Yesterday was Eid.

Yesterday was Eid.Mummy's father's money order came today.  Mimi ran away from the big chow and came to sign, but when she saw five rupees, her face turned red.  

It was written on the coupon to make.Eid clothes with these rupees.Mehmi received the loot of five and stood in the middle of the yard and threw the loot into pieces.  

All left and right."With so many rupees, the shroud of our father's third wife will not even come to the shroud.Why do people give birth to children when they know it, so take a dog's palate from it." She also sat on the ping.  

Gone, what a nice pair for five rupees."Big chi grabbed the pieces of the note and started placing them on the palm of her hand." Who told you to speak? "She stood up.If my couple was worried, wouldn't they order money in advance?  Now will the fairies come and give me my clothes at night?He also came to his room with big feet. 

Big Chi blew and blew the pieces of the note and sat on the check post and opened the pandan.After washing the pots, the Yemenis washed their hands and picked up the pieces of the note and tied them in their ankles, then sat down to clean the soot of the pots.  

God bless this paper for what purpose they used to have in their time silver rupee gold stus se

If no one would tear them apart, they would see.Kar yemen boa kept muttering and sat quietly in the middle of the hall of Alia Hall. She kept looking at Chhami's room again and again.  

Alia used to get dizzy from this room.How many days have passed since the death of her grandmother, but she could still see her eyes waiting for her grandmother to sink in the room.Her sharp breath was still felt.How can we be celebrated? She was getting very bored ... Zafar is digested. 

Isn't this your daughter? Does the child die with his wife? She went upstairs to her room and turned over her course books.  G. Lakh Sarmara but did not start reading. He was just bothered by the thought of Chhami again and again. 

Mummy will one day end up torturing him.

The sun was setting behind the school building outside the window.Downstairs, there was a lot of hustle and bustle now. The time for breaking the fast was approaching.There were flowers in a brass tray.  

He was selling hooliganism.Why did Alia feel so good knowing her ugly voice and she suddenly felt that she was getting sad.What an unknown situation would have arisen if the evenings had always made him sad.She jumped out of the window.  

The time for breaking the fast was very near.She went downstairs thinking of helping Kariman Boa.  No matter how much he liked Kariman boa, sitting in the lap of the stove all day, his back would get crooked.  

This time, he thought, why don't you run away from Yemen?Here only old clothes and bread and the truth on salt give life.So hard they will get a job in any house for ten to fifteen rupees a month.The fruit of hard work is money, but perhaps Yemen Boa would never have thought of such things even in a dream.  

How proudly Crane would say that my mother had come with the mistress's dowry.While serving the mistress, I fell in love with God and now may God bless me too.Alia is amazed at how much she has never seen the Yemeni wind bored with this house.  

She never gets tired of work.

They are spoiled with time.The way to respect is not spoiled.What a wonderful way to screw people over.Dastar Khan was saved on the throne and Iftar items were selected.Big chi was squeezing lemons on the fried lentils.  

Kariman Boa was probably fasting.  That is why she was exhausted.  The children were sitting on the bed in the big porch.The watch from Bea was hanging on his chest and Tashkeel, who was sitting next to him, was repeatedly bending down and looking at the clock. A few days ago, Jamil Bhai had started cracking down on him.  

So he could not stay away from home for long.She was also standing on the doorstep of her room.Her legs were visible from the torn melee of her pajamas.When she saw Alia, she walked slowly and sat down to finish without saying anything.  

Outside, in the sitting room, there were many guests of the big drink, and israr mian had peeked out of the sitting door several times.  "Kariman Boa hurried out to break the fast.There are only two minutes left in the two-day opening. 

The older uncle saw the watch hanging on his chest.If Israr Mian was in his nose, when he was a guest, would he enjoy it?She was sitting in a corner of the throne, cutting her hair as if she were watching Iftar.  

He had never done anything bad.

I just divided the portions of food and drink or looked at the deal brought by israr mian Salaf and raised objections with suspicion.In the nearby mosque, a small bullet was fired and then a loud banging sound started coming.  

Alia carved copper.He picked up the jug and filled everyone's glasses with lemon juice.That's how Hami's plate lay.He had just broken his fast with a sip of syrup.Even if something is eaten, it will taste like syrup on an empty stomach."Big aunty picked up the plate and tried to hold it in her hand, so she shook big aunty's hand.  

When she is hungry, she will eat by herself.The mother said that Omar also remained silent. "I must have kept my note.The fish was sent by Pacha.They tore it and threw it away.They would have given it to us." Does not give my mother replied sharply, "Brother, this is a very bad-mouthed girl. 

My great uncle stared at Bhami and one day I will pull out my tongue."  Live in congregation and fast to show the world, there is only limit ... Chhmi pursed her lips in hatred. "I am not ashamed."The big patch immediately," he scolded.My face was turning red with anger.  

That is, she should talk to her husband in front of them in the same way."I have no choice.  

Chhami said with great indifference.33 "Of "Shut up, brother, why do you look like this ignorant person?"  "Big uncle gao got half-stretched from the pillow.  "Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.

The fourteenth century is over, the horns will change and the hour will come."Crane Boa couldn't say anything to anyone, so she was remembering the Hour."There is a limit. You have raised a bull in the house of a bad-mouthed person, brother."The mother immediately attacked the eldest daughter. 

Now look Na Wilman, it is her father's fault.What will happen to this girl now.After a while everyone fell silent.The elder uncle closed his eyes.Shakeel got busy with his school work.The crane started cleaning the chimneys.  

In her dark room, she would sing one by one about her confinement: Kashi was reduced, all the goats were eaten,Gandhi Nehru mourned, Kurdish Kia's mother died  What will everyone say?The whole voice will go out."Big Cha was turning red with rage."Are we singing to you in our room? This room is ours. 

When you come to your room and sing, you will be forbidden."If we listen outside, listen, let them also know that not all infidels live here.  She sang again to save the eldest child - Kashi kami kami.

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