Ahsan Khan's part in Qissa Mehrabano Ka

 Ahsan Khan's part in Qissa Mehrabano Ka' 

Girls can not talk to anyone about connubial rape. 

That is why pressing was important 


 One of the great merits of a good artist is that he can fluently acclimatize to any negative or positive part, but if the same part is             

played to spread mindfulness about a social problem, also it's a bitter lozenge.

 Can also be proved

Artist Ahsan Khan is playing such a part in the drama diurnal'Qissa Mehrabano Ka'. 

The play highlights a social issue that people in Pakistan, especially women, are reticent to talk about.

 This is the problem of a hubby having forced coitus with his woman. 


 The playwrights have been entering sun for pressing a veritably complex issue since its airing, but this isn't the first time that Ahsan Khan has had to play a negative part in pressing a social aspect. 

He'd played the part of a child bushwhacker in the drama'Adari'a many times back, after which there was a contestation over the.

 drama, but he also entered accolades and awards for his performance in Ahsan Khan. Khan is now a popular artist as well as a hard- working artist.

 Despite espousing so numerous different styles, how delicate it's for them to stay close to reality and whether they choose these negative places of their own free will. 

Ahsan Khan has given answers to these and other analogous questions in an interview given to intelligencer Barak Shabbir for BBC. 

Connubial rape is a veritably particular matter. It isn't visible, and no bone can talk about it.

 In the drama'Qissa Mehrabano Ka', Ahsan Khan is playing the part of a hubby who forcefully has coitus with his woman.

 Still, this character doesn't show the conceptions generally seen in dramatizations. 

 Critics have Preliminarily blamed violence against women in Pakistani dramatizations, and according to Ahsan Khan, doing so"normalizes"this negative practice, which is wrong. 


 He cites the illustration of'Kissa Mehrabano Ka'in this regard, saying that'the relationship that was shown didn't involve compulsion.

 or aggression or manipulation because it has come so common that women have been slighted, and Also the same thing happed that came normal.

because we had a different aspect in our mind, which we were carrying and this aspect came to light after a many occurrences. 

Ahsan Khan says in raising mindfulness about this largely sensitive and complex subject,"It's such a deep cerebral problem that if you're abusing someone, or slighting him, he's visible. Goes to people. 

But it's a veritably particular issue that no bone can talk about, nor can it be seen."


"Every woman who has this passing at home has no way to talk about it, she can not go to anyone,"he said. 

She can not indeed talk to her mama-in- law about it, so it was a weird, complicated issue. 

 So if it was bandied, it was a veritably good thing.

 Ahsan Khan has been seen as an'anti-hero' rather of a idol for a long time. 

Is this a sign of maturity of their amusement and do they choose this part of their own free will? 


 In response to this question, Ahsan Khan says,"These were the characters I chose. Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys. 

 Analogous stories and scripts in Pakistani dramatizations are also blamed. 



Regarding my conceptions, Ahsan Khan says,"I try to choose the character that the story revolves around and I suppose I've.

 played the script grounded on the conceptions that are generally offered numerous times ahead. 

It's like the idol fell in love with two girls, or he got stuck in love, or he fell in love with someone in the office, etc. 

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