Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail

The Life and Times of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail


Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail are two of the most well-known figures in Islamic history, revered by Muslims around the world as prophets who fulfilled Allah’s command to worship no other god but Him alone, and to reject all false deities.

A Glance at Their Lives

Hazrat Ibrahim was born in Urfa, in the modern-day province of Turkey. He was a prophet and an imam. He is best known for his role in the founding of Islam. 

Hazrat Ismail was born in Mecca, in present-day Saudi Arabia. He was the son of Hazrat Ibrahim and his second wife, Hajar. He is best known for his role in the story of Abraham and Isaac. 

In this story, God ordered him to sacrifice his only son. In doing so, he exemplified that man should be willing to make sacrifices in obedience to God's command. 

But when he was about to do so, God replaced the child with a lamb that he had been told to kill instead (according to Islamic tradition). 

The willingness of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismailto obey Allah (God) without question demonstrated their faithfulness as servants of Allah and their devotion as Muslims. 

As they taught others to follow in their footsteps, they established new rites and rituals which were observed by future generations of Muslims. 

For example, on Eid al-Adha, people commemorate these two important figures by sacrificing animals such as sheep or goats in remembrance of the prophetic act performed by Hazrat Ibrahim. In addition, Muslims will take time out of their day to perform the ritual prayer and recite from the Quran. 

Hazrat Ibrahim’s name appears 34 times in the Quran while Hazrat Ismail’s name appears twice: once when naming one of God’s 99 Names (Al-Mahi), and again when recounting how he refused to drink wine before being allowed to do so by his father. 

It is important for us as Muslims to remember our history through stories like those of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail because it allows us to reflect on our past actions and learn from them moving forward. 

There are many lessons we can learn from these stories and apply to our lives today. One lesson that stands out to me is the importance of being able to detach oneself from worldly desires. 

Another lesson I learned from Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail is how powerful faith in Allah is; as shown by both men’s ability to remain steadfast even when faced with death threats or punishments for not complying with what other people wanted them to do. 

These are just some examples of what I have learned from these two great prophets and my hope is that more people will find inspiration in their stories too! 

What are your thoughts about Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail? What do you think they would say if they were alive today? Share your opinion in the comments section below! 

As Muslims, we can draw motivation from these stories that apply to us today. These lessons provide a glimpse into their lives as religious figures but also remind us that at our core, we too are just like them. 

We come from different walks of life, have different careers and different passions but deep down we all share many similar characteristics with each other. 

We have love for family members, friends, spouses and community just like they did. These men demonstrate how no matter who we are or what challenges may come our way, there is always hope because God will never leave us nor forsake us.

How Allah Gifted Them

Allah gifted Hazrat Ibrahim with a son late in his life. He was named Hazrat Ismail. Allah also gave him the strength to sacrifice his son when asked to do so. This act of faith earned him a place in paradise. 

He is known as Hazrat Ibrahim, which means a friend of God. In addition, he is given an honourable mention in the Qur’an. His entire story can be found in chapter 37:100-127. 

The story starts with Abraham who is commanded by Allah to leave his home and migrate to another land (the land that would later become Mecca). 

His wife Hagar, who happens to be barren at the time, accompanies him on this journey. They are later left alone after running out of water during their long journey. 

She resorts to filling her skin with water from a nearby well but she does not have enough strength left in her arms to bring it back up for drinking water for both herself and her husband. 

A voice from heaven announces to them saying I am here! And I will provide you with drink. 

When they were about to return home, they heard the voice say O Sarah! Here am I taking your son _____ back It's then revealed that Allah had allowed them to spend one last night together before parting ways. 

After being taken away from his father for a period of twenty-four years, he came across him again in Makkah. Father told son about how strong and intelligent Ibrahim was when they last met.

Why Did They Leave Their Home?

According to the story, when Hazrat Ibrahim was ordered by Allah to leave his home, he did so without hesitation. He was willing to sacrifice everything for his faith, even his own son. 

Hazrat Ismail was also eager to please Allah and followed his father into exile. The reason why they left their homeland is not clear. One theory is that they were sent away because both were descendants of Prophet Nuh (Noah). 

Some say that it was due to a conflict with their tribe's pagan beliefs. It is also possible that both were being punished for refusing to worship other gods besides Allah. 

They may have been cast out as an example to others who refused to accept Allah as their one true God. When they reached Canaan, which was at the time inhabited by many different tribes, they found refuge in a town called Mekkah. 

At first it seemed like a peaceful place but soon after settling there came word that both had been commanded to build monuments honoring all false deities - including idols representing every major deity in Canaanite culture - or else face death. 

They wisely chose to flee once again from this danger, but this time instead of going southward where there would be no place safe from persecution from rival tribes or competing religions, they decided instead on going northward where God promised them an empty fertile land waiting for them on earth known as Arabia.

What Happened When They Arrived In Makkah?

Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail arrived in Makkah after a long journey. They were greeted by the people of Makkah, who were very hospitable. The two men soon settled into their new home and began to learn about the local culture and customs. 

They quickly became respected members of the community, and their story is still spoken about today. One major way that they contributed was when they offered Zamzam water to a pregnant woman who was travelling through on her way to Hajj. 

It turned out that she was the sister of Prophet Ishmael's wife, Hajar (his mother). She gave birth to Muhammad at a place called Safa (which means 'hills').

Muslims believe that this area was holy because it was where Prophet Muhammad first descended from heaven onto earth as Allah's messenger. 

So even though Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail had travelled all over Arabia, they remained in Makkah for the rest of their lives. 

They are buried near the well of Zamzam. Today, Muslims visit their gravesite with great respect every year during ʿĪd al-Fiṭr. They also pray there for blessing and peace. 

There is also an annual pilgrimage called Hajj which takes place nearby and involves walking around the Kaaba seven times before making a stop at Mount Arafat, which lies between Makkah and Medina. People then shave their heads or cut off some hair to symbolize humility. 

The final rite is stoning three pillars in Mina near Makkah, which represent devilish temptation. At the end of Hajj, pilgrims have completed one of Islam's five pillars or duties. 

And just like that, their time in Makkah has come to an end. But not only did Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail leave behind descendants here, they also changed the course of history for the entire world. 

For without them giving up their wealth and status for Allah, we would not be able to enjoy His blessings today! We should never forget what these two giants of our faith went through for us - whether it be to take care of each other or to bear children in difficult circumstances.

What is the Significance of This Story For Our Generation?

The story of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail is significant for our generation because it teaches us about the importance of faith, obedience, and sacrifice. 

These are values that are still relevant today, especially in a world that is full of turmoil and conflict. The story also reminds us that Allah is always with those who have faith in Him.

Spiritual Lessons

Hazrat Ibrahim was a man of great faith and obedience to Allah. He was willing to sacrifice everything for Allah, even his own son. This showed his complete trust in Allah's plan. 

Hazrat Ismail was also a man of great faith. Even though he was young, he was willing to go through with the sacrifice that his father had asked of him. 

Both men are excellent examples of submission to Allah's will. They teach us that we should always have faith, even when things are difficult. 

We can also learn from their example that we should be obedient to Allah's commands. no matter what the cost may be. 

Finally, their story teaches us that Allah always has a plan.

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