Get Wedded but not to anyone's father' Hot debate on alternate marriage on social media on actress Farah Saadia's tweet

 Get Wedded but not to anyone's father' Hot debate on alternate marriage on social media on actress Farah Saadia's tweet 



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used to suppose that if you pay a lot of plutocrat also problems will be answered but that wasn't the case. I am sorry I can not give both women equal time."

This was said by Ahmed Ali ( alias) who had two marriages. Ahmed's first marriage was arranged by his parents. Still, after ten times, they got married for the alternate time after falling in love freely. 


Indeed though alternate marriages are legal, they're impermissible in our society and people with two women look at them with strange eyes,"he said. 

A tweet from Farah Saadia, a well- known Pakistani actress and anchor, on a man's alternate marriage has come a content of discussion on social media. 


 Farah Saadia said," Marry but not from anyone's father. 

You'll get another hubby. Children won't get a father.

 Do not oppress the woman who spent her youth raising and raising children when she was nothing. Do not ruin the house. 

Where numerous women feel to like, numerous men are seen saying that marriage is their'sharia right'. 

And that if a man can produce balance also why not marry. 

The actress's tweet has offended numerous women who are other women because, according to her, she has been portrayed as a"villain"and her licit act like marriage has been nominated as atrocity. 


 We talked to one similar' alternate woman'and her hubby and wanted to know if the alternate marriage was just as undesirable for them. 


It has been 19 times since Ahmed's first marriage and nine times since his alternate marriage. He lives in the same house with his two women. 

 Ahmed's alternate woman Samina ( alias) is youngish than him. Both have a marriage of choice.

 Samina said that although she allowed that being educated and employed, she'd handle any situation, but the first opposition to marrying Ahmed came from her own family and cousins. Gone 


"I was told you would kill the rights of this man's children and first woman. You're participating their father. 

How will you manage in the future? Father's love for your children will be shattered.'

"I've been married for nine times now and we've two children. The four children live in love with each other. 

And the credit for that goes to my hubby's first woman, who also made no difference to the children, and I noway did. We live in a veritably nice house.


 Was Samina ready to partake her hubby? To this question, Samina said,"If I'm adding a person's first woman to my life, I'm partnering with someone myself, also obviously someone can partake my love and passions.


 He said that he was looked upon with strange eyes in the family fests after marriage.

People look as if commodity bad has happed or commodity is wrong,"he said.

 People would look at me as if I had been forced to look down and suppose,' Have I done anything wrong?'I would be veritably perturbed. 

No matter how well- educated you are, when you encounter similar negative stations, you're amazed.'

 She says her life and that of her hubby are veritably peaceful, but social geste is veritably painful. 


 Samina objects that the word used for one's alternate woman has been made nearly vituperative. 

"People can indeed say that she's the alternate woman of similar and similar a person,"he said. 

It's always said in a contemptuous manner that it's the solace of so and so. The word" pain"is a veritably short word for the way it's pronounced, it's painful. 


 Samina said that in every case, neither the first woman nor the alternate woman is oppressed.

Indeed though the mama-in- law, the family and indeed the society is with the first woman, she's still considered tyrannized. 

And now the limit is that words like Sukan and alternate woman are left far before but now it's called as' alternate woman'. 

The same statement has been made in our dramatizations and in the media. 

I feel to be living a veritably successful life with both women,"Ahmed said. 

They both live in the same house but I've to manage a lot. My fiscal and emotional problems are further than others. 


Indeed though I'm satisfied with my life, I advise my musketeers and familiarity not to marry because it divides them,"Ahmed said. 

 Legal rights of first woman and children 


There are innumerous stories in Pakistan where after a alternate marriage the hubby either divorces the first woman or stops supporting her after a confinement. 

In similar cases, the first woman is either tone- employed or her mama-in- law takes care of her and her children. 

Pakistani law obliges the hubby to bear the charges of the first woman and children. 


 Lahore High Court counsel Syed Wajihul Hassan said that under the Family Law of 1969 and the Family Act of 1964, whether a man remarries or not, he's fairly bound to give conservation ornon-maintenance of woman in both cases. 

If this expenditure is written on the marriage instrument or not. The man has to pay for it."

 Still, the woman can file a polygamy suit in the Family Court,"he added,"If a man remarries without the concurrence of his first woman. 


 Section 6 of the Muslim Family Law Ordinance states,"It's a legal demand that the first woman regularly appear before the president of the Arbitration Council and allow her hubby to marry.

But if a man marries without this authorization, the first woman can file a complaint against him. 

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