His Best Friend

TThehe Death of a Man at the Hands of His Best Friend

It's hard to imagine what the last moments of this man's life must have been like, even though they didn't have long to unfold before his friend chose to end them. 

  1. What was going through his mind? 
  2. Did he feel relief that the pain was finally over, or did he feel regret that he had let himself become so desperate that he would trust his life to someone else? 
  3. What was his relationship with Jerkie like? Was he blindsided by the betrayal? 
  4. What could this story tell us about human nature in general?

15 Tragedies That Are Sometimes Ignored

Imagine you went to your best friend’s house, walked into his living room, and saw him holding a gun pointed right at you. 

You ask yourself, Why did my best friend shoot me? 

These 15 tragedies are often overlooked because they have very strange circumstances to them. Some are even more puzzling than others. 

Sit back, relax, and enjoy learning about something new from these sad stories that were too weird not to tell you about. 

Maybe it will give you an insight on what could have been done differently in each situation. Maybe it will help prevent future tragedies like these. 

Either way, they’re definitely worth reading if you want to be entertained by some of life’s mysteries. Some people have crazy imaginations when it comes to deciding how to take their own lives. 

It is hard for many people who don’t understand depression or suicidal thoughts to imagine how someone can possibly think death is better than life. 

Suicide leaves loved ones with unanswered questions that may never be answered. 

The most important thing we can do is learn from these tragic stories so we can try our best to avoid similar situations in our own lives and families.

14 Reasons Why Dogs Bite People

Dogs bite people for many reasons, and that has to do with what’s going on in their heads. 

While it’s almost impossible to completely prevent dog bites, there are some important steps you can take: 

1. Let dogs approach people rather than approaching them yourself; 

2. Don’t sneak up on or try to surprise dogs—these actions trigger stress in many dogs; 

3. For children, give dogs time to get used to new people or situations before they interact with them; 

4. If you have small children, make sure their interactions with animals are always supervised by an adult. Also, be sure your children know how to play nicely with pets. 

5. Teach your dog good manners around people by reinforcing behaviors like sitting politely when someone approaches instead of jumping up on them. 

6. Make sure your pet is getting enough exercise so he doesn’t become bored and frustrated when he’s left alone; 

7. Spay or neuter your pet if you haven’t already done so because these procedures reduce aggressive tendencies in dogs; 

8. If you live in a high-crime area, keep your dog inside whenever possible (or fenced securely) to protect him from theft or injury from gunshots or other sources of harm; 

9. Socialize puppies well from an early age so they grow into friendly adults; 


13 People Who Got Away From Deadly Animals

It may sound like something from Anaconda, but getting out alive from an animal attack is actually more common than you’d think. 

Last year, 65 people were killed by animals in America—almost 10 times more than were killed by sharks (6). Here are some examples that showcase exactly how dangerous and scary nature can be. 

Remember: If you’re ever caught in an animal attack, don’t try to fight back—it only makes them more likely to bite you. 

Instead, play dead or use whatever object you have on hand to scare it away. 

For example, if you’re attacked by a bear, yell and throw rocks at it; if it attacks you with its jaws, curl up into a ball with your hands over your neck; if it attacks with its claws, protect your face with your arms.

12 Feral Dogs in India are More Dangerous Than Tigers

There’s no way around it: Feral dogs are dangerous, and not only because they carry disease and look really scary. 

In India, about 12 feral dogs have been responsible for killing more than 10 people in recent months. 

Compare that to just one man-eating tiger in Maharashtra who has killed about three people since January. 

Dogs are definitely more dangerous than tigers—but not quite as terrifying as you might expect. 

According to a recent report from PetWave, bites from domestic dogs (about 4.7 million each year) still outnumber those by their wild counterparts by nearly 2 to 1. The worst part? 

The majority of dog attacks occur on private property. So if you want to avoid being mauled by a dog, steer clear of its home turf. 

And if you ever find yourself face-to-face with a pack of feral dogs, follow these simple tips from experts: Don't run away. 

It will trigger them to chase you down even faster. Try talking to them calmly or throwing things at them like rocks or water bottles. If all else fails, curl up into a ball and play dead until they lose interest in you.

11 Anaconda Snakes Are Among The Most Venomous Reptiles In The World

Anacondas, or Eunectes murinus, are non-venomous constrictors, but these massive snakes can still deliver a nasty bite. 

What's more, because their mouths are so large and intimidating, they are able to swallow whole prey that is much larger than other snakes. 

