Hijab ban in Karnataka Is hijab contestation a durability of discriminative measures against Muslims in India

 Hijab ban in Karnataka Is hijab contestation a durability of discriminative measures against Muslims in India 



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 studies are being greatly affected I've to move on, I've dreams too I've pretensions too. We've only complied with the constitution, it's wrong to keep us out of council. 

I have been out of class for a month. But I'll not go to council without hijab This is my individual right. I'll stay for the court's decision.

 Speaking to the BBC, the twelfth grade pupil in Orupi says that her parents are veritably upset about her studies. 


Our parents are upset about the calls we're entering and the pitfalls we're entering. But they're with us in the fight for our rights.

The pupil said that after the ban on hijab, the life of girls has come veritably delicate."I'm suffering so much at this age.

 I just wish that in the days to come no pupil would have to go through these difficulties. It's veritably painful.


 Pressures are rising in the Indian state of Karnataka over the ban on hijab. Indeed moment, thousands of girls were turned down from academy and council for wearing hijab. 

Her parents protested against the academy administration for not allowing their daughters to enter the academy with hijab.

 A counsel in the Karnataka High Court asked the court why the hijab was chosen for the ban. 


 Representing a pupil wearing hijab, elderly counsel Prof Ravi Kumar told the court in the High Court that all sections of society use hundreds of symbols of religion. So why did they choose only hijab? 

Is it being used to distinguish on the base of religion, they say? 



A three- member bench of the court is hearing the matter daily A decision is anticipated soon, but the issue is being echoed across the country. 

Demonstrations have taken place in several countries of the country against the decision to ban hijab. 

The people of Karnataka are divided on this question Munaraj Rajiv, a elderly counsel from Mangalore, said If it isn't obligatory, also the expression of religious identity shouldn't be allowed in educational institutions The livery should be worn These are government seminaries. 


It simply came to our notice also. Every pupil has to come in livery. What is so significant about a scapegoat's head?” Exercise religion outside of academy.

 Keep it confined to the house Do not bring religion to academy.

Dr. Rukhsana Hassan is a famed Karnataka educator She says the government's unforeseen decision in the middle of the academy time is wrong. 


 He said that if the government was to ban the hijab, it should have done so at the morning of the academic session. 

Those who had to take admission without hijab would get admission and those who didn't have to take admission would go to academy with hijab. 

She says numerous sodalities in Karnataka have verbal rules and numerous sodalities don't admit hijabi girls.

It's a religious duty,"says famed scholar Professor Javed Jamil I do not know why it was banned. Some wanted to make it a political issue So they picked it up The girls were leaving comfortably. 

Opining on the composition, artistic activist Ganesh Dev said,"Humiliating teenage girls for wearing hijab is tantamount to attacking the constitution of the country."This is pointing to lawlessness. 


 The question of the hijab is no longer just a matter of uniforms or individual freedom It isn't indeed a question of guarding or denying social diversity in the country.

 It's no longer just a question of insular abomination The most important and study- provoking aspect of this lies in its political counteraccusations.

Akar Patel, former head of the transnational mortal rights association Amnesty International, sees the ban on the hijab as part of a broader Hindutva docket. 

Since 2014, India has attacked Muslims,"he says. What's passing in Karnataka moment is just one link in the chain We've banned Muslims from soliciting in certain places for some times now. 

They shouldn't vend eggs and meat along the way. Do not wear your hijab in council or academy.


 Since 2014, the Indian government has told Muslims in India that you aren't a true Indian This is what Muslims are feeling. That's why these girls are wearing their hijab. The question isn't about hijab The question is how India treats its nonages and its Muslims. 

On Indian Television channels, the issue of hijab has been attributed to religious unreasonableness, the Wahhabi movement, transnational terrorism and the movement of revolutionist associations. 


 MGMG College 


udges are questioning the timing of the Karnataka government's decision He believes that the contestation has been designedly created to divide the people along religious lines in order to get votes in the ongoing state assembly choices in Uttar Pradesh. 


 Down from these debates, the educational future of thousands of girls in Karnataka is at stake. The hijab contestation has created a deep rift between teenage scholars. 

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