(Case of Sindh)

 What are the causes of Sindh's lost resistance to the federation? 

(Case of Sindh)

By Farhan Lark

Fifteen or twenty years ago today, whenever any injustice was seen in the political and political circles of Sindh by the federation or against the enemy plans of Sindh which has been the identity and tradition of real Sindh, it has remained unchanged for a long time. And the struggle is not freshEmployees were fired and there was no resistance against the resettlement of Walar and Afghans in Sindh due to lack of water. National People's Movement of Ayaz Latif Palejo throughout Sindh for one month in a rowThe protests were seen as a hunger strike rally and became a shining example of a history without any funding. The problems of Sindh could be solved by itself when the history of SindhWe will look at the resistance characters and then when we read the pages of history we will see the great, great characters who resisted for the protection and survival of their planet including Hemant Kalani, Hosh Mohammad Shaidi, Dola Darya Khan, Shaheed Shah Inayat. Ruplo Kolhi, Dodo Soomro, and Baghal, and many other Sindhi lovers laid down their lives. For them the earth and its survival was first and foremost a battle between right and wrong and then they were martyred fighting for the survival and protection of their earthly rights and fulfilling their duty all these people with one caste or another community Were concerned, but they kept their selves aside, keeping a long eye on them without fear. He resisted his land and nation and drank the cup of martyrdom and turned red and in the pages of history he is still alive today only because of his loyalty to his land he is remembered by us to this day and we remember him. We feel proud that they are our heroes, resisting the challenge, resisting the obstacleResist the peaceful struggle without harming anyone and raise your voice for your rights as Shah Sain says


, Extracted cockroaches

The alliance of castes or communities started in Sindh after 2000 AD and unfortunately it continues to this day. The alliance of these communities has done a great deal The damage that has not yet been doneThen, under a well-conceived conspiracy above, these alliances have been fostered. Because of these community alliances, we have deviated from the national interest, and in the words of the good man of our community, we are putting personal interests first. We understand the nation and they are our good men with the PPPThey are pursuing their own petty interests by bargaining for the conscience of themselves and their community and we will sing the praises of this good man of our community. And the filth spread over the water,We will not resist, we will not raise our voice, unless we have a good man in our community, we will not get anything, we will not get anything. What is the national interest of the nation when theyWith the help of alliances the interest of their good husband becomes community interest and he uses them and then they are used. As an Urdu poet puts it

If you are united, change the system of time, if you are dispersed, die, why are you making noise

This is to say that when we put our personal and community interests ahead of our national and collective interests then we will be deprived of our rights, we will become a minority and we will ruin the future of our future generations because Sindh is very difficult now. The situation is going through and Sindh has to put up a united and strong resistanceAs history has shown that Sindh has always been resisting for its own survival and protection let us abandon our petty interests and kill our planet to save the future of our future generations. These temporary alliances for their rights while maintaining traditionI have always been in the mood to play a role in politics with the progressives for the sake of my country and the land. Can become red


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