Forced coitus with woman do not make it a crime

 Forced coitus with 

woman do not make            it a crime'


 In India,' connubial rape'isn't a crime in the eyes of the law, ie if a hubby has sexual intercourse with his woman without her concurrence, it isn't considered a crime. 

The central government has said in response to a solicitation seeking legalization of" connubial rape"that it could weaken the institution of marriage. 

 The central government said in the Delhi High Court that" connubial rape"couldn't be declared illegal as it was stressed to be misused and could be used as a simple armament to kill misters. 


 One similar question is what's the difference between rape and connubial rape and how it can harm a bond like marriage. 

 According to section 375 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), if a man has coitus with a woman in six of these situations, it's called rape 

 Without the concurrence of the woman 

If the woman's concurrence has been attained by hanging to intimidate or harm her loved one. 

 If the woman warrants but at that time the internal balance of the woman isn't right or she has been given some medicine and the girl or woman isn't completely conscious while giving concurrence for coitus. 

 Still, sexual intercourse established with her concurrence will also fall under the order of rape, If the girl is under 16 times of age. 


The IPC does define rape but doesn't mention connubial rape. 

 Section 376 prescribes discipline for rape but in this case sexual intercourse with the woman falls under the order of rape when the woman is below 12 times of age.

 Under it, such a hubby can be doomed to over to two times. 


 Sections 375 and 376 make it clear that the minimal age for sexual intercourse is 16 times, but the concurrence of girls over 12 times of age for coitus doesn't count. 

 What's the Hindu Marriage Act? 

 The Hindu Marriage Act sets out specific liabilities between hubby and woman towards each other and includes the right to have coitus. 

The law states that denial of coitus is an injustice and a divorce can be sought on that base. 

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