In fact, they've been known to feast on wild pigs and jaguars! Because anacondas don't have venom glands in their upper jaws they must open their mouths wide to deliver deadly bites (source). 

If you're ever bitten by an anaconda be sure to visit your local zoo or museum as soon as possible! But don't worry too much - it's extremely rare for people to be attacked by these giant reptiles. 

12 The World's Longest Snake: The reticulated python, sometimes called the king snake, has one of the longest lifespans of any snake species. 

They can live up to 30 years in captivity and grow up to 30 feet long! They are also quite slender compared to other species, with some growing as thick as a telephone pole. 

These snakes have no natural predators aside from humans, who hunt them for food and sell their skins. 

13 Snakes Can See You Even When You Can't See Them: Snakes use heat sensing pits on their faces to detect warm blooded animals nearby. 

This helps them find prey when they're hiding under leaves or burrowing underground. It also helps them avoid getting eaten themselves, since most snakes are cold blooded and therefore harder to spot with infrared vision. 

14 A Snake's Tail Isn't Just For Show: Most people think of a snake's tail as something that helps it slither around quickly through grassy fields. 

However, many species actually use their tails for balance while climbing trees and bushes in search of food.

10 Squirrel Attacks Are Usually Fatal

The squirrels who commit these murders aren’t your typical doting wildlife members. They are rabid and intent on killing, according to experts. 

When other animals are sick or injured, for example, it is not uncommon for foxes or raccoons to simply leave them be or even try to help them. 

This is not what happens with squirrels. If one attacks you or your pet—which has happened several times in recent years—you need to get rabies shots immediately and take steps to defend yourself. 

Usually it takes 10 bites before an animal contracts rabies and turns into a dangerous animal—and squirrels have attacked as many as seven times in some cases. 

In 2011, there were more than 1,500 reported cases of humans contracting rabies from wild animals—the most since 1990. 

Most instances involved bats and raccoons; however, there were two confirmed cases involving squirrels that year. 

In both instances, people had been bitten by their own pets that later tested positive for rabies (they had been vaccinated). 

One man was bitten when he tried to remove his pet from a tree after it got stuck; another was bitten while trying to remove his pet from under his house.

9 Children Can Be Attacked By Their Own Dogs

A ten-year-old boy and his sister were attacked by their family dog. 

The dog, described as large, bit both children on their arms, breaking through one of them in several places. 

Paramedics had to sedate and intubate the boy during transport to hospital. He will have surgery in a few days and is expected to make a full recovery. 

Police describe it as highly unusual. In 2014, 11 children died from dog attacks across Canada and 49 required hospitalization. 

According to a study published in 2016, more than half of those deaths involved dogs that weren't neutered or spayed. 

Many animal welfare organizations recommend spaying or neutering dogs before they reach sexual maturity (usually around six months). 

This can help reduce aggressive behaviour and prevent unwanted litters of puppies that may end up being euthanized if not adopted. 

Spaying or neutering also reduces your pet's risk for certain cancers and eliminates reproductive behaviours such as mating with other animals. 

It's a good idea to take your dog to an emergency veterinarian immediately after any serious injury occurs. 

They'll be able to determine whether there are any internal injuries and stabilize them until you can get proper care. 

If you don't have access to an emergency vet, call your regular vet right away and ask what you should do next.

8 A Dog Was Shot Dead After Killing Its Owner

Police in Oklahoma are searching for answers after authorities say a man was shot dead by his own dog. 

According to ABC affiliate KOCO, Roger Knox, 67, was found dead with multiple gunshot wounds inside his Oklahoma City home on Monday night. 

Police said it appeared as though Knox had been eating dinner and watching television when he was killed. 

Dogs Were Shot Dead After Killing Their Owner: The dogs that were roaming around loose were shot by neighbors so they wouldn't attack anyone else or flee into traffic. 

A police officer told CBS News' Crimesider that investigators believe one of those two dogs returned to Knox's house and attacked him while he was sitting down. 

The officer said it appears that the victim may have gotten up from where he was sitting and walked over towards where his dog food is kept. 

He then apparently tried to feed his dog, which turned out to be an aggressive animal. We don't know if [Knox] startled him or what happened, Sgt. 

Gary Knight told Crimesider.He may have gotten up from where he was sitting and walked over towards where his dog food is kept, Knight said, adding that there is no evidence indicating foul play in Knox's death. 

We don't know if [Knox] startled him or what happened, Sgt. Gary Knight told Crimesider. There's nothing to indicate anything other than that. 

