Will the blazoned Saudi canvas refinery for Gwadar be erected in Mecca now

 Will the blazoned Saudi canvas refinery for Gwadar be erected in Mecca now? 


 The canvas refinery blazoned by Saudi Arabia for the Pakistani littoral megacity of Gwadar is now planned to be dislocated to Mecca, a littoral city in Balochistan near Karachi, rather of the megacity now known as C-Pack's' gateway'. Is being considered. 

 Further than one government and political functionary involved in the design has verified that the canvas refinery is now being considered for construction in Mecca due to a number of issues related to the design blazoned by the Saudi Crown Prince. 


 It should be noted that during the visit of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan in February 2019, investment agreements worth 20 20 billion were inked by Saudi Arabia in Pakistan. 

An agreement was also reached to set up a refinery in Gwadar megacity. 

The سے 8-10 billion refinery deal is nearly three times old, but no progress has been made since also. 


 News about the construction of the refinery at Gwadar, the gateway to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, has been circulating for some time now. 

The refinery will be erected in the artificial city mecca of Balochistan. 

Although no significant progress has been made on the Saudi- erected refinery in Mecca, according to people associated with the canvas and gas sector in Pakistan, the Saudi refinery design is a"political design"and for some time. Saudi Arabia has not shown important interest in the refinery due to the recent cold snap in bilateral relations. 

 The government agency in the canvas sector has also refocused out that construction is now under consideration in Mecca. 

Although government officers are still reticent to take a stage on the issue, they've said that the artificial megacity of Balochistan, Hub, was also under consideration from the morning. 

What's the plan of Saudi refinery? 




Ahead of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's visit to Pakistan, Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Faleh blazoned that Saudi Arabia would make a large refinery in the Pakistani littoral megacity of Gwadar. 

The advertisement was further enhanced when a memorandum of understanding was inked on the occasion of Muhammad bin Salman's visit to Pakistan in February 2019 to set up the refinery at a cost of سے 8-10 billion in Gwadar. Will go 

A elderly functionary of a government agency associated with the canvas sector told BBC Urdu that the refinery is an agreement of Deep Conversion Refinery under which petrol, diesel as well as chemicals i.e. lubricants are produced in the refinery. 


 He said that in fact this isn't a refinery but a design of petrochemical complex. According to him, the being refineries operating in Pakistan produce furnace canvas along with petrol and diesel and don't produce lubricants. Still, the Saudi refinery is a petrochemical design able of refining three to four million barrels of crude canvas, which, if started moment, would take seven to eight times to complete. 

 Was the plan to set up a refinery in Gwadar doable? 


 Saudi Arabia's refinery design in Gwadar has been described as" useless"by those in the canvas and gas sector. 

 A elderly functionary of the government agency said that the design isn't doable because after the establishment of the refinery in Gwadar, how will the products produced in it be delivered? 

 He said that in the refinery operating in Karachi, diesel produced from crude canvas is transported to Punjab through White Pipeline and also some portion of petrol is also transferred from this channel from Punjab and North. ۔ Gwadar is far from Karachi and a new channel would have to be laid for the manufacture and delivery of manufactured goods at the refinery there, estimated at سے1.5 billion and doubtful by Saudi Arabia. He should invest heavily in this channel. 

 He said that when the feasibility report for the establishment of the refinery was prepared, it came to light. So the first thing to look at is whether its unborn outlook is positive. 


"After the establishment of the refinery, how will the products produced in it be consumed when the government in the country is working to promote electric vehicles and cold-blooded vehicles,"he said. 

 He said that the perpetration of any design depends on the extent to which it'll be effective in the future. 

Still, in the case of the Saudi refinery, it can be said that Is working on the policy of also how the products made in this refinery will be used. 


 Has Mecca been under consideration for the refinery design from the morning? 

 An disquisition into the setting up of the refinery in Mecca, Balochistan, rather of Gwadar, revealed that the agreement to set up the refinery included only Gwadar and Hub wasn't part of its original plan. 


 A government functionary said a feasibility report was being worked out for Mecca. 

Still, he said that Mecca wasn't included in the original agreement and now due to Saudi Arabia's lack of interest in Gwadar, Hub has been named for the job. 

 In this regard, the state canvas selling company Pakistan State Oil (PSO) which was in touch with the Saudi company Aramco for setting up this refinery, was communicated by KMD Syed Taha and he verified that Hub also Under consideration in this regard. 


 He said the matter was being looked into at the government position and a suitable position for setting up the refinery was being worked out.

 He said he could confirm that Mecca was also under consideration. 

 A government functionary said Mecca was now the area where the Saudi refinery would be located. 


"There are two or three reasons why this is a good place for Saudi Arabia,"he said. On the one hand, due to its propinquity to Karachi, the products made in the refinery then can be fluently packed across the country and before that, a refinery Baiko was also operating in Mecca. 

"The alternate reason is that canvas- producing countries are more interested in dealing their canvas, indeed if they've lower profit in the refinery."If a refinery is set up in Mecca, Saudi canvas could be fluently used and also packed across the country, for which they would have to invest an fresh سے1.5 billion in the form of a refinery in Gwadar. Would be demanded so that canvas products from there could be packed across the country. 


 The government functionary said that the refinery in Pakistan will now be erected by Saudi Arabia in Hub but no progress has been made on this yet as before this time the Saudi company Aramco had made a feasibility study for the refinery in Mecca. 

The report was also set but no progress has been made since also due to a slight bitterness in the relations between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan which is now gone and after that Pakistan has to pay three billion bones. Deposits and late payments have also been eased, but no progress has been made on the refinery design. 

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