Aman had compromised in time.

Aman had compromised in time.Sitting on a very high place, she came down a little, but not so much that she sat close to the girl.  

On his face was still the pride of the month of rupees and the tranquility of the wealth which his brother had accumulated and also the. Protection of samia which was given to him by the high position of the only brother and the british bhali.  

After the verdict of the case, the mother had written several letters to the uncles in which she had done evil things to this house and the atmosphere here.He had expressed his desire to stay with them but the uncles had replied with great helplessness that in this way they too would come to the notice of the government and would be in danger.  

Alia did not mention the letter she wrote to her mother and she wrote it down and admitted very clearly that his wife is fond of open air.It is not customary in his country to make life bitter by raising family members, so it is necessary for him to force his mother to stay there under some pretext.  

He had read the letter and tore it up.  She did not want to break her heart.  What is left of man after this break?  Why don't you just wash it all, but some days it will work.He hated his uncles very much.This laughing crow forgot his trick too. 



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When she becomes capable of it herself, she will tear it apart and throw it away.She decided that what she really needed to do was learn how to do it right.

It was getting very cold in those days, yet she kept reading till twelve o'clock at night and when shakeel was wandering around and knocking on the door, she would step down and open the chain.  

Tashkeel had entered high school.  She hid the money from her mother and gave it to her, but where did she get the money to buy so many books?Qalil had the same excuse to study with friends.There was a look of arrogance in his eyes.  

When alia would open the door and warn her sometimes, she would laugh with great indifference.Even tonight, as she was reading, the door slammed.  

She hurried down the stairs with her books and when she was opening the door, Jamil Bhai came out of his room with a muffler wrapped around his ears.Seeing alia, he met her for a moment and then grabbed Takhil's arm and slapped her two or three times on the face. 

Remember this lesson too.  

Tashkeel looked at Jamil Bhaya Kwali with the power of competition, but he hurried to his aunt's room.Even if he is beaten, buy him books, then why should he go to read among friends.  

She spoke slowly.Books? Nobody gave me books either, but I wasn't like that.This big camel camel doesn't think anything.It can come in an hour or two, and then you don't know who made that silk shirt."I did not have any such thing. 

The brothers were shaking hands angrily and she was looking at them like fools.Then what happened to a friend who made a shirt.The brother was standing with his head bowed.  He began to feel sorry for them.  

The poor could not get any training due to lack of money, not a decent job.The tuition money also goes to the eldest daughter.This Shakeel Aloo annoys him, he doesn't listen.  When he turned to go upstairs, Jameel Bhai also joined him ...  

Shall i talk with you for a while  He said quickly and stepped on the stairs."Wow, what are you doing at the moment, Bijaya?"  Did you come to open the door? ""Well! You both came to open the door, yes, what a tight chain it was.  

Don't talk so much nonsense.  Jamil bhai gara garaye.I will not be deceived by them.They used to love me and now they have stopped saying something to you.Alia hurried up the stairs.

He was out of breath - what a pity, is that why he was the shadow of Jameel Bhai and now Jameel Bhai is leaving him and clinging to him.  She will cry with cold and hatred.  Entering the quilt, he picked up the book again, but not a word was read.  

In those few months, Ajmeel Bhai's silence and seriousness had ruined all the respect he had shown.The dogs in the street were barking and crying so loudly that he was terrified of the night.She did not come out of love like in the morning.  

Alia lay for a long time waiting for him.

Newspaper vendors were drinking in the street.Tt in EuropeIron will sow iron.The war is on.Came today's newspaper has arrived - no one can avert war. A 14-year-old girl was abducted.She got out of bed annoyed.  

If war breaks out in Europe, what kind of mother-in-law's loved ones will be cut off and die, and the only thing the girls need to do is to love, run away or be kidnapped and all go to hell.She was thinking sadly as she climbed the stairs.  

But why do you doubt it? Oh, the foolish lunatic was sitting on the throne and eating the pratha he was holding in his hand by biting it with his teeth.Her eyes were swollen.  

Seeing Alia, Cross turned away and drank all the water tea in one breath.She, too, was laughing at his stupidity.She also got close to him and sat down, then he turned away from the big curb and slipped to one side.  

Then she got up and went to her death.

When did the night formation come? Big P asked.About twelve o'clock, Jamil bhai also woke up. He had also joined his two hands.Mother, speak with hatred.What can I do? Mazhar's heart will go crazy.  

The eldest daughter is full of cool meat.The elder brother should not take care of her children.It's a matter of time.There was a time when everyone in the big government would not step out of the house after the beating of the bell. 

Su Rand things Were  At night, the breath would not let them blink for a minute.She stepped down and sat down next to Chhami.There was also a blanket from head to toe.The quilt of Faqir was visible from place to place.  

Let's go upstairs and sit in the sun." Alia whispered a smile on his face.  "She got up and went with him.  There was a strange sadness in his eyes."Why don't you talk to me in the morning?"He asked Chhami, sitting her in his quilt.  

Wow, I have to stop talking to you!"  Someone I love the donkey that will burn you.Chhami made a bad face.You started to understand that Jameel Bhai loves me, I told you before that I hate such things and then Jameel Bhai never spoke to me.  

She told a blatant lie. 

Jameel Bhai himself used to love me, I didn't even know what love is, but now that they have changed, when will I change, when would I love this potato?"But I knew how much you loved me.  

When she saw chhmi with great rebuke, she hugged him for a moment.On the innocence of Hami, he wanted to just hold her in his heart.Still, she cried."Hey, I'll tell you everything. Muthami is Alia's advisor.

Turned to the side.The year my brother was taking the FA exam, he asked me for money.When I refused, they looked at me with such eyes that I gave them all the accumulated money and they hugged me tightly. I liked their hug very much.  

Then what happened.Then I started liking Jamia Bhai.She would give five rupees of her food to the big drinker and the rest to Jamil Bhai.I haven't seen a single cloth made in these three years, so you have torn all my clothes?  She thought for a moment.  

When you didn't come.

Jamil Bhai lived in the same room.I used to come to them at night but God forbid they never behaved rudely.  Once I lay down next to him, he got up and sat down by himself. 

He just fell in love ...  Hami's face was turning beetroot.  What happened then?  * "Then the bell rang, the big aunt arranged Phiya's wedding.The older aunt thought that if jamil bhai mazhar became the son-in-law of the uncle, he would get the MA himself and would also get Zeng.  

By the way, let me tell you secretly that the elder sister is very afraid of your mother, just how can you say without any relationship that read further, my husband is useless.  The older aunt was terrified and asked for Tehmina Apa's relationship.  

How can I say that I have dropped out of BA, then I will also get MA.  Does anyone know how much I suffered? She went to think of something.Then Jimmy? This world is really bad. 

Even after doing BA, Jameel's brother started looking different.Give they forgot everything and now they don't remember anything!They make fun of me in front of everyone and talk straight.  

Keep doing good, I'm not a bitch either, follow the young man.  

We sighed loudly and looked at him with such eyes that we were left staring at him.He remembered. Tamina Apa, even if no one had made a fool of her, then what will happen.  

Do you know, Jameel, whether you love me or not, can't a person be happy without love? "So, will I walk around showering them, brother who will love us, we will do it with him, this is revenge.Give me this hand, take this hand, she got up laughing ... 

Grandma's nature is great at night.  It was bad, Bijaya, I couldn't sleep. After chhami left, she sat in the quilt for a long time and then picked it up in the dog and sat in the sun.  Why are women so hungry for love, Allah.

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