One of Knox's neighbors, Patricia Jones, says she heard gunshots coming from his property early Tuesday morning but thought little of it until she saw officers swarming outside her window hours later. 

I didn't think anything about it because we hear gunshots all the time, Jones told local media outlets. 

I just thought somebody was shooting their gun off again like always happens around here. 

It wasn't until later in the day when I went outside and seen all these police cars everywhere...then I knew something bad had happened.

7 A Cat Saved The Life Of His Unsuspecting Host

A cat-and-human relationship is one that can span lifetimes. 

After all, most cats seem to think they own their humans! This video (courtesy of Newsflare) shows how far one feline was willing to go in order to keep his human safe... even if it meant risking his own life. 

In May 2018, two tourists were enjoying a boat ride down Turkey’s Lake Van when their vessel capsized and began sinking. 

At first, everyone on board attempted to escape by jumping into the water. 

Except for one passenger—the man’s cat was too terrified to leave his side as he swam for safety! That’s when a nearby fisherman jumped into action. 

He dove underwater and pulled both animals to shore using only his hands. 

Both men survived without serious injury. The cat received an oxygen mask from paramedics but did not require further medical attention. 

When asked why he risked his own life to save both animals, he simply said: I didn't want them to die. 

You don't have to be a cat owner yourself to appreciate such loyalty! Kudos, Mr. Fisherman! 8 A Dog Saved His Owner's Life By Acting Like A Human: Animals may lack some human abilities like language or complex thought, but you wouldn’t know it from watching this incredible story unfold. 

Even though dogs are known for being great companions, you might be surprised to learn just how much they are capable of doing to help us out! Take Hachiko, for example. 

Hachiko was born in 1923 and spent every day with his owner Kenji until Kenji passed away in 1925 while returning home from work. 

Despite having no reason to do so after losing his master, Hachiko continued showing up at Shibuya Station every day just so he could wait there until 5pm—the time Kenji used to return home from work before passing away.

6 A Vicious Tiger Attacked The Owner Of Its Park And Killed Him

What Happened Next Brought The Whole Village To Tears And Shocked Everyone. (WATCH)

5 Snake Attack Story Will Make You Relocate To Mountains ForeverIt's rare for humans to be attacked by snakes, but it does happen. The snake bites and then there is no known antidote to neutralize their poison. 

Here are five stories about people who were killed by venomous snakes. 

One is an urban legend; two are absolutely terrifying; one is disturbing because we really want to know what happened; and one may be true, but probably isn't. 

In any case, they're all worth reading if you're going camping anytime soon. 

You'll think twice before picking up that cute little rattlesnake.

Do You Know What Happened To These People Who Were Killed By Snakes? Read On: 

1) Jerk was sitting on a tree when Jerkie came and sat next to him. Suddenly, someone came near them and took out a gun hidden in his clothes. He shot both of them dead with it. 

2) Do you believe in evil spirits? Some guys say that these evil spirits exist in houses where murders have taken place or places where human sacrifices have been made for some reasons or other. 

3) A man went hunting one day. While he was walking through a jungle, he saw a snake lying on its side in front of him. He bent down to examine it more closely and as he did so, the snake bit him. 

4) One day two friends were walking along a path in their neighborhood when they saw something move off to one side. They looked over and saw what appeared to be an injured dog lying beside its owner's house. 

5) A young man wanted very much to get married but couldn't find anyone willing to marry him because he was so ugly; no woman would agree even though he had lots of money and could provide her with anything she wanted. 

He decided to consult a witch doctor who lived nearby and asked if there was any way he could become handsome. 

The witch doctor told him there was indeed a way if he really wanted it badly enough. So, after giving it some thought, he said yes. 

The witch doctor told him to go home and kill one of his parents without telling anyone why or how he'd done it. 

Then bury them in separate graves under different trees outside town. When that was done, come back to see him again. He did exactly as he was told. 

After burying his mother and father, he returned to tell the witch doctor that everything had been done just as instructed. 

The witch doctor then gave him a potion which he was to drink every night before going to bed. 

It didn't take long before people began commenting on how good-looking he'd become; soon women were falling all over themselves trying to get close to him--and marriage proposals started coming in by mail! But, every time one arrived, he tore it up unopened and threw it away unread.

4 Dogs Can Become Aggressive For No Reason At All

Read This - When you're in an elevator, walking down a dark alley or even on your way to your car, how often do you see dogs? According to statistics that have been gathered by Pet Insurance Companies, there are over 88 million households that own pets. 

These cats and dogs are often loved unconditionally but they can also be territorial and protective and become aggressive for no reason at all. 

