said. She was veritably close to God. I still cry moment about why this happed to Noor. I suppose the light will be a movement so that no bone will be wronged. 


 When Noor's family Sarah Muqaddam returned, she asked,"Where to start?"

She wasn't only my family but also my stylish friend. 

I would just like to tell Noor that I'm proud to be her family. 

The grand form that took place then moment was supposed to be for such a beautiful work oflight.However, she'd have seen how important people are liking her work, If she had been then. 

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