Will the mother said in a humorous way and began to look with grateful eyes.

Will the mother said in a humorous way and began to look with grateful eyes. And when the country is free, all the British will suffocate and run away. 

There will not be a single British left in our Pakistan." Chhmi also came out of her room. My God. "  "Once again, everyone hear that Tashkeel has run away, big aunt's liver is bursting with tears.  

You guys get rid of your discussion for a while.  Alia's tone was harsh.  "Everyone was silent for a while. The evening was getting so desolate and sad that Alia felt that Shakeel had not run away but her body had just been picked up.  

Don't worry, he was a very incompetent boy.  Jamil Bhai Abi came to his mother and stood up.  "I am your servant.  "Leave me alone.  

The elder aunt sobbed and said, "Where shall I go? My mother is with you from birth and you have no partner in this world."  With the slightest consolation of Lee-Jamil Bhai, the great aunt became silent. 

What would she have done if she had not been silent? Her whole life has been spent against her will.  Stay. ”Allah had now saved this house from tahiyun and Yemen was burning lanterns with prayers and everyone was listening to the call to prayer with great devotion.  

Najma's aunt looked down from the.

Window of her room and walked away as if to say that this is the punishment of all of you who are ignorant.  Hungry marbles will one day all run away.  

At about eight o'clock in the night, the big drunk entered the house and it was very deep. Will  The mother said in a humorous way and began to look with grateful eyes.  "And when the country is free, all the British will suffocate and run away. 

There will not be a single British left in our Pakistan." Chhmi also came out of her room. My God. "  "Once again, everyone hear that Tashkeel has run away, big aunt's liver is bursting with tears.  

You guys get rid of your discussion for a while.  Alia's tone was harsh.  "Everyone was silent for a while. The evening was getting so desolate and sad that Alia felt that Shakeel had not run away but her body had just been picked up.  

Don't worry, he was a very incompetent boy.  Jamil Bhai Abi came to his mother and stood up.  "I am your servant.  "Leave me alone.  

The elder aunt sobbed and said, "Where shall I go? My mother is with you from birth and you have no partner in this world."  With the slightest consolation of Lee-Jamil Bhai, the great aunt became silent. 

What would she have done if she had not been silent? Her whole life has been spent against her will.  

Stay. ”Allah had now saved this house from Tahiyun and Yemen was burning lanterns with prayers and everyone was listening to the call to prayer with great devotion.  

Najma's aunt looked down from the window of her room and walked away as if to say that this is the punishment of all of you who are ignorant.  Hungry marbles will one day all run away.  

At about eight o'clock in the night, the big drunk entered the house and it was very deep. There was silence.  Crane Hua saved Dastir Khan on the throne and put food on it.  "Shakeel has run away, he is in Bombay." The older aunt broke the news. Her voice was getting louder. 

Oh, he ran away. Why did he run away?  "If you come, I will break his bones. He is not ashamed." Why would you break his bones? What have you done for him?  The older aunt replied sharply.  

Today, for the first time, she was. 

Ready to fight her great uncle in front of everyone. I said he shouldn't have done that.  Hua Pacha bowed her head in confusion and hurriedly began to break the bites. 

She started to make her own style by placing her finger under her six teeth, then the older girl stared at her and she went to her room.  She did not see and was stunned. 

Her heart was pounding when she saw the bowed head of her great uncle. No one should do anything to her uncle anymore.  Not even ready to do it. After eating, the elder uncle went to the sitting room and Alia fed the eldest daughter with big mantas. 

Today, she was not even ready to get a stomach ache. "  Ask me to go to Bombay and look for Shakeel? ”As Alia was lying on her bed, Israr Mian's trembling voice crossed her heart. When Alia raised her head after the exam, Bihar was gone.  

The air was warm. Lots of water would flow from the tile to the canopy but the flowers would not bloom. The leaves would wither and fall off, the beaks of the little birds near me would remain open, and while working near the stove, the feathers would not miss the hand of the crimson boa.  

How many buckets of water were sprinkled to cool the yard in the evening.  Still no peace.  The whole atmosphere was burning.  In these useless, desolate and hot forests, the eldest daughter had given him five pairs of important dowry clothes.  

In the afternoon, when the senate was over, she would sit on the machine, sewing clothes.  Nothing could have happened to my great aunt now.  Stay awake all the time.  

She didn't like any of her work and her mother would not tolerate Chhami anyway.  If their bus was running, they would put a shroud from the clothes of dowry.  All that was left was Aaliyah who was sincerely praying for Hami's good fortune all the time.  

There was also the fact that we were walking around the house unaware of the spread of our destiny.  The seriousness that Manzoor's love had created was gone.  As soon as he saw his great uncle, he started thinking of Pakistan.  

She used to tell the British nonsense that she would miss her mother's sixes and when she got tired of teasing everyone, she would come to Alia.  

O Bijaya, whose clothes are they sewing, how lovely is Allah, who will make it?  She would get up and ask.  "Someone's."  Alia used to tremble and make excuses that she did not know anything raw "Give us a dupatta, I will cook it and cover it. 

She would pick up the dupatta.

And start twisting it.  "It simply came to our notice then.  "After all, whose dowry is this, the poor can't even, the tongue is tired.  "I would lick you who fight me." Alia would start laughing even if she was terrified of her pride with great love.  

Kiran was talking and the idea of ​​her future was being revealed to her ... what will happen if she fails.  Become a teacher but will she be able to do BT, will her mother let her go to. 

Aligarh and will her uncles continue to send her so much money?  Najma was sleeping in the room with her uncle's snoring on the roof.  Come to my mind. In order to escape the scorching sun, a passerby went through the street looking for the shade of balm.  

Sahib's sun did not make any difference  He slept in the grave but did not even see the face of death.  "What's going on?" Jamil Bhiya asked as soon as he arrived.  How long after today they came to him again.  

Here comes another Balm Sahib.

Mummy's "RE I have been toppling.  He grabbed one end of the rupee and started turning it over. Alia looked down and saw that madness was peeping in her eyes again today and signs of exhaustion from life were showing on her face.  

There is a passion that doesn't go away even after eating so many jerks.  The angry Jamil Bhai became silent for a moment. "Are you happy with me?" After a few moments, he said, there was a tremor in his voice.  "She will give birth. 

She thought it would be okay to just laugh, but Jamil Bhai was getting very serious." Alia!  He shouted, "Yes." Alia did not raise her head.   

Why ?  "I just want to see how you feel about becoming a Dilman.  I will give such a double tonic for your bride too. "" I have no heart.  "Shall I marry you four times?"  It was so sad that she drowned.  He did both  2116 217.

                     (Next part)

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