Alia was eating heartily. At that moment, everyone was silent.

Alia was eating heartily.  At that moment, everyone was silent.  Even among so many people, traces of life could not be found.  

He wondered where Jamil Bhai had gone today.  What activities are they engaged in and Shakeelullah must be wandering around.  "Crane, now send food to Israr Mian too." Alia said getting up.  

But if it happened, she would always be deaf and dumb on such occasions.  Will be sent  Now do a crane with this hand.  Aman replied bitterly.  Yes, look at the little bride.  Speak quickly in Yemen ...  What was the time that ...  Alia quickly rolled up her veil and came out.  

How dark  The object was not visible from a distance.  She crashed into an iron chair in the courtyard.  The light yellow light coming out of Bhami's room was left across the back wall.  She hurried across the courtyard and took the stairs.  

The idea of ​​ten hands of Kremen Boa had greatly annoyed him.  As he made his way to Najma Phu Phi's room, he looked down and saw Najma Phu Phi lying on the armchair, drowning in a book twice as thick as hers, and the two lai for cooking sand at her feet had grown with great sophistication.  

Najma's aunt didn't even look up as usual ...  How can he leave this path now?  She flew into the air and stopped going to her room.  As soon as he entered the room with his hand, he opened the window in the street.  

In the bright light of the light she. 

Fixed her bed and then looked at the quilt and lay down.How cold it was to open the window, but to close the window would have to dive into the darkness.  How confused he was with the light of the lantern's thirst and love.  

By the way, there was a time when a part of life had passed in the thirsty light of the lantern.  How much fun it would be to gather around a lantern on a rainy day.  Now one muscle hit the head of the glass and turned upside down, now another and now yours.  

In this way, the leaves would be counted and they would fall asleep, but now without the electric light found in the charity, it would not be read for a minute.  The first part of the night had just passed, but how the senate was in the street.  

The school building and the surrounding dense trees were covered in hollow sheets.  From the lower floor, loud voices were now coming and the sound of Israr Mian's intention was getting mixed up with these voices.  ?  If the food is cooked, give it to me. 

If you eat it late, you will feel very hungry.  What will we all do if your appetite is not satisfied in this time of high prices ...  Mimi was talking about her specific pay and then her sexual voice went over Alia's ears.  Alia placed the book on her chest.  A test of mercy crossed his heart. 

What is the fault of this poor man?  Why have all these people become for them again?  After all, he did not come into the world by himself and now everyone has become his stranger.  He is no one's uncle, no one's survivor, no one's brother, no one's father.  

Father, what has happened to anyone to think about this?  Whose father will they be when they have no father?  He just wanted to run and go down.  

Decorate the boat with your own hands and then place the mystery in front of the husbands while they eat Stay with them like happy nephews.  But how impossible all this was.  

In this way, the old dignity of her mother will be hurt and if there is a crane, she will surely start mourning the passing of time.  Well, this is not my house.  He picked up the book again.  The atrocities of Genghis Khan were read and killed.  

Putting the book, he hid his face in the quilt.  How this noble creature has made history with cruelty.  At that time, she was a complete thinker.  The fire of values ​​never goes out.  Millions of civilizations are born, nothing happens.  Values ​​burn everything together.  

Despite this, the claim is that we are. 

Now civilized.  Building towers of heads and locking human beings in cages is a reminder of the centuries-old horror era but the war that is going on today.  

Take one big bomb after another to kill the most innocent, the most advanced weapon, then the story of Jallianwala Bagh which is a century old event.  This civilized age had given birth to this incident.  

And he suddenly remembered Kasam Vedi.  - His body floated in front of his eyes in the dark.  Water dripping from Bunty Sari was pouring on her heart.  Someone covered her head with a blanket and she got up.  "Oh, you're scared.  

Jamil Bhai was standing next to him.  "Yes, I was scared. Just a while ago, I was reading about the atrocities of Genghis Khan."  And how can I tell you, you are polite and then the poet - Israr Mian got food? ""I do not interfere in the affairs of the Kremlin.  

Jamil Bhai said with great dullness.  

At that time I have come to talk to you and Jamil Bhai was not in the mood for discussion etc. at that time.  They were thinking something.  

She already knew what he was thinking and what he wanted to say, and now that the night was asleep, everyone was lying in their beds in the cold, so why did they come to his room.  

Then it occurred to him that Najma should not start thinking ...  He opened both windows.  Jamil Bhai rolled up his chair and sat down by the side of his bed and stared at him with deep eyes.  

She started looking around to avoid Jameel Bhai.  "How beautiful your eyes are, the poet has probably remembered such eyes by the name of paradise.  "Thank you, brother Jamil."  He laughed out loud. "This is not real heaven.  

Maybe Shaddad's paradise.  "Alia Begum, building a minaret of heads is not as much cruelty as making fun of someone's emotions."  I will do it. "So he hid his hand in the quilt. 

Jamil bhaya. If she passes this time, it will be fun. Najma must have had a little bit of her aunt's ability.  She was changing the subject of conversation but Jamil Bhaya did not take any interest.  

He bowed his head and sat in silence.  How many cold gusts of wind were coming in from the open window but she could not even close the window.  Darkness takes away all light from emotions.  "I know you don't want to talk to me.  

You are delaying me, Alia. Can't you even respect my love?  "1How crazy  Where is  Did he come and swear something less?  Honey!  I don't know, she picked up her course book and went to read with great ease.  

And then, not knowing when the book.

Slipped from his hand and fell on his chest, he was startled in a deep sleep.  Hey!  Why is he standing barefoot in the cold?  Alia placed the book on the table.  

So are you still awake ...?" She staggered to the window.  "But what are you doing in the cold?"  Come here in a quilt.  "That Manzoor had said that I would be standing under a pole in the street at midnight.

You would have come and stood in the clock. Well, even if you fall asleep, I would have disturbed your sleep. I opened the door of that room and left quickly."  Alia also called out but she must have gone upstairs to her room.  

Alia opened the window sill and peeked down the street.  The native light of the moon was returning to the street, there was nothing else. 

                      •Next part•

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