The evening had begun to fall.

The evening had begun to fall.  The crane was cooking in the air while cooking.  

Alia was afraid that her clothes would catch fire if they came somewhere.  Anyway, now his brother gives him less...Do Yemen Boa just sit on the stove.  Alia said anxiously. 

There is only one life left. If he is also burnt, luck will have it. Alia, who has already been burnt, used to blow firewood with her hands in the winter days in this house.

Hey, this hall which is cold today used to be hot like fire. Now there is a fire.  ?  For a few days now, Kariman Boa has been looking very tired and annoyed.  

Beta Zamana was tormenting them very severely ...  Even after so many speeches, he did not remain silent.  Gradually they began to grow.  God willing, everything was sacrificed for the meetings and processions.  

All of them have been eaten by the fat ones. Has anyone got freedom even by blowing the house? May Allah guide the elders.  The eldest daughter and mother were sitting on the throne.  In front of them were embers in earthen pots, which were now covered with ashes.  

They were both shaking their hands again and again.  The eldest daughter let out a long sigh and raised the lantern light on a corner of the tent.  The lantern probably had less oil and the light was dimming again and again.  

Everything was handled with minimal expense.  Many years had passed since the war.  Inflation had completely looted this house.  Everyone was upset.  How to eat If found, the body would not be clothed.  

Jamil Bhiya's small salary was like salt in dal for this house but the income of big uncle's shop still did not come in this house.  The eldest daughter always wanted Jamil Bhai to do something else.  But they also began to liberate the country.  

Shakeel pulled out his mustache.

Prematurely, but others' course books didn't last all night and many days.  It was as if all the limbs were suspended.  It was as if she had gone to burn herself today.  She clung to the stove even more.  Alia became terrified.  

Agriman Boa, stay away, there is a lot of spark to burn.  Alia clasped her hands on the hard curb near the throne.  Luckily, the sweater has become so old that Gree's name is no more.  After warming her hands and warming her body, she also stayed with her great aunt.  

The herdsman's chirping voice was slowly fading away from the street.  How desolate the night of Kamar seemed.  "They are in winter. All the people sitting on this throne used to eat herds with their fists full. They used to get tired of their mouths. 

Now the winters pass like this but one herd does not get lucky, wow time."  The crimson wind blew the wood into the stove. The crane wind was now speechless all the time. Big Chi then let out a long sigh and raised the lantern baby.  Has been  Alia said with a smirk. 

In the pale yellow light, the face of the great aunt looked like a man.  How tired I was of such things. Alia sighed in her chest ...  If you can get food quickly then read it for a while.  

The whole day passed but I did not touch the book.  The day passed, lying on the bed in the sun and sleeping.  Everyone was silent.  Alia had stayed in the back wall of the back wall and up to the ceiling. 

It had been a long time since she had made the electricity connection, but she had a fuse bulb in the bracket which had been blackened by the smoke.  No one dared to take out this black bulb and touch it as stated above, even if he had left the old signs attached to his heart.  

Alia looked down in confusion.  Crane air cooked food?  It is very cold today.  Shrinking from the cold in the cold bank, Israr Mian had raised his voice for the second time.  "Thar ja laat sahib." Kar Kan Hua replied burning for the second time.  "How miserable he is. 

There is no patience at all." "How does repentance die?"  "Mother was either sitting quietly for so long, shaking hands or tearing her heart out."  Alia's life was burnt, but what could she say to her mother?  No one thinks about the rage of the cold.  

Israr Mian is also a human being.  

How to live a miserable life.  Ever since she came, she has seen us walking around doing the old khadar karta of the big leaf and the penny of the penny that can be found.  

In the same way, winter and summer would pass.  Are  They will never get even a warm cloth so what will happen to the poor in this cold ---- "Just ready to eat Israr Mian!" Alia said in a weak voice and started looking at her mother's face.  ..Alia sighed in her chest ...  If you can get food quickly then read it for a while.  

The whole day passed but I did not touch the book.  The day passed, lying on the bed in the sun and sleeping.  Everyone was silent.  Alia had stayed in the back wall of the back wall and up to the ceiling. 

It had been a long time since she had made the electricity connection, but she had a fuse bulb in the bracket which had been blackened by the smoke.  

No one dared to take out this black bulb and touch it as stated above, even if he had left the old signs attached to his heart.  Alia looked down in confusion.  Crane air cooked food?  It is very cold today.  

