Ravi River Front Imran Khan's

 Ravi River Front Imran Khan's defense of' new megacity'on the banks of Ravi in Lahore, is the future of the design in jeopardy? 



Perhaps someone has a misconception that casing societies are being formed then.

 It's getting a new megacity. 

It's getting a ultramodern megacity of the kind that will go over, just as Malaysia and Dubai have come ultramodern metropolises in the world. 

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan, speaking on the sidelines of the Ravi Urban Development Authority's Rakh Jhuk, said"This is a ارب 20 billion design. It'll bring in investment from abroad and produce jobs.

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 As our population grows, we need new metropolises.” 


 The government has launched a plan to make a new' smart' megacity on the banks of the Ravi River on the outskirts of Lahore, Punjab. 

But the Lahore High Court has declared the Ravi River Front design and the schemes under it illegal. 

We'll put our case in the Supreme Court in the true sense 

 Replying to the verdict, Imran Khan said,"I admire the courts.

 We didn't present ourselves before the Lahore Bench in the true sense. We'll take our case to the Supreme Court in the true sense of the word. 


"I stand then moment where we've planned,"he said. It's getting a new megacity in Pakistan for the first time after Islamabad. 

 I want to tell the nation why a new megacity is demanded nearLahore.

However, also the biggest problem of Lahore is that the ground water position in it has to keep falling, If Lahore spreads like this. 

The other thing is waste disposal, as it spreads we won't be suitable to pick up the solid waste and dirt duly. 


 The swash Ravi is shrinking and it'll come like a seamster. 

In downtime it goes to the sewerage there. Which pollutes the gutters. 

 Imran Khan said that if this isn't done also Lahore is coming then anyway. 

Along the way, unplanned casing societies are being formed then. They've no sewerage system. 


 He nominated the design as environmentally friendly and said,"20 million trees will be planted then and the entire timber will be created then.

"Along with the ultramodern megacity, a timber is also being erected which will keep the climate clean.

 Also the narrator will be saved, drumfires will be erected on it. 

The water will stop and the water position will rise. And water treatment shops. 

Is t

More information on Google's stance on paid linkshe future of the new megacity on the banks of the Ravi in Lahore in jeopardy? 


The proposed models and images of the new design on the banks of the Ravi River on the Lahore side represent a view of altitudinous structures and domestic areas erected on lush green and small islets that act ultramodern metropolises in the advanced world. ۔ 


 Under the Ravi River Front design, the-acre megacity will have timbers, lakes, drumfires and islets along with ultramodern casing. 

 It includessub-projects similar as Education City, Sports City and Medical City, as well as regular planned metropolises. 


 According to the Ravi Urban Development Authority (RODA), which is responsible for completing the design, formerly completed, it'll be the world's largest beachfront megacity spread over an area of 46 km. ۔ 

 According to Roda, the design will enable the restoration of natural terrain as well as groundwater reserves, and the three drumfires to be erected will store cusecs of water. 


 Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan had said at the induction of the design in September 2020 that the design"has the implicit to change the fortune of Pakistan."

 According to him, the design won't only bring foreign investment in the country but will also give employment to millions of people.

 Still, a recent decision of the Lahore High Court has raised questions about the future of the Ravi River Front design. 


 The court in its judgment declared unconstitutional only a many introductory vittles of the law under which Roda came into being. 

 The court also declared the process of acquiring land needed for the design illegal and quashed the announcements issued in this regard. 

The court also declared the scheme and the schemes under it illegal. 


 The Punjab government has indicated that it'll approach the Supreme Court against the decision. 

At the same time, they claim that" work on the first zone of the design is in full swing."How did this plan reach the court? 

The problem started with the accession of land. A large portion of the land needed for the Ravi River Front is agrarian land. 

Roda started the process of acquiring the land from growers in 2020, but some affected growers protested against the government's move. 




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He stressed that taking down agrarian land would deprive him of his livelihood and that the compensation he was being paid in return wasn't enough to meet his future needs. 

 Growers and a number of environmental activists had approached the court after the original demurrers failed. 


 The court also barred Roda from acquiring further land in a restraining order before this time. 

 How important land has been acquired for the design? 

 Rhoda spokesperson Sher Afzal Butt told the BBC that 4560 acres of land had been acquired so far for about Rs 4 billion. 

It also includes the first part of the-acre Sapphire design, which has been awarded a contract for construction work to the Javanese group. 


A recent communication issued by Hassan Khawar, spokesperson for the Punjab government and Special Adjunct to the Punjab Chief Minister for Information, stated that construction work was underway on the first zone, Chahar Bagh. 

 He said that this design will also recharge the swash Ravi. 


 It may be recalled that according to the Punjab government, the Ravi River Front design is to be completed in three phases. 

According to Rhoda, the first phase will cover about acres, the alternate phase about acres and the third phase acres. 

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