National Security Policy 26-2022 Is This Really The First National Security Policy

 National Security Policy 26-2022 Is This Really The First National Security Policy? 


 Will the new and' first' public security policy differ from the one espoused by also Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 2014? Answering this question, the present National Security Adviser Moeed Yousuf says that this is the first public security policy in the history of Pakistan. 


 A meeting of the Federal Cabinet was held moment under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Imran Khan to authorize the same National Security Policy. 

The policy was approved at a meeting of the National Security Committee (NSC) history. 


 According to a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office after the NSC meeting, the commission has"approved the country's first National Security Policy 26-2022". 


 During the meeting, the Prime Minister said that"the security of the country is linked to the protection of its citizens while Pakistan is completely able of dealing with any internal and external pitfalls."


 It's clear from his statement that the new public security policy is grounded on both internal and external security factors. On the other hand, it has been refocused out that the focus of the new public security policy will be on perfecting the frugality. 

The statement said that" profitable security will be the only guarantee for the safety of citizens."


 Moment, National Security Advisor Moeed Yousuf, while addressing a press conference, participated the salient points of the new public security policy. 


 He said that this was the first public security policy in the history of Pakistan which took seven times to formulate and it was agreed upon by all parties and stakeholders. 

The main purpose of this public security policy is the protection of ordinary citizens and its axis is profitable security. 


 Moeed Yousaf said that the policy presented in the history was related to internal security which is also part of the new public security policy. 


"This policy covers internal security, foreign affairs, mortal security and profitable security."If our frugality is strong also our citizens will be safe and defense security is possible."


 He said that the main point of foreign policy included in this document was that Pakistan wanted peace with all countries including neighboring countries. 

Security Adviser Moeed Yousaf said the document would be participated with the media in a week's time and would go to congress. 


 National Security AdvisorDr. Moeed Yousuf gave a briefing in the meeting of the Federal Cabinet. 

The Prime Minister also directed the National Security Adviser to submit a yearly report on the perpetration of the policy. 


 What's profitable security? 



 Talking about this, elderly critic Amir Zia said that the citation of profitable security isn't a new thing. Also the lives of the citizens will be better and in that case we will have further budget in terms of defense expenditure. Also, civil governments have been talking about it and formulating programs. 



This isn't the first time that the PTI government has said such a thing.

 But the problem is that not every government can take the practical way demanded to ameliorate the frugality.

 You have to make some delicate opinions, you have to make opinions that could be your political death.

 But unfortunately our governments aren't ready to damage their political position. 


 Amir Zia believes that enhancement in the frugality isn't possible unless there's thickness in programs and stability in government. 


 He also linked profitable security with foreign policy, saying that"on the other hand, for profitable development, it's also important to have good relations with neighboring countries."

There was a lot of review when the current Army Chief spoke of perfecting relations with India for the sake of the frugality. But now effects have gotten worse."


"After the end of Kashmir's special status, neither the army nor the government can go to talk to India about the current status of Kashmir. Still, it's also a fact that India's positive and forward- looking dispatches from Pakistan haven't been taken in a positive light." 

Reaching the face,"a government that has had an profitable downturn, talking about profitable security, I suppose that is enough ridiculous."


 Still, Amir Zia believes that when the current government came to power, the profitable situation was veritably bad, and Pakistan was on the verge of ruin, so I don't suppose that the current government should be criticized for ruining the frugality. Is. 


 He says it's possible that the government's full goodwill is involved now that they're erecting profitable security on the base of a public security policy. 

But it's also a fact that in just two times, Prime Minister Imran Khan won't be suitable to get the country out of trouble and bring about reforms in the frugality on a veritably large scale. Yes, this is the first step that can be taken. 


 It's to be noted that regular work on public security policy has been done in Pakistan numerous times but a amicable policy couldn't be formulated before 2014. Opposition groups called for a boycott of a briefing on public security policy, which was approved moment. 


 In the history, whenever there was a need, it was spent on administrative acts, bills and bills. These include the Protection of Pakistan Act and theAnti-Terrorism Act.

 As in 2014, this policy has been espoused from the platform of the National Security Council. 