Shrinking from the cold in the cold bank, Israr Mian had raised his voice for the second time.  "Thar ja laat sahib." Kar Kan Hua replied burning for the second time.  

How miserable he is. There is no patience at all." "How does repentance die?"  "Mother was either sitting quietly for so long, shaking hands or tearing her heart out."  Alia's life was burnt, but what could she say to her mother?  No one thinks about the rage of the cold.  

Israr Mian is also a human being.  

How to live a miserable life.  Ever since she came, she has seen us walking around doing the old khadar karta of the big leaf and the penny of the penny that can be found.  In the same way, winter and summer would pass.  

Are  They will never get even a warm cloth so what will happen to the poor in this cold ---- "Just ready to eat Israr Mian!" Alia said in a weak voice and started looking at her mother's face.  ..Alia sighed in her chest ...  If you can get food quickly then read it for a while.  

The whole day passed but I did not touch the book.  The day passed, lying on the bed in the sun and sleeping.  Everyone was silent.  Alia had stayed in the back wall of the back wall and up to the ceiling. 

It had been a long time since she had made the electricity connection, but she had a fuse bulb in the bracket which had been blackened by the smoke.  No one dared to take out this black bulb and touch it as stated above, even if he had left the old signs attached to his heart.  

Alia looked down in confusion.  Crane air cooked food?  It is very cold today.  Shrinking from the cold in the cold bank, Israr Mian had raised his voice for the second time.  "Thar ja laat sahib." Kar Kan Hua replied burning for the second time.  "How miserable he is. 

There is no patience at all." "How does repentance die?"  "Mother was either sitting quietly for so long, shaking hands or tearing her heart out."  Alia's life was burnt, but what could she say to her mother?  No one thinks about the rage of the cold.  

Israr Mian is also a human being.  How to live a miserable life.  Ever since she came, she has seen us walking around doing the old khadar karta of the big leaf and the penny of the penny that can be found.  In the same way, winter and summer would pass.  

Are  They will never get even a warm cloth so what will happen to the poor in this cold ---- "Just ready to eat Israr Mian!" Alia said in a weak voice and started looking at her mother's face.  .."Who told you to answer him? Are you ashamed too?"  The mother immediately scolded her. Alia did not answer. 

She did not want to show the heart of the mother.  Gave it. After all, even the mystery is the offspring of your father-in-law. "  "Mom made a face and then she started thinking about Chhmi's wedding. 


---------------------------------------------------------------------Why don't you go to your room?" Alia said quickly.  «But the five hundred sent by his father for marriage.  How will everything work in this?  "Now my mother has another thought. Just something will happen." Auntie bowed her head.  

Just like bastards get married.  The mother said.  "Then where will the thousands come from?"  "Mother's words were not being tolerated by Alia today." Five hundred fireworks were fired.  

These eyes have seen everything in the weddings of their homes.  "Kariman Boa was baking bread fast.  The curtain came down and the crane sat in front of the stove near the wind, then the marriage ended there.  Everyone fell silent.  Everyone was hiding from us.  

No one told her that the marriage was over.  Her father has sent money for the dowry and one day she will leave in a dole.  Everyone was afraid that a storm might break out.  Everyone was quiet.  

How many sackcloth curtains in the hallway?

There were big holes.  The sun and the rain had ruined their appearance.  And now as much air was coming in through these holes as if we were sitting in front of an open window.  

Alia was tired of the silence and her toenails were counted.  The elder brothers moved to Kanpur in such severe cold.  They even hate English clothes, Sherwani gets a cold.  It seemed to be full from all sides.    

Would it be okay to wear a coat?  May Allah have mercy ...  Aman then changed the subject.  Where did these movements come from in this family?  "It's just their life. 

God will bless them."  God protect them from the cold, they never wore English clothes, they always hated it, then it was not their turn to wear another warm sherwani.  How cold would the old sherwani be?  "Auntie said, and the ashes on the coals were sharp. 

Alia hid her head in her arms and closed her eyes."  In the darkness, Lal first started jumping to measure the spots and then iron bars started appearing in front of him and behind these bars his father's face was shining.  

Or how cold it will be there.  There you will not have to warm any room by hugging and even those warm clothes will be old now.  

How would the night go?  He opened his eyes in panic.  "How long will the green bread remain? Give me the first meal today. I have to study," said Alia.  

In charity, you should eat hot bread, you should also eat panchi batiya with you.  Chhmi said with a sigh and hid her face in her arms and went further to the stove.

                  •Next part•

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