Love Happens

Love Happens to Everyone, Even Heartbreakers

Everyone has probably had their heart broken by someone they were in love with at some point in their lives. 

Although this process of being rejected by someone we like or love can be really painful, it's not the end of the world and there are many things we can do to recover from our wounds and learn to love again. 

But there are also those people who might have been hurt by many people during their lives and as a result, they don't trust anyone and always think that the new person that falls in love with them will eventually break their heart as well.

3 Signs You Are Ready For Love

1. You are comfortable being single and independent.

2. You have a strong sense of self-worth and know what you want in a partner.

3. You are open to giving and receiving love without conditions. You may not believe that it is possible to find someone who loves you unconditionally and can handle your baggage, but this is true with most people. 

It takes time to build a healthy relationship that allows for the freedom to be yourself completely with someone else. 

The point is not to be with anyone who will tolerate your bad habits or abusive tendencies because no one should be treated like that - the point is to take responsibility for your own happiness and make sure you are ready for whatever comes next. 

It's okay if you don't feel like an expert at relationships - there's always room for improvement! Love happens even to heart break. 

Remembering all the times I let myself get swept up in believing my brokenness would change someone into something they were never meant to be. 

But I am more than my past failures and my scars show me how far I've come. And though this sounds cliché, it is still true: 

I refuse to allow another person determine how much worth I carry around inside me, inside my head where only my voice counts. And maybe someday somebody will see me as someone worth loving too.

How To Deal With An Ex When They're Dating Someone Else
Dealing with an ex can be difficult, especially if they are dating someone else. The best thing you can do is focus on yourself and your own happiness. Here are a few tips on how to deal with an ex when they're dating someone. 

Be supportive of their new relationship. Don't ruin it for them by being jealous or trying to break them up. If you genuinely want the best for them, show that by supporting their decision to move on from what was between the two of you. 

You don't have any say in who they date once things end between the two of you, so why get involved? 

You should never text your ex asking them who they're dating or confront them about their new partner; this will only make things more complicated than necessary and create tension where there doesn't need to be any at all. 

It's hard enough ending things without adding unnecessary drama into the mix! One last word of advice: whatever happens, just let it go! 

You'll always care deeply for them but they'll never be yours again. Accepting this fact will set you free to find someone who is ready to love and cherish you! 

If you ever feel tempted to contact your ex, remind yourself that no matter what type of relationship you had together, he or she will never come back to you. 

And why would they? Once people leave something familiar behind and try something new, life changes for the better! 

They are excited about what the future holds for them because now anything is possible! If your significant other has decided to take a chance on someone else and start fresh somewhere else with somebody else then he or she deserves it. 

Now it’s time for you to do the same. Let him or her be happy. If you don’t allow him or her to have that freedom, then he or she will resent you. 

Allow your ex the same opportunity to find happiness as well as a chance at finding someone special to share it with because even heartbreakers deserve love too.

What Women Want From Men On A DateIf you want to make a good impression on your date, act like a gentleman. 

Women appreciate men who are courteous and considerate, so open doors for her and pull out her chair at the restaurant. Conversation is key on a date, so make sure you ask her questions about herself and listen attentively to what she has to say. 

And finally, don't forget to follow up after the date with a phone call or text message letting her know you had a great time. That way, she'll be eagerly anticipating your next rendezvous! 

What Men Want From Women On A Date: Like women, men enjoy dates that involve conversation and shared interests. Try asking her opinion on something important in your life (but stay away from controversial topics). 

Ask her how her day was and share some funny stories from work. As long as you show interest in what she has to say, your date will be well on its way to being successful! You should also plan on bringing your cell phone to the date, because there's nothing worse than running into an ex-girlfriend. 

Always remember these two keys words: confidence and humor. These traits will make all of the difference when it comes to finding love. 

Dating can be daunting enough without worrying about whether or not you have the right qualities. 

So, take a deep breath and do what makes you happy- no matter how many heart breakers come along the way. Love happens even to those who may seem destined for loneliness.

The One Thing Men Do That Women Don't Realize Is Annoying
When a woman is venting to her friends about a problem, she doesn't want her man to try and fix it. 

She just wants him to listen. And if he can't do that, he at least shouldn't offer unsolicited advice or try to change the subject. 

