The sun was setting and there was a rush of bargains in the street.

The sun was setting and there was a rush of bargains in the street.  Everyone was shouting louder and louder, and the voices of children and men were coming from the open windows on the roofs.  

Everyone was calling for a bargain of their choice to break the fast. She opened the window and peeked into the street for a minute.The black boy of the high school in front was closed and the sound of coyote cooing was coming from the thicket of trees.  

Whether he goes to school or not.He thought ---- but who knows all this.If you pay a little attention to the big drink house, then everything will not be fine, but he suddenly remembered his father.This time she would definitely send them Eid cards. She closed the window and came to the roof.  

From behind, children were flying kites and making noise.Alia remembers that once in her childhood she also tried to tease Bhangi's boy and her father used to scold her but she still liked Ping very much.Alia - Big Aunty came up panting and stood beside him.  His face was turning red as if he had suffered a great deal.  

There would be such compulsions that if they climbed the stairs, they would start to get distracted by the idea of ​​climbing.Take your clothes ...  He took a deep breath, laughed and passed a bundle to her.  

Pick up the dupatta and knock the pajamas on the machine.”But you have it.  "(31

He opened the bundle with a big chow.Dhaka's muslin scarf and blue sign were shining."But what about her, great aunt?" "Enough, you must put on tonight and celebrate Eid with laughter and joy. 

It is time to break the fast to go. You are not down.No one's clothes were made for Eid.The eldest daughter had asked her great uncle for clothes many times, but each time she was embarrassed and went to the sitting room. 

Then who bought her clothes?Has Jamil Bhai spent his tuition money on it or what has he done to save his father's place? His heart started beating with joy.Yes.The sound of formation was being heard very clearly from below.She was scolding ...Isn't she your sister, then make her own clothes. 

Hey, all your boys fill the stomach of a family. "" Yes, when you live outside, wear clothes there too you are a very decent boy.The mother was also burning the heart of the formation."I have just found this house.Only friends will ever give me clothes."Kyle responded with a big bang."If you also become like Bijaya, may Allah make you this beautiful couple of yours. 

By the way, who will ask you.

He put the clothes on the bed.For a moment it seemed to him that these clothes were the gift of Jamil Bhai's deep love but in another moment these clothes began to feel cold and shroud-like.A face with blue lips wrapped in these clothes was peeping.  

He capped and rolled up his clothes and went to his room and locked them in a box.Lahore Wala: Can she ever be a fool too?All these are the crumbs of this bag.The nature of man is like mercury.Got a little warm and went up.Yesterday was also, today it is acceptable.  

Then it will be someone else's turn.  When she went downstairs, everyone was drunk on Iftar.Crane was busy baking bread.The older aunt and uncle were sitting on the beds in the verandah, eating and cooking, and Jamil was reading something by the light of a lantern on a stool in his iron chair this winter.  

When it was very cold in the evening, this curry would look like a big sony soni, even two sons would sit on this chair and bask in the sun.  Alia thought for a moment that Jamil Bhai should not catch a cold.  There was a nice cold wind blowing now. "What about your studies now? There are very few days left for the exam.  

Jamil Bhai asked as soon as he saw her and came to the verandah with her.  "She sat down with her mother. She was afraid that Nabil Bhai might start taking exams. 

Even though the older children would not give her the keys to her library, she was convinced of Jamil Bhai's intelligence."Take a look at the reading, "said Aman."Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either.

Have been jamil bhai said happily and then looked at alia with his eyebrows raised.  

I don't know when she came and sat on the doorstep of her room.  "Come here, it's cold, sit here on the porch," said the older aunt. "I'm fine." We replied bitterly.And even before the war, there was an engagement here, but that was another time in our homes, not even known.  

Just found out when my brother ...  The older aunt became silent and then began to speak with a cool sigh."It simply came to our notice then.When the news of the death of her uncles came, the eldest daughter looked at everyone but all remained silent. But now the inflation is known.  

Now even that condition has become very quiet because the mother's forehead was wrinkled.  Whenever the great aunt talked about inflation, the wrinkles on her mother's forehead would deepen.  Everyone eat, otherwise it will get cold.Cousin hua spread the tablecloth on the throne. 

She jumped up from her seat like Humi and took her food from the plate and hurried to her room.Alia kept looking at his face.If something had happened then it would have been fine.How could he want us to be the same as before, now no one was going to play with so much love.  

It was as if they were waiting for him.He looked down in panic. Bringing a pair of clothes, they may have started considering it as their property.Why does this war happen?The older aunt looked at Jamil and asked.The loose money difference in everything made the quality of food even better.  

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