Importunity at Musicales'Why Want to Ban Similar Conditioning

 Importunity at Musicales'Why Want to Ban Similar Conditioning'


"I've been attending all the musicales in Islamabad for the last four times and all the events that are held for the families but what happed to me in a musicale in Islamabad in recent days. Now I'll noway go to such an event in my life. 

Habba, 21, told the BBC that she went to a musicale in Islamabad with four musketeers because she was a big addict of Asim Azhar. There was a separate place for boys and girls in this form. 


"I was having a party with my musketeers when suddenly a large number of boys came running towards us and girdled us,"she said. 

The gangster broke through the gate and entered the form. We tried to get out but we could not find a way. 

' No bone listens to us'

 At that moment, a boy started pulling my shirt I turned around and cried," Do not do this." Also a boy put a burning cigarette around my neck and I started screaming and crying. 

All the boys were laughing when they saw this.

 After that, my musketeers and I started crying loudly, also the people near cried and pulled us out of the clutches of this group. 


 According to Haba, when he tried to complain about the whole matter, no bone heeded to him. A security guard appeared.

 When I told him, he said that it's my duty to go to the gate and tell the people on stage. 

The girls were also wearied there after which Asim Azhar blazoned from the stage that if anyone disrespected anyone I would leave the musicale but neither our complaint was heard nor our help in this matter. Done After that I called my father and I went home. 

' How can you stop them?'

 Haba isn't alone, nor is she the first woman to complain about such an incident, nor was it the first musicale where an incident of open importunity took place. 


 During the last two months, numerous musicales have been held in colorful metropolises of Pakistan.

 After nearly every event, some or the other videotape of importunity appeared on social media. 

Speaking to the BBC on the issue, songster Aima Baig said"It's a veritably disturbing study. 

Some people come to an event with the sole intention of draining people."

 According to Aima Baig, she takes care that the company organizing her musicale makes good security arrangements so that no untoward incident takes place. 

She says that she herself keeps an eye on the performances so that people can be stopped if anything like this happens. 


" Indeed so, if someone comes up with a bad idea, how can you stop it?"It's hard to keep an eye on every corner in such a large ground."

 Imam Baig believes that the general public should be apprehensive that recreational openings have come possible nearly two times after the Corona epidemic."Why do you want to ban similar conditioning?"


'People hold a big event with space and capacity'

 Similar incidents have lately been banned in Lahore due to analogous incidents of importunity. 

Talking about the reason behind the Lahore administration's ban on musicales and public gatherings across the megacity on New Year's Eve, DC Lahore Omar Chatha told the BBC We've entered requests from other people that they want to hold a musicale or festivity on New Year's Eve, which we didn't allow. 


 According to Omar Chatha, illegal conditioning similar as drinking and medicine use have been seen in similar events in the recent history, after which boys and girls don't stay in their senses and there are incidents of importunity. 

 According to Omar Chatha, another reason is that numerous organizers don't have the capacity for a big event, which also creates a problem of law and order. 

 DC Lahore says, “ There are numerous places where if there's room for two thousand people, the organizers have vended four thousand tickets. 

All of these people do this only to vend their own brands and don't take any responsibility latterly. Indeed in the last many days, when similar incidents were reported, it was plant out that the club members had rented the place to someone differently rather of holding the event themselves. 

So we didn't allow anyone this time. And if any person violates this ban, legal action will be taken against him. 

 How can incidents of importunity at events be averted? 

 Speaking to the BBC in response to this question, event organizer Hassan Rashid said that in order to help similar incidents, one has to be veritably watchful and make good arrangements."The first thing people have to do is check what kind of people are attending the event. 

Also, using technology, people's data must be collected so that if commodity like this happens, the person involved can be caught or linked. In addition, security should be veritably tight, including guards and bouncers. 

 Giving an illustration, Hassan Rasheed told the BBC that during a recent event, he handed guests with QR canons on which they were needed to give an ID card number. 

At the same time, we kept the venue of the event secret until 12 hours agone, which could only be known to pass holders through a law so that no bone outside could know where the event was taking place or Someone broke down the gate and came by.'


" Indeed so, if such an incident occurs, we've the option to remove any similar person from the event or hand him over to the police,"he said. 

 What to do in case of importunity during an event? 

 Hassan Rasheed says that the responsibility of precluding similar incidents lies with the organizers. 

"Every time we hold an event, our brigades patrol the ground. In addition, we're constantly covering through cameras so that everyone can be covered. 


 According to Hassan, it's also important for the organizers to come up with a clear strategy and counter for redressal of importunity or other grievances, which should be reported to the actors. 

DC Lahore Omar Chatha says that if a woman complains of importunity, she should first inform the security or the organizers. But if there's no result to their complaint, call the police incontinently. 

An online complaint of similar incidents can also be lodged, after which action may be taken against the person concerned and the organizers in agreement with the law. 


 Aima Baig says that if anyone is facing such a problem, they should get out of this place first." Also complain to the organizers so that action can be taken."

 According to Imam Baig, his name is spoiled when vids of these incidents come to light."Everyone suffers because of just one or a many specific people."

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