perfect keywords

Searching for the perfect keywords for your blog posts? Look no further!

While the importance of keywords in on-page optimization is an open debate, it’s hard to deny that they matter at least somewhat—after all, you wouldn’t bother putting them in your content if they didn’t have some effect on the number of visits your page receives.

Why Choose A/B Tested Keywords

You’ve probably noticed that most blogs and online publications have a section on their Contact Us page labeled keywords. These are search terms that Internet users typically use to find articles similar to yours, so you should use them in your content as well if you want more traffic from search engines like Google and Bing. 

But here’s where things get tricky: if you simply throw in every keyword you can think of, you’ll probably end up with some outdated or irrelevant words mixed in there as well. There has to be a better way...and fortunately there is. 

Using an A/B testing tool will help you determine which keywords work best by allowing you to test different versions of your text against each other and see which one generates more interest. 

With one click, you can create multiple variations of your text based on different keywords and compare how they perform against each other—all without having to manually change anything yourself. And once you know what works best, it’s easy to insert those phrases into future posts. 

It really doesn't get much easier than that! So don't worry about trying to remember all of those SEO keywords -- just let an A/B testing tool do all of the hard work for you. 

Just remember: when it comes to writing great web content, your best bet is always going to be a solid combination of professional advice and real-world experience. 

That's why we love writing about everything from business development and branding strategies to tips on design, social media marketing, email marketing and more!

10 Ways to Create Keyword Phrases

The importance of search engine optimization (SEO) cannot be overstated, especially in today’s content-saturated, algorithm-dominated world. 

The better your site appears in search results, the more people you’ll attract to read what you have to say; there are a lot of bloggers who want to write on topics they think will earn them traffic. 

But where do you start? How do you make sure that Buy Now with 1-Click! gets noticed above Instant Shipping Guarantee – No Minimum Orders Required!? 

Keyword research is a task that every blogger has to face at some point—and if you have even one foot planted in marketing, it should be one of your priorities. Here are 10 ways to create keyword phrases. Which ones will you try first? 

You don’t necessarily need to apply all 10 methods when writing a new post, but it doesn’t hurt to use multiple strategies and see which work best together. In fact, combining different techniques can sometimes help you rank higher than doing just one alone. 

For example, putting each word into quotes and using synonyms might boost your page ranking more than employing either tactic alone. 

There are endless possibilities when it comes to creating effective keyword consider these ideas and then get started!

How Do You Create Keywords That Rank Well: Use an SEO Analysis Tool: One easy way to find out what terms people commonly use is by using an SEO analysis tool like Semrush or other similar programs designed specifically for uncovering keywords information through search engines like Google and Bing. 

These tools can help you quickly determine which keyword phrases are most popular, how many searches they get each month, and how much competition there is for them. 

They’re especially helpful if you want to write about a topic that isn’t getting much attention—and need a little help finding a niche that hasn’t been tapped into yet. 

However, be careful not to rely too heavily on these tools when deciding on a topic; they don’t always give you accurate results (especially if you aren’t paying for them). 

In addition, it’s important to remember that while these programs can give you ideas of what words are trending now, they won't necessarily predict what will be hot in six months or even next week. 

The only way to really know what will work is by taking a look at how your competitors are doing it. Search for Competitors' Posts with High Ranking: Another great strategy is searching Google or another search engine for topics related to yours and seeing what kinds of keywords they're ranking well for. 

This can help you figure out whether there's already enough content available on that subject so you might as well avoid writing about it, or whether there's still room for more content because few bloggers have covered those specific topics before. 

It also gives you some insight into what kinds of things readers are looking for when researching certain subjects, allowing you to focus on exactly what their needs are rather than trying to guess at them from scratch. 

For example, let's say you wanted to write a post about how to lose weight safely but quickly. If you were just starting out and didn't have any experience with blogging yet, it would be difficult to come up with good keywords without doing some research first. 

But if you searched how to lose weight on Google, one of the top results is a post titled 10 Ways To Lose Weight Safely. Based on that result alone, we could probably assume that 'safely' is one of those coveted long-tail keywords we've heard so much about - something people type into search engines when they're ready to spend money and looking for trusted resources. 

So instead of guessing, we can easily see that there's a gap in the market for safe ways to lose weight. 

From here, all we'd have to do is take our own personal experiences and expertise and create a list of ten different ways to go about losing weight safely. 

Since safely was one of our main keyword phrases, it should be included somewhere within our list. After all, it wouldn’t make sense to include a method on our list that wasn't safe!

