Religious tourism between India and Pakistan, is this a new attempt to ameliorate relations

 Religious tourism between India and Pakistan, is this a new attempt to ameliorate relations? 

 The Pakistan Hindu Council is working on a plan to visit religious spots every month to ground the gap between the two countries.

 The council claims that the governments of the two countries are also cooperating in this work. 


 Hindu addicts from India, the United States and the Gulf are revamping the 100- time-old Shri Paramahansa Maharaj Temple in Pakistan on New Year's Eve. 


 The delegation of Hindu pilgrims has a aggregate of 173 addicts including five to six Americans, some Spanish citizens, some from Dubai and about 160 Indians. 

These addicts visit Hindu and Sikh places of deification in Pakistan. 


Dr. Ramesh Kumar Wakwani, Chairman, Pakistan Hindu Council, said that this is a new action and through it, after 74 times, India-Pakistan relations can be anticipated to ameliorate.

Dr. Ramesh Kumar is a member of the National Assembly and has been in politics since 2002. 


 He said,"I suppose that carrying on the love that has begun, I'll come to India and take the addicts to Khwaja Nizamuddin and Ajmer Sharif. I plan to hold such a religious passage every month, so that Let the people of both countries come closer. I hope this helps to end their abomination."


 But is this action only of Pakistan Hindu Council or also the governments of both the countries have any part in it? 


Dr. Ramesh says that you can call it the action of Pakistan Hindu Council.

 The council has entered into an agreement with Pakistan International Airlines for this and is now going to subscribe an agreement with Air India. 


"This would not have been possible without the help of the governments of the two countries. The governments have given authorization for this, only also the people are getting visas and the addicts are being given security."


 Under the council's action, a delegation of 173 pilgrims is visiting Hindu and Sikh places of deification in Pakistan. 

The trip also started from Shri Pramahans Ji Maharaj Temple erected in your vill. In the tabernacle is the Samadhi of Saint Shri Parmansa Maharaj. 


 The delegation of Hindu addicts will meet the Speaker of the National Assembly on Monday at his assignation and also the Chief Justice. 


 Mahatma Param Nityanand, a sucker who went to Pakistan for religious tourism from Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, is part of this delegation. 


 He said that we're returning after seeingMr. Terry, we saw convenience everyplace, Pakistan Airlines had made good arrangements at the field and the police is also helping. 


 In December 2020, a mob belonging to the strict religious party defaced and set fire to a tabernacle erected in Teri vill in Karak quarter of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa fiefdom. 

The incident was extensively blamed around the world. 


Dr. Ramesh says, “ The government of Pakistan has supported us and now the tabernacle has been fully rebuilt. 

Thanks to the sweats of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, all installations have been handed then and that's why we've started religious tourism from your tabernacle.

 Has started. 


 Last time, Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Gulzar Ahmed arrived at the tabernacle to attend the Diwali fests. 

He'd said that every human being has the right to cover his religion. 

The court said that people of Hindu community from each over the world come to thetemple.

However, how would they feel about the plight of the Hindu nonage in Pakistan? 

, If there were no icons in the tabernacle. 

 This tabernacle was erected about 100 times agone. But after the obliteration, Justice Ahmed took notice of the incident and ordered form of the tabernacle. 


 Worryingly, pressures between Pakistan and India have risen over the once many times. Addresses between the two are nearly closed. 


 Still, lately the governments of the two countries had opened the Kartarpur corridor for Sikh pilgrims. 

After the corridor opened in November last time, several groups of Indian Sikhs had reached Gurdwara Darbar Sahib. 


 The Kartarpur corridor was closed due to the nimbus contagion outbreak and restarted 20 months latterly. 



 India-Pakistan relations Are nuclear munitions an handicap to a conventional war between India and Pakistan? 



 In the scorching sun of June 2002, the mood and atmosphere at the bullet launch point in Jhelum were depressing.

 The reason was that the military pressure with India had reached a veritably dangerous position. 


 India had stationed its descent'Three Strike'Corps near the border, in addition to the heavy contingent of colors lined up along the border with ordnance and armor. 


 Pakistani forces had also completed thecounter-offensive, but this movement was going them dearly. 

Also Pakistan also had lower force than India while there was a clear difference in both the quality and volume of arms. 


 The military oppressor who overthrew the popular government three times agone, the Chief of Army Staff and Pakistan's Chief of Army Staff General Pervez Musharraf himself was present at the point of the bullet launch in Jhelum. 


 Further than two dozen scientists from the Kahuta Research Laboratory hit the ground-to- ground Ghauri ( able of hitting further than a thousand kilometers and large civic centers) and Abdali and Ghaznavi (which hit fairly short distances). 

Can and are more suitable for fluently targeting any military target (were there to launch the bullet test process). 


 The media or anyone other than the dogfaces and scientists weren't allowed to attend the event, butLt.Gen. 

Khalid Qadwai, head of Pakistan's Strategic Plans Division (SPD), made sure that General Musharraf's speech Some named part must reach Pakistani and transnational nuclear experts. 

 The'Strategic Plans Division' acts as the'Nuclear Command Authority'of Pakistan or the authorized Secretariat or Headquarters on Nuclear Affairs. 


 The intention was to use General Musharraf's speech as a' interference'or intimidation to help any possible Indian adventure, as after extracts from General Musharraf's speech were extensively circulated in numerous public and transnational media. 

Institutions published. 

An transnational judge and pen also tête-à-tête thanked General Kadwai in writing for furnishing these quotations. 


 India's military advance on Pakistan's eastern border had sounded alarm bells for Pakistan's military leadership since early 2002. 


 The also Chief of the Pakistan Army General Pervez Musharraf had ordered the movement of the evil forces. The Pakistan Air Force was also on high alert. 


 Pitfalls were growing on global borders. On 18 December 2001, India launched' Operation Prakram' (Courage or Manhood) and stationed attacking colors near the border, including tanks and heavy ordnance. 


 Five days before the launch of Operation Prakram, fortified zealots stormed the Indian Parliament emulsion, egging Indian intelligence to charge the zealots of having links to Pakistani intelligence. 


 The Indian leadership explosively felt that it should initiate correctional action against Pakistan. 

Some of the Indian colors were from Central India and Ambala, where the headquarters of the two Indian'Strike Corps'were located. 

 The total strength of the Indian Army was eight lakhs. With three strike or attacking courses, they had closed the border with Pakistan and India. 


 Indian Air Force units and satellite fields had been actuated and the Eastern Fleet ( air line) had been shifted from the Bay of Bengal to the North Arabian Sea to leaguer Pakistan along with the Western Air Force. 


 In this whim-whams-wracking situation, General Pervez Musharraf categorically said that Pakistan would use nuclear munitions if the survival and integrity of our country was hovered. 


 The Pakistani government has blazoned that its command and control styles will insure that its munitions can be used for immediate combat use and remain ready in the event of a extremity. 


 In an interview with the influential German magazine Der Spiegel in April 2002, General Musharraf said that Pakistan would calculate on conventional munitions for its public security but especially if Pakistan was in peril of being wiped out. Using is an option. 


 Conservative judges believe that Pakistan's nuclear doctrine is grounded on a policy of deliberate weakness or insecurity aimed at satisfying India and the United States that any immediate escalation of pressures over conventional munitions would affect in a nuclear response. I can go out 

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