Just be a good listener and show some empathy. Sometimes, people don't need to be fixed. 

They just need someone who understands what they're going through. And if you have to jump in with your two cents' worth, wait until after you've heard the whole story. Then, see if there's anything you can say that will make her feel better. 

For example: Wow, that really sucks! I know how hard it is when nothing seems to go right. You just want to break down and cry because you think life is being unfair but deep down you know that everything happens for a reason. 

You are not alone, honey; we all go through this sometimes. If things aren't getting any better then maybe it's time for something new? 

Maybe you should take up running again, start blogging again or get into fitness? 

It may seem difficult now but it won't always be like this. You'll find love again. It may not be as great as before but you'll find love again. That's how life works - our heartbreaks pave the way for future happiness. 

We learn from them and grow stronger. It's one of the greatest lessons of adulthood: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. 

A broken heart is like being put on trial- a lot of pain comes out and you finally get clarity on why the relationship didn't work out. 

No matter how much pain, suffering or loneliness comes out of a break-up, we learn so much about ourselves by reflecting on why the relationship failed. 

The point isn't to never date again- it's to date better next time and put an end to feeling sorry for yourself. 

Be grateful for every experience and cherish those moments where you're happy because they could turn around quickly into sadness if you lose sight of what matters most.

Happiness is temporary and we only live once. The worst thing anyone can do is waste their life away on regret and bitterness because of past mistakes. 

Sure, there will be times when you want to give up and feel like giving up on life altogether but don't let the darkness consume you. 

Light shines even in the darkest corners. There is hope and love waiting somewhere out there for everyone. You just have to keep fighting for it. ❤ Love happen❤s ❤to everyone❤, even ❤heartbreakers

Why Guys Need To Stop Texting And Start Calling.

We all know the feeling. You're eagerly waiting by your phone, hoping to hear from that special someone. But instead of a phone call, you get a text. And not just any text, but a long-winded text that goes on for paragraphs. 

Guys, we need to stop this texting madness and start picking up the phone again. Here's 

1) He can't read your facial expressions: One thing that is really important in relationships is being able to read each other's emotions through facial expressions. 

When guys text, they can't see these subtle changes so it might take longer for them to understand what you are trying to say when things are hard or when you are happy. 

2) He can't be there physically: The most important thing in relationships is being able to touch each other. Holding hands, hugging and kissing are all ways of showing love and appreciation through physical contact. 

When guys text they don't have these opportunities so they don't experience those same emotions or feel loved in the same way as if they were with you in person. 

1) It shows that he doesn't care enough: The problem with texts is that they don't show much emotion. A text only has so many characters and if he needs to send more than three words, it will probably turn into an email. If he can't find the time to call or talk with you in person, then he doesn't care enough about you. 

2) Communication is key: In order for relationships to work, both people have to communicate well with one another. Texting prevents communication because there isn't always an opportunity for back-and-forth discussion. 

3) It shows disrespect: I want him to think I'm worth his time and attention! So next time he texts you with something meaningful, put down your phone and answer his call. 

4) It will make him feel better about himself: Whether he realizes it or not, hearing a girl's voice makes him feel more confident about himself because he knows she wants to talk to him. 

5) It will show off his skills: I don't know about you ladies, but I like when my guy has great communication skills (especially if he has words). Talking on the phone shows off his ability to be thoughtful and interesting with words without trying too hard.

Breaking Up Isn't Always Something To Be Afraid Of

We've all been there before. We've fallen in love with someone, only to have our hearts broken in the end. It's a painful experience that we often try to avoid. 

But what if I told you that breaking up isn't always a bad thing? Sure, it can be hard to deal with at first but as time goes on and you grow as an individual, it becomes easier and easier. 

For me personally, I used to think of breaking up as something scary and terrible that happened to other people. 
But now when it happens, I see the opportunity for growth - both personal and romantic. 

Breaking up can be good for your future relationships because it helps you learn more about yourself. It also can give you an opportunity to find out whether or not this person is really right for you in the long run or not. 

Plus, even though heart breakers hurt like hell at first they eventually heal too and then everything is worth it again. 

After my last breakup, I felt lonely and sad. But over time those feelings disappeared and my life started to feel better than ever. 

Now, I'm looking forward to new experiences and meeting new people who might change my life forever...for the better! 