3 Categories To Create KeywordKeyword Phrases

Once you’ve got a few broad ideas, it’s time to create specific keywords and phrases. To do so, make a list of 3-5 topics that you want to talk about on your blogs. 

Write down 3-5 titles you might use and then jot down a few phrases that match those topics. 

It can help to look at other successful bloggers in your niche (you can find them using Ahrefs B2B) or even pay for some keyword research if you need more guidance. 

Keep in mind that these words are going to be used as your main search terms, so they should be easy to remember and use within sentences. 

For example, if I wanted to write a post about how to start blogging for business owners, my keywords would be: 

start blogging business owners how to start blogging for business ownersowners starting a business how to start a business starting a new business starting your own business starting a new career Starting A Business How To Start A Business Starting A New Business Starting Your Own Business Starting A New CareerCareer Advice Successful Entrepreneurs Successful Small Businesses ...

(Keep going until you've written down 10 different keywords.)... Next, check out Google's Keyword Planner tool . You'll see two columns labeled Searches and Avg. 

Monthly Searches. If one column is higher than another, that means there's more demand for that term (i.e., people are searching for it). 

However, since most people only click on links with high search volume , try not to go crazy with high-volume terms—instead focus on ones with low searches but still have decent competition. 

Here's an example: The first keyword (successful entrepreneurs) has 2,300 monthly searches and only 5% average monthly competition. 

The second keyword (successful small businesses) has 1,100 monthly searches but a whopping 30% average monthly competition. In other words, successful entrepreneurs is way easier to rank for than successful small businesses. 

So which one should you choose? Well, let's break it down: Since both terms have similar search volumes (1,100 vs. 1,300), we'd rather target something with lower competition. 

And while we'd love to rank #1 for start a business, there are already tons of great resources out there covering that topic—and we don't want our content getting lost in all the noise. 

So instead, we're going to pick starting a new business as our primary keyword. 

By focusing on less competitive terms, you'll have a better chance of ranking well in search engines like Google and Bing. 

Plus, when someone does land on your page through a search engine like Google or Bing, they're much more likely to convert into customers because you're targeting what they actually want. 

Now that you know what keywords/phrases to target , here's how to optimize each one: Keywords in Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: One of the easiest ways to optimize your site for search engines is by including your keywords in your title tags and meta descriptions. 

This will ensure that search engines (like Google) know exactly what each page on your site is about. 

Just add your keyword phrase to each title tag, and you're good to go.Keywords in Content: As you start writing, think about how you can weave a keyword phrase into every paragraph. 

This makes sure that you're optimizing for search engines without being overly spammy. Whenever possible, try to include a keyword phrase in a sentence's first word or last word (or both!). 

That makes it extra hard for bots to detect spammy tactics—which will get you penalized by search engines.

Use Themes From Your Content

It’s important to use keywords that are relevant to your post in order to rank higher on search engines. This means searching for a word or phrase you want to write about, and using it in a number of instances throughout a post. 

If you follow this advice, you’ll find that long-tail search queries bring targeted traffic to any website. 

For example, an attorney in Texas may use automobile accidents as their keyword, but they also need to optimize their content so that searchers who use terms like car accident lawyer Texas or even just Texas car accident attorney can be directed back to them. 

Tailoring your content is key! The same principle applies to bloggers looking for new topics to write about. While one topic might get you 100 views, another could get you 10,000 if it's more specific and directly answers someone's question. 

When writing a post, try brainstorming some different ways to present your information that include different phrases related to what you're writing about. 

Just remember: You'll still have plenty of chances to use these new keywords again later in your content creation process (we'll talk more about how in Part 2). 

Write a professional business proposal based off the following description: A company wants to open a location in my town and I am writing up proposals.

Nowadays, companies of all sizes seek professional services with various business needs. In fact, having such businesses is often crucial for startups' success.

Use Topic Modifiers (Adjectives, Nouns, And Verbs)

Modifiers are words or phrases that explain what a subject is, does, or is like. Adjectives modify nouns. Nouns and verbs modify other nouns and verbs (He ran fast). 

Here are some common modifiersmodifiers adjectives (big, nice), adverbs (slowly), prepositions (in front of), conjunctions (and, but), pronouns (he, she) and interjections(wow!). 

When you use these in your titles and tags on search engines such as Google and Bing will help people find your content more easily. 

Be sure to include them in all of your headlines when you publish a new post to increase its visibility on search engines. 

Use these to make it easier for people who might be searching with specific questions in mind to find answers on your site.

