Karunjhar slice Court orders FWO and private company to stop cutting monuments

 Karunjhar slice Court orders FWO and private company to stop cutting monuments 


 A original court in Pakistan's Tharparkar quarter has barred FWO, a attachment of the Pakistan Army, and a private company from cutting down Karunjhar mountain in Nangarparkar. 

The#SaveKaroonjhar crusade has been going on on social media for the last several months regarding the deforestation of Karunjhar. Piecemeal from this, demurrers have also been offered from Nangarparkar to Islamabad. 


 Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate Nangarparkar Karam Ali Shah issued his judgment citing original and transnational law, Constitution of Pakistan Supreme Court and High Court opinions

. He said that to cut a holocaust means to kill a hen that lays a diamond egg, not a gold one. 

He also cited a lyric by Faiz Ahmed Faiz in the verdict. 

The brutes will corrupt, also you'll do justice 

 Still, why do not you raise the rejuvenation now? 

, If you're fair.Pakistan Army's construction agency FWO, Koh-i-Noor Marble Industry, Sindh Police, Wildlife Department, Forestry, Agedness and Culture and others were named as parties in the solicitation. 


 The court, in its judgment, addressed the FWO and Koh-i-Noor Company and said that you claim that this process is going on fairly while you have bared any other document including parcel agreement, check reports, limits or its terms.

 In addition, the Department of Environment, the Department of Wildlife, the Department of Culture and Agedness and the Ministry of Defense of Pakistan didn't present the NOC, which is a prerequisite before starting work. The residers of Nagarparkar can not be left at the mercy of the tyrants by turning a eyeless eye to the act and depriving them of their introductory rights. It's clear that this act of cutting down the mountain has created instability and query among the people Yes, it's indeed a trouble to the lives of the locals and it's a pure form of universal horror. 

The decision states that the data have been stated in the court that FWO and Koh Noor Marble have installed gravestone slice and lifting shops. 

The mountain range is a net center of tourism and generates income and livelihood for the locals. 

He said that check post should be set up in the quarter and any truck loaded with monuments should be unloaded. 


 The court ruled that the significance of the mountain was similar that cutting down a holocaust was like killing a hen that lays diamond eggs, not gold. 

It says,"It's not just a mountain, it's a collaborative resource."This mountain range is at the same time tourism, culture, heritage, religious cooperation, irrigation, husbandry, defense, livelihood, wildlife conservation, lush green timber and much further. 

To cut down the mountain means to cut off all the means of livelihood of the people of Nangarparkar. 



 This isn't Karunjhar mountain but our aorta is being cut. 


It was the alternate week of September. There was a large crowd on Verwah Chowki Road in Nagar Parker Tehsil of Thar Parkar. 

In front was the mountain range of Karunjhar, on which there were occasional shadows.

 Utmost of the mountain was sunny and the Karunjhar mountains, adorned with various determinedness jewels, were scattering colors in the sun.

 There was also greenery after the rains. It was hard to believe that this beautiful view was of the Thar Desert. 

People held posters with taglines to save Karunjhar.

 Original intelligencer and activist Zulfiqar Khoso, who was present there, said,"This isn't Karunjhar mountain, but our aorta is beingcut.

However, we will also die, If the mountain doesn't remain."


 Locals are demanding that the quarrying be stopped and the government cancel all plats in this regard. 

Locals say that there are clear orders of the court in this regard to stop the slice of these mountains, but despite this order, the slice continuesthere.However, the crop is stopped for a many days, also the process resumes, If the demurrers escalate. 


 Karunjhar mountain range 

 About 130 km from Mithi is the ancient megacity of Nagar Parker, which is girdled by the Karunjhar hills. 

Nangar Parkar is a quarter in the Tharparkar quarter in the southern fiefdom of Sindh, Pakistan. 

This range of mountains is 29 km long and 305 m above ocean position. 


 In the area of Nagar Parker, which has a population of lower than one and a half million, life goes on thanks to these Karunjhar mountains. 

The further than a dozen rainwater aqueducts and springs that flow out of then are the only source of water for the population of Nagar Parker and its beast of the same number throughout the time. 

 The land around Karunjhar is rich. There's a good crop of onions.

