She pulled the dupatta with her hands as if she would now put it on her head.

She pulled the dupatta with her hands as if she would now put it on her head.  At that time, she will definitely fulfill the order of Jamil Bhai.  


Amil bhai was watching him with great interest.  Then suddenly she was startled.  She wrapped her handkerchief around her side and began to look around.  

If he had worn this dupatta today, then this rop would have become a veil.  She could never lift that veil.  

This veil would fall as a veil over his eyes.  In this house another big bee would be born to wander on the path of life and then the country would be free.  "You want to wear this rug, but you are a coward.  

Jamil Bhai started getting out of his mind again.  What kind of girl are you?  "Jamil Bhiya Sahib, you should learn a lesson from your mother's life. Marry a simple woman and I will go with her.

Jamil Bhiya looked at her carefully.  Maybe they had gone deeper than that ... I don't know what kind of clay my father is made of.  

However, it is wrong to think that the grief of the country saves from the grief of the family or those who participate in politics do not love anyone.  

They got up to leave." You can't imagine the sadness of the person whose wish was not fulfilled. They stopped for a while but Alia didn't answer. She didn't even want to answer.  At that time, she did not have the strength to show any arrogance in front of Jameel Bhai.  I did not think so. 

The senate after the words of despair was smelling so much. She kept staring blankly for a long time. When she came down in the evening, Kariman Boa was sprinkling water in the courtyard.

The brothers were sitting on an iron chair, twirling their fingers and waiting for something like a big leaf in the verandah.  His face was downcast and his eyes were turning red.  

The eldest aunt was peeling potatoes while sitting on the most needy throne.  "Uncle, how are you?"  Alia approached her great uncle and asked, "Daughter, I have a headache."  The older aunt looked at her husband in shock.  

Quickly make the bed, Crimson.

Boa, but the yard is cold."  Get rid of this pain.  "Kariman Boa stood on one side of the porch, picked up the bed and began to lay it in the courtyard.  

The elder Pia Jamil took a crotch from his brother and lay down.  Alia was very upset that her son was sitting next to her but did not even ask her father.  

How long has the conversation between the two been closed?  "Why have you been sitting at home for two days now?"  "My great aunt did Jamil Bhai  Looked towards  "I have lost my job. 

Mother, it is difficult for politicians to make a living in government offices.  Alia looked at Jamil Bhiya with a burning look.  "I was looking for my darling on this behavior. 

He thought and then turned his face away from seeing Jamil Bhai with cutting eyes. And the consumption of Muslim leagues is done only in the offices of British Bahadur."  Said without retaliation. "You are absolutely wrong.  

The fact of the matter is that when the Congressmen recommend, then the job is found.  Why did Jamil Bhai keep silent?  I am!  "(Both father and son were extinguished by the fire of their own satire and both of them turned away as if they did not consider each other worthy of talking.  

Alia looked at Jamil Bhai with reproachful eyes and would sit next to her elder uncle and caress her head.  

The mother came out of the honeycomb with wet hair and seeing everyone gathered in one place, she picked up the pandan with great boredom and sat down on the last bed.  "What will happen now?" Badi Pechi asked Jamil Bhai. "Don't worry, Aman is going to get a very good job.  

You will all be fine.  "Did you find out any good for Shakeel again or not?" The eldest daughter asked suddenly.  He told the whole truth to Alia that he did not even know the address of Tashkeel.  

The older girl sighed coldly.  

Elder uncle, I will put your ping outside on the platform, the pain will be less in the open air," Alia asked.  "Yes, make a bed there. It would be great." The older uncle looked at him gratefully and then got up to go out. 

A procession of Congress children was leaving the street.  They were making a lot of noise. "Long live our flag ... Long live the Congress! Long live Gandhiji! Long live Jawaharlal Nehru! Long live India! The flag will not be raised."  His eyes were shining.  

Jamil Bhai was laughing and Aman who was silent for a long time.Were cutting  Finally speak  "If we get independence first, then everything will continue and then these Indians will first learn to govern.  "Everyone was silent, no one answered Aman. 

Big uncle's bed was made outside. He left and Jameel Bhai started twisting his fingers again. The noise of the procession was getting closer to the door. Mimi was mad.  

She rushed out of her room ... If a procession came out of my door, I would hit her loosely. "She clung to the door."  How come she was terrified?  She stared at Jameel Bhai and went to grow up.  Honey!  My name would not have been mentioned if the Muslim League had not taken out a procession today.  

As the procession passed by the gate, Jamil Bhai changed his clothes and walked out.  As Chhmi was waiting for his departure, as soon as Jamil Bhiya left, she went out wearing a burqa.  

Alia couldn't stop him.  

It's a matter of time. In the past, when we used to go out of the houses here, we used to have two or four uncles with us."  Elder Uncle was sitting comfortably with his feet spread on his clean bed and Israr Mian was talking while sitting on the armchair near him.  

He also sat outside on the platform. Listen to Israr Mian's words, look at him closely. How he speaks. How he speaks. What will be the condition in the eyes of those who are the result of his grandfather's malice.  

What will be the effect on their face after recognizing themselves? What will they think? And when they know all this.

Once she does, she will secretly digest the mystery.  She will tell him that she is as dear to him as her great uncle.  She respects him immensely and wants to serve him once in a lifetime and she will draw from his heart all the arrows that the Yemeni wind has attached.  

She will tell them not to take anything for granted.  She is not the enemy of anyone, she does not say anything herself.  This cruel salt is called everything from them.  Alia Betty, open a pan.  

When the great aunt ordered, she sat on the throne and opened the pan and started making betel - she could not go outside and sit on the platform.  He was feeling strangely helpless.  The call to prayer was coming from the mosque of the neighborhood.  He put all the plow of respect on his head.  

Crimson Boa was hurrying to light the lanterns.  "May Allah keep the formation in good condition."  She looked so sad and full of love at that time.  Darkness was everywhere, but she had not yet returned home.  Alia was worried no matter what.  

In such a house no one else asked where he was.  After a while, when Chami came, her face was turning red.  She was out of breath.  "O Bijaya, I have prepared such a splendid procession that you will keep watching, it will just pass by. 

Azra's mother made the flag. 

Tahira's mother gave me a bottle of kerosene, I lit the torches.  Prepare. All the boys in the neighborhood have gathered. If you see the big drink, your eyes will open. 

I have explained to all the children to come to my door and shout slogans.  Gone  And then she threw off her burqa and waited for the procession.  

No one could surpass the joy of drinking even then.  Alia did not answer him.  She was worried about the baby. 

                     (Next part)

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