Use Adverbs And Other Word Modifiers

The first rule of successful keyword research is to use adverbs and other word modifiers in order to create more keyword combinations. 

For example, if you're searching for 'bloggers', it's important to note that there are a number of different types of blogger that one could be looking for: personal bloggers, fashion bloggers, business bloggers, travel bloggers etc. 

By adding specific word modifiers like these into your keyword searches, you'll find yourself with an array of interesting and relevant search results to choose from! There are many free tools online that can help you perform these kinds of keyword searches. 

Check out WordTracker or Google Keyword Planner for some ideas on how to get started! Write a professional Facebook post based off the following description:

So keywords Search blogger s

Use What People are Already Typing In Their Searches

As a blogger, you're always on a quest to come up with great topics and titles. But it's best to start by thinking about what people are already typing into their search engines. What are they looking for right now? 

Chances are, you can meet that need with a relevant post on your own site. You'll also give yourself an edge against competition since you'll be creating content that speaks directly to people's immediate needs. 

In other words, don't feel like you need to be creating new content or covering every angle of your niche just because everyone else is. 

There's still room in Google results pages—and in readers' minds—for content that specifically addresses what they want right now. And if you do create something really unique and useful, chances are good that it will be shared widely across social media channels. 

That will help get more eyes on your content which means more people clicking through to your site which means more traffic which means... well, you get where I'm going with this. 

The bottom line: Don't worry so much about coming up with completely original ideas all of the time; sometimes it's better to think small instead of big when brainstorming topics for blogs postspostspostspostspostspostspostsposts.

Use Filtering Words For Limited Results

First, when you’re using keyword filters in search engines (for example, if you want to look at blogs with a specific focus), try adding words that limit or expand your results. 

For example, if you wanted to find bloggers that talk about content marketing , you could use a phrase like content marketing blogs or bloggers writing about content marketing. 

Add more limiting phrases to expand results; instead of blogs with keyword X, try saying keyword X blogs. 

If you have too many results, add an expanding word like top and then try again. If you still have too many results, start over with another filtering word and see what happens. 

The idea is to get as close as possible to exactly what you want without having too many extraneous options. As long as you keep trying different words and phrases, you should be able to narrow down your search quickly. 

You can also do some research on how other people are searching for terms similar to yours—this will help you get a better sense of which way to go.

Use Synonyms To Generate More Keyword Ideas

While you’re on Keyword Planner, click Keyword Ideas. You can then click on all synonyms to see keyword ideas that other people use to find content similar to yours. 

This will help you better understand what people are looking for when they search for similar information to yours. 

If a lot of people are searching for it, there is likely some demand there and so it might be a good keyword to focus on! Also keep in mind that not all keyword suggestions from Keyword Planner are worth using; some of them are seasonal and may not represent what your audience is actually searching for at any given time. 

So take these results with a grain of salsaltsalsalttt. What should you do next? Start researching your keywords and finding opportunities where you can add value by writing high-quality, original content. 

In order to make sure your post is relevant and valuable, try answering questions like: What problem does my audience have that I can solve with my post? How will I position myself as an expert in my niche if I write about this topic? 

What's different about my post compared to others out there on Google Search (e.g., Why should someone read mine instead of theirs?) Make sure to always do thorough research before writing anything! Once you've answered those questions, go ahead and start writing. 

Remember that creating content isn't just about having something to say—it's also about making sure your message resonates with your target audience. When you're ready to publish, remember that quality matters more than quantity. 

Instead of publishing one long post every week or two weeks, break up each one into multiple shorter ones—this way, readers don't get overwhelmed or bored reading through tons of text but still get enough information to feel satisfied after reading each individual piece. 

You could even consider repurposing some older pieces of content into new ones or turning old posts into slideshows or videos! This will help bring freshness to your site and give you more options for how you want to present your work. 

And remember: SEO is important, but it shouldn't be done at the expense of user experience. 

Always put yourself in your reader's shoes and ask yourself whether they'd enjoy reading whatever it is you're writing. If not, change it until they would! That's how great content gets created!

Use Comparison Words For Limited Results

It’s simple—the more competition you have, the fewer impressions (views) you will get. If your target market consists of a lot of people searching a lot of different terms, consider selecting three to five related words to use as tags and title. 

This way, you are not trying to draw people away from sites that have thousands or millions of search impressions a month. You’re targeting more specific traffic with less competition. 

For example, if you were writing about parenting and wanted to draw in parents who had small children who were going through potty training, you might include small children as one of your keyword phrases. 