 Multitudinous heads have been constructed then to collect rain water. 

Rainy days, especially in August, attract a large number of excursionists. 


 Locals purport that the deforestation of Karunjhar isn't only affecting the beauty, tourism and culture of the place but also its environmental impact as the water in the heads is collected through these mountains. 

 Due to these mountains, the area has a rich ecosystem that's rich in biodiversity of all kinds. 


 According to Mir Ijaz Talpur of Sindh Wildlife Department, the area is rich in all kinds of catcalls. 

There are blue cows, chinkara deer, peacocks, banded woodpeckers, rabbits, argentine partridges, bhat partridges, raj hans, red sarbagla, fish- eating waterfowl, stork cornucopia, brand, thank you, eagle, different species of migrant catcalls and different species.

 The predators are plant. Another specialty of this area is the presence of numerous species of predators.

 According to the rearmost report of IUCN Pakistan The Status of Predators Sindh Population Baseline Survey 2019-2020, 8 out of 9 species of burros in South Asia are available in Pakistan, out of which 6 are plant in Tharparkar area. One of these rare long- billed predators roosts in the mountains of Karunjhar, and the slice of jewels could directly lead to the extermination of this species. 

In addition, further than 50 species of trees and further than 100 medicinal shops or sauces are plant in the area. 

There are ancient places of deification of different persuasions in these mountains. 

There are innumerous literal spots in the mountains of Karunjhar, including the old tabernacles of Jain and Hindu Dharma and the Bhodesar Mosque of Mahmud Bagri erected in one night. 

Locals say that there are 108 Hindu Dharma Astans in this mountain, in which Sardaro Dham is considered to be the largest Dham after Ganga. 

 According to some traditions, when the Pandavas were deported by the Korans to Mahabharata for 13 times, the five Pandava sisters came and settled on the same mountains and there are still ponds named after them. 


 There's a notorious saying about Karonjhar mountain that this mountain gives diurnal'Sawa Sir'gold.

 The quantum you earn. But now further than these coffers, the beautiful determinedness of these mountains has come the center of attention for marketable purposes and in the days to come the locals are seen protesting fiercely against gravestone slice. 


 What's the case of Karunjhar harvesting? 

 The people of Sindh are formerly again on the thoroughfares regarding the harvesting of Karunjhar.

 This series of demurrers has now spread to Tharparkar or outside Sindh.

 On December 23, a kick was offered in front of the Islamabad Press Club. 


 During a visit in September, original activist Mir Muhammad Dal took us to the Verwah check post to show us tons of jewels uprooted from the mountain, where large boulders were scattered far and wide on the road. There were also marks on them. 

Mir Mohammad said,"If jewels continue to come out of Karunjhar mountain like this, one day this mountain won't survive, neither the people then, nor the cattle, nor the catcalls."Mir Mohammad Dil added Predators also have nests and different cattle climb these mountains and eat lawn. 

 Another original activist, Dayal Sahrai, said that the civil government had leased out colorful companies in 1980, after which the birth process continued, but also when dynamite was used to break the gravestone in 2011, the locals approached the court. ۔ After that, the mining 

was stopped on the order of the Supreme Court, but Dayal says that the process of breaking monuments from the mountains is still going on. Monuments are loaded onto exchanges in the dark of night. 


 Locals say that eight to ten exchanges carry monuments every day. 


 Karunjhar, the world defended niche! 


 Mir Ijaz Talpur, combined to the Sindh Wildlife Department of the Sindh government, clarified that the Karunjhar mountain range but also the entire Nangar Parkar area is part of the Wildlife Sanctuary'Run of Kachh'which is also a world defended Ramsar point. 

Pakistan is also a ratifier of the Ramsar Convention.

 Mir Ejaz Talpur also said that the parcel for cutting monuments from Karunjhar was given by the Mines and Minerals Department of Sindh which is illegal."We've written to the agency to cancel it because if this process continues, the mountain wildlife will resettle from the area."


 It should also be noted that there are about 108 centuries old Hindu and Jain sanctuaries in this mountain range. Experts say the Karunjhar mountain range should be declared a public demesne so that all kinds of marketable conditioning are banned. That's the only way to save this ancient asset. 

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