Anira Kabir The ambisexual woman from India whose death plea shook everyone

 Anira Kabir The ambisexual woman from India whose death plea shook everyone 



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Anira Kabir says she encountered a general societal abomination of ambisexual people at every job interview. 


 In November last time, Anira Kabir attended her 14th job interview in two months wearing a chapeau, a mask covering utmost of her face, and wearing men's apparel. 


 The 35- time-old ambisexual woman (transgender or eunuch) says it was a process of frustration over the'trans phobic' ( spiteful transgender) remarks she made in recent job interviews. 

Had to face He got a part- time job in a government academy in the southern Indian state of Kerala, but is indicted of being unfairly fired lower than two months latterly. 


 The academy's star declined to note when communicated by the BBC for comment. P Krishnan, a quarter functionary, said the star had informed him that Anira Kabir hadn't been sacked and rather, he'd" misknew"the situation. 


 One of the avenues to get justice, Anira Kabir communicated the state's legal aid services in January. 


 She wanted a counsel to apply for euthanasia, or' compassionate murder'."I just wanted to work and earn a living,"says Anira Kabir. But it has come insolvable to do so. 


 He'd read about the countries that allow euthanasia."I knew I would not get legal authorization then,"she said. But I wanted to shoot a communication."


 She wanted to get the attention of the state and also she did. The government responded snappily and now they've got another job. 


 Demurrers and promises 


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Anira Kabir's thinking is clear that she had no intention of taking her own life and that what she did wasn't meant to set an illustration for others. 


 But similar dramatic styles of kick aren't uncommon in India. 


 For times, Indians seeking justice or change in the system have been on hunger strike, standing in high water for days and holding live rats in their mouths. 


Gandhi used the hunger strike as a political armament. 


 Sociologists have suggested that Mahatma Gandhi's tradition ofnon-violent civil defiance, which included dragged hunger strikes, stressed the power of what he called" performance- acquainted" demurrers, especially But in a country like India where the state is frequently slow to respond. 


 Anagha Angole, who teaches political wisdom at Hyderabad University, says the conduct of Anira Kabir are aimed at reminding the government that it has failed to deliver on its pledges. 


"In this case, the state has failed to live up to its formal pledge to cover a citizen's right to work," said Angola, who has worked considerably on social demarcation issues. 


 An estimated 2 million ambisexual people live in India, while mortal rights activists say the factual number is much advanced. In 2014, the Supreme Court of India ruled that they've the same rights as people of the contrary coitus. 


 Still, they're still floundering to pierce education and healthcare. And numerous are forced to make a living by soliciting or having coitus. 


 Anira Kabir says the ambisexual community needs political representation and job proportions. 


"I noway wanted to take such a drastic step,"she says. But what choice did I have?'


 Fight for your fornication 


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Anira Kabir, who grew up in Plakad quarter in central Kerala, says she has been floundering for times to identify the gender assigned to her at birth. 


 She didn't want to talk about her family, which she said were still floundering with the trauma of her family's recent death. 


 Anira Kabir was still a teenager when she tried to find other ambisexual people in Placad. 


 Also, after seeing filmland of ambisexual people in a review, she ran down from home to Bangalore, where she plant a probative ambisexual community who accepted her. 

But the difficulties of his life weren't over. Numerous in the community have been raising plutocrat for times to raise plutocrat for gender reassignment surgery. 


Ambisexual people in India still face severe demarcation. 



"I tried my stylish to live the way my family wanted me to,"she said, recalling the trip. 

This included smoking, and going to the spa for exercise,etc., also I attended my personality development courses-people around me said that similar conditioning would make him' mannish'. 

But trying to be what you aren't makes your life more painful.‘



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She also continued her studies and says that she has been interested in tutoring since nonage and she used to educate children in her neighborhood. 


 Still, her life went on, indeed when she left her home. 


 Anira Kabir now holds three master's degrees, including an education degree, and has passed a state test that allows the academy's elderly scholars to educate. 


 But in the job interviews they encountered unhappy questions-one canvasser asked how they could be trusted not to look at scholars through the lens of coitus. 


"I was offered a job that I was most good for,"she says. 


 When she was eventually given a temporary job as a inferior sociology schoolteacher, she says she told a academy functionary the verity. 


"I told her I was a ambisexual woman and apologized for the interview,"she said. I explained that I couldn't indeed pay my rent without a job. 

 He contended that when he started tutoring in November 2021, he was brazened with ignorant commentary from his peers but he said that the scholars helped him. 


 But also Anira Kabir says she was suddenly barred from coming to academy on January 6 this time. They purport that his junking was against the rules. 


 When she lost her job, she shocked and went to the shops near the academy to ask if they would hire her as a deals person, but everyone refused. 


 He also approached for legal help. 



The news went viral and the Kerala Education Minister replied incontinently-he met Anira Kabir and he has now taken up another temporary job in a government office in Placad. 

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