So the next time you get into a relationship, remember that no matter how much it hurts to say goodbye sometimes, one day you'll thank yourself for letting go and living the best life possible. 

The truth is, happiness doesn't come from loving what gives you happiness; it comes from loving yourself enough to let go of things that don't make you happy. 

This means that instead of forcing yourself to stay with someone that isn't doing anything positive for you, as scary as it may be, sometimes its okay to just walk away. Just remember that there's always another fish in the sea (so they say). 

And if all else fails, focus on learning something valuable from each experience - because we all have so much growing left to do and learning how to deal with hard times makes us stronger humans!

<3 As long as you're smart about your decisions and care deeply for yourself, then breaking up should never be a fearful process. Instead, it should be celebrated as the rebirth of something greater - and all of the struggles are totally worth it. 

Breaking up is difficult and emotional, but with time it gets easier. That being said, the point of any relationship shouldn't be to endure it until death do us part. 

The point should be to enjoy every minute while you can and make the most of your present situation while still moving towards the future. 

You don't need somebody else's help to create a beautiful life for yourself - you're perfectly capable without them! 
So when faced with tough decisions about relationships, ask yourself: Is this person making me happy? 

Am I able to live authentically through them? If not, then maybe it's time for some self-reflection and figuring out what will bring you joy in life instead. 

This way, you'll be able to figure out where to put your energy and time. Trust me, it's worth it in the end. 

I can't tell you how many times I've heard people regret their decision to break up with their significant other. 
It's almost as if, after time has passed, the decision to leave that person becomes the worst mistake of their life. 

But don't worry - it's not all bad news! 
There are plenty of ways for you to move past your heartbreak and learn to trust again. 

No matter what you decide in life, whether it be to stay in a relationship or leave it, know that life will be full of opportunities for growth and success. Just keep your head up and be confident in the choices you make.

Remember that everyone falls down, it's about how you pick yourself back up. We all make mistakes, and the key is to not dwell on them. Find what you love about yourself and your life and keep that in mind as you continue to build your empire. 

I can't emphasize how important it is to take care of yourself - love yourself and be proud of who you are. It's ok to take a break from dating for a little bit or for however long feels necessary for you. 

Sometimes, it's necessary to step back in order to grow. I hope that this post helped shed some light on the reality of breaking up with people - it's not something that only happens once, or twice, or three times throughout your life - it happens constantly and often goes unnoticed by most people.

But don't be afraid! Fear is a strong feeling that tells you to run, but taking risks is healthy and necessary in life. We go through highs and lows at different points of our lives, but the goal is to find peace in the middle ground - right where we stand now. Not sure if breaking up with someone would be best for you? Ask yourself these five questions first:

Is this person treating me well? Am I able to express myself authentically around them? Do they understand my needs? Do they want good things for me? Are they good at giving advice? Now think about your answers - do these qualities align with what you're looking for in a partner? If not, consider leaving. Breakups are hard, but they needn't be devastating. 

I'll never forget one time I asked a friend why she left her last boyfriend. Her response was simple: I wasn't made to have sex. She was so empowered by the decision that she didn't seem bothered at all. 

On the contrary, she seemed happier than ever before and more like herself than ever before too. 

The moral of the story? Happiness doesn't come from having a boyfriend or girlfriend; happiness comes from being true to oneself and living an authentic life that brings you joy each day. 

What do you want out of life? What does this person offer you versus what you can offer yourself? Be honest with yourself in order to find happiness.

The Best Way To Get Over A Breakup Is Knowing When It's Time To Move On
If you're going through a tough breakup, know that you're not alone. Breakups are hard for everyone, even heartbreakers. 

The best way to get over a breakup is by knowing when it's time to move on. Here are seven signs that it's time to let go and move onondaga. 

1) Your friends have stopped trying to convince you that he’s the one 
2) You’ve given up hope of getting back together 

3) You've been single for at least six months 

4) You have zero interest in finding someone new 

5) Your mental health has deteriorated because of your single status 

6) You don't really care anymore about what he's doing or who he's with 

7) You realize that your relationship was never actually right. 

8) It's been two years since you broke up and your feelings haven't changed. 

9) You feel like you were only in the relationship for his money 

10) All of your good memories are now tainted because of how things ended.

11) You still find yourself comparing every guy you date to him.

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