 Security policy and public action plan formulated under Nawaz Sharif 



 The National Security Policy was formulated at a time when accommodations between the government and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) stalled and the Pakistani service launched targeted operations against the TTP. 



In February 2014, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif approved the policy.

 It was a 94- runner detailed policy that reviewed crucial issues of public security and outlined problems and way to address them. 


 The policy also stated that dialogue and concession would be given precedence over military operations to resolve issues. 

Corrective centers will be set up for those who have erred from revolutionist groups and come part of the public mainstream. 


 The National Internal Security Policy of 2014 stated that the ideal of this policy is to produce a safe terrain in which the life, property, civil liberties and socio-profitable rights of citizens are defended and under the Civil Constitution of Pakistan.

 To live in the country with harmony, freedom, honor and quality. 


 Still, the main issue in this policy was to control the security situation of the country, accommodations with all stakeholders and measures related to combating terrorism were explained.

 The public security policy also stated that the government faces a major security challenge as soon as it comes to power and only by prostrating it can profitable stability and the lives of its citizens be bettered. 


 But exactly ten months after the policy was approved, the Army Public School in Peshawar was attacked by the terrorist association Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.

 Following the attack, a public action plan was drawn up in 2015 and it was decided to abandon addresses with terrorist associations and exclude them altogether, while military bars were set up. 

Other measures were also decided in the National Action Plan, including reforms related to madrassas, measures to annihilate unreasonableness and so on. 


 In 2018, when it was the last time of the PML-N government, the government also approved the National Internal Security Policy II 2023-2018 and the National Action Plan II. 



 Is this really the first public security policy? 



 Defense expert Abdul Basit said that the policy formulated in 2014 was covering internal affairs in detail. But look at this policy or theAnti-Terrorism Act will have nearly complete resemblance and you'll suppose that if the law was also what was the need to formulate a new policy with the same points. 


Still, it was a positive step that a public security policy was formulated. 

Also came the National Action Plan and that too was a comprehensive policy line. 

Now that the new policy has come, it's possible that profitable issues have been bandied and external factors have been included along with the internal bones. 

As the situation in Afghanistan has now fully changed from 2014, it'll surely affect Pakistan's security policy. 


 Still, he also said that calling it the first public security policy or abandoning the being policy on this occasion and bringing its own document could be a political move of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. 


"The PTI wants to have commodity to take credit for when its government is over, so that they can say that they've done commodity or brought a policy."


 Asked if this is a political move by the current government which he's using to take credit for the last phase of his government, Aamir Zia says that there's a trend in Pakistan to put one's own name on it. 


"It simply came to our notice also that the high minister and his platoon had veritably clear intentions and they really wanted to move towards betterment under the public security policy,"he said. 

But it isn't possible for them to fully change the country in such a short period of time or bring about any major change.

 And it's possible that by bringing this policy I'm trying to shoot a communication that the relationship between the government and the army is veritably good and they're on the same runner. 



 What's the National Security Council (Committee)? 



 The National Security Policy, presented in the Cabinet on Tuesday, was espoused on Monday in the National Security Council (NSC), one of the two most important decision- making forums on public security. 


 One of the first way taken by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 2013 was to extinguish the National Security Council. 

The council was formed by General Yahya Khan during his term, but was suspended in 1971 after the secession of East Pakistan due to its controversial body with a heavy military accreditation for policy- timber. 


 Former Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto created a new platform for discussion on public security, defense and foreign policy, called the Defense Committee of Cabinet (DCC). 

This commission is presently known as the Cabinet Committee on National Security. 


 In 1985, the DCC was again converted into the National Security Council, after which Benazir Bhutto abolished the council in her alternate term. 

And reactivated the DCC. 

Remember that the DCC is headed by the Prime Minister and opinions regarding war or nuclear munitions are also made on this platform. 


 Several meetings of the commission were convened in 1998 and Pakistan decided to successfully test the infinitesimal lemon. 

The same DCC presently exists under the name of Cabinet Committee on National Security. 


 Former President Pervez Musharraf reactivated the National Security Council with some emendations, but indeed also the opposition and civil society expostulated that the establishment of the council would give the military full policy- making powers. 

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