However, when dogs bite people it is one of those rare cases when innocent until proven guilty does not apply. 

In most states dog owners are held accountable for their pets' actions whether or not  knew what their dog was going to do. 

For instance, if you have an unpredictable dog who has never bitten anyone before and suddenly attacks someone in your neighborhood, you could be charged with a crime. 

There are ways to prevent situations like these from happening though such as getting proper training for your pet so that he knows how to behave around other people. 

Another option would be getting professional help with training which will allow you to take control of any situation should it arise again. 

A third option would be contacting professionals who will remove dangerous animals from homes before they hurt someone else or themselves. 

It's important to note that although some dogs may show aggression towards others, it doesn't mean that they're bad. 

Dogs can be territorial creatures and sometimes strangers might just come across as threatening to them. 

It's always best to use caution when approaching a strange dog because you never know what his reaction might be. 

You don't want him biting you or another person out of fear because then you'll end up having legal problems on top of medical bills!

3 Killer Kangaroo Attacks Again

Kangaroos are often regarded as cute and cuddly, but they’re actually very dangerous. 

In recent months there have been reports of two kangaroo attacks, which resulted in serious injuries. 

The victims were men walking alone in rural areas when attacked by roos. 

Luckily, both men survived these attacks without requiring hospitalization or surgery after receiving extensive trauma care from paramedics and police officers. 

While it may seem like an isolated incident, experts warn that kangaroos can be very aggressive towards humans, especially during mating season. 

This is why we should all be aware of our surroundings and avoid approaching wild animals if possible. You never know what could happen! 

  1. #kangaroo 
  2. #attacks 
  3. #animals 
  4. #dangerousanimals 
  5. #Australia 
  6. #newzealand 
  7. #usnews
  8. #usnewsandworldreport
  9. #technology 
  10. #carsmagazine
  11. #healthadvicezone
  12. #healthylifestyleblogger 

There are several ways to prevent yourself from encountering an aggressive animal, such as avoiding wooded areas where you might come across one unexpectedly. 

Don’t get too close to them; make sure you give them plenty of space while they approach you. 

Take note of how they react when you get near them; if they look uncomfortable or irritated then step away immediately to avoid any violence on their part (i.e.; punching with their fists). 

Finally, take note of your surroundings. If you see other animals nearby, especially ones that seem agitated, it could be a sign that something is wrong and there may be trouble ahead. 

  1. #kangaroo 
  2. #attacks 
  3. #animals 
  4. #dangerousanimals
  5. #Australia 
  6. #newzealand 
  7. #usnews
  8. #usnewsandworldreport
  9. #technology 
  10. #carsmagazine
  11. #healthadvicezone
  12. #healthylifestyleblogger 

Some people say that kangaroos can't attack humans because they don't have teeth and therefore no way to bite us. 

This is not true! Kangaroos do have teeth but since their lips are so strong and muscular, it's impossible for them to open their mouths wide enough for us to see them!

2 Animals Are Attacking People And What To Do If This Happens To You

It’s always a possibility that you may find yourself in an encounter with an aggressive dog or another type of animal. 

Knowing what to do in these situations could be crucial for your survival. 

Here are some basic rules to live by if you ever find yourself being attacked by animals. 

1) Don’t run away: If you see an animal approaching, don’t run! Animals tend to chase after moving targets, so try not to move until it goes away. 

2) If it attacks, fight back: The best way to get out of a dangerous situation is not to get into one in the first place. But if an attack is imminent, fight back using whatever means necessary—be it kicking, punching, biting or any other form of self-defense. 

3) Use pepper spray or bear spray: Pepper spray and bear spray can be effective ways to ward off attacking animals. Keep in mind that certain types of pepper sprays aren’t legal everywhere, so check local laws before carrying one on your person. 

4) Avoid eye contact: You might think looking directly at an attacking animal will scare it off, but studies have shown that doing so can actually make things worse; instead, look down and remain calm. 

5) Watch out for signs of aggression: Aggressive animals will often exhibit warning signs like growling, hissing or baring their teeth before they attack. Be sure to pay attention to these cues and act accordingly. 

6) Beware of wildlife during mating season: During mating season, male animals become more territorial than usual and are more likely to attack people who enter their territory. This is especially true for bears, moose and deer. 

7) Act big: When faced with an attacking animal, stand tall (if possible), wave your arms around and yell loudly to make yourself appear bigger than you really are. 

8) Stay together when hiking: When hiking in groups, stick close together so as not to spook wild animals.

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