Then when someone searches on Google for small children potty training, they may see your post because it's relevant to their search term. 

Of course, these types of results won't happen overnight but over time it can help drive targeted traffic.

My best suggestion is start out using low competitive keywords like how to or why. 

These work well because there's very little competition and they're easy to rank on top 10 positions in Google within few months if done correctly. 

You can also consider long tail keywords which are less competitive but usually convert better than short tail ones. 

The keyword planner tool from Google will help you find related keywords that have less competition but high search volume, which means more traffic for you. Use these tools wisely and you'll see results fast!

To be honest, I've never tried any of these services so I can't recommend one over another, however, I've heard good things about SEMrush as a solid competitor to Ahrefs (which I use). 

To get started with SEMrush , simply click here . They offer a free trial as well as a 30-day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied with their service. 

If you decide to give them a try, let me know how it goes in the comments below! Good luck and happy keyword research!

If you want more tips on how to make money blogging, check out my post: The Ultimate Guide on How to Make Money Blogging

Use Categorization Words For Limited Results

If you really want to maximize your reach on blogs, you’ll want to categorize. Use words that describe categories and subcategories that are relevant to your post in lieu of trying to grab at super specific phrases. 

Why not just use those super specific words, though? It’s because users can only see 2-3 results from a single search if they're using Google or something similar. By using category-based terms, you can get up to 10 results for some searches. 

This will make people more likely to stumble upon your content when they’re looking through related links. 

And since most folks won't click beyond their first result, it helps that you showed up in multiple spots. Now, I know what you're thinking: How am I supposed to find all these different terms? 

The answer is simple: use AdWords Keyword Planner. You'll have to pay $5/month (or $50/year) but it's well worth it if you do any sort of blogging at all. 

Just plug in your topic and check out all of the keyword suggestions that pop up. Even better, set a max CPC bid so you don't end up spending money on keywords with little traffic potential. 

Not sure which ones to choose? Check out Google Trends - it'll show you how popular certain terms are relative to others over time.

With over 3 million monthly visitors coming from PPC ads alone, we've been able to grow our business by providing quality content along with compelling ad copy.

Use Picking Phrases That Follow Strong Intonation Patterns (To, Is, Are etc.)

In conversational English, we typically put extra emphasis on important words and phrases. For example, you might say: I love pizza, but when you really like something, I really love pizza. 

This intonation pattern is a great way to convey meaning with little extra effort. What’s more, using strong intonation patterns in your headlines can also improve how well readers comprehend and retain information. 

So use them! The same applies to any post you write. Make sure that every word counts and focus on emphasizing what’s most important (i.e., relevant).

You Should Be Using Clickbait Headlines : If your goal is to get people talking about or sharing your content, clickbait headlines are an effective tool for doing so. 

As a general rule of thumb, use a question in your headline if you want readers to continue reading and avoid using questions if you want them to take action (like clicking on a link). For example: How I lost 30 pounds in two weeks vs. 

30 pounds in two weeks. The first one makes you curious and entices you to keep reading; whereas, the second one makes it clear what’s at stake (i.e., losing weight) and encourages immediate action. 

I Want to Write About ___. Is That Okay?: While not everyone will be able to write about everything they want, there’s nothing wrong with asking permission before writing something controversial or even just checking with someone who might have insight into your topic area. 

While some might find such actions patronizing, getting approval before publishing something can save time and effort later down the line—not to mention it may help build trust between you and your audience. 

What Do My Readers Want To Read About? : This is another important question that all bloggers should ask themselves regularly. 

It’s also important to remember that things change over time and as your community grows, so too will their interests and preferences. Make sure you’re always keeping tabs on trends and new developments in your niche.

Asking yourself these kinds of questions before writing a post or creating any piece of content can go a long way toward ensuring that it gets read by more people than just yourself. 

What other things do you do to make sure your work gets read by more people than just yourself? Let us know in the comments below! If you want to learn how to drive traffic from Facebook, check out our step-by-step guide . 

If you want some additional tips on using Reddit, take a look at our beginner's guide . And if you're looking for help with anything else, feel free to reach out and we'll be happy to help! 

This is one example of strong intonation patterns being used in headlines but they aren’t limited to use in titles. You can also see them being used on marketing material like book covers or T-shirts as well as social media profiles , such as Instagram bios. 

But there are others worth mentioning too: - For example, Wow! Seriously?! - Also, alliteration (word repetition) is very common; think Unexpected... Unusual... Unique... Unforgettable... 

Those are just a few examples but there are many ways you can use language creatively so that each word has impact.

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