Palestine, Israel Conflict Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that rules Gaza

 Palestine, Israel Conflict Hamas, the 

Palestinian militant       group that rules                      Gaza 



Hamas is the largest militant group among numerous Palestinian militant groups. 

In fact, the name is an Arabic acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement. 

The movement began in 1987 with the outbreak of the first Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 


 According to the Hamas Charter, the group is determined to destroy Israel. 

 Originally, Hamas had two main pretensions, one was to run social weal programs for the Palestinians and the other was to wage an fortified struggle against Israel. 

The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Armies, Hamas's military sect, was primarily responsible for the fortifiedy. 


 The group's strength grew over time, and after 2005 Hamas began to share in the Palestinian political process.

 The ensuing time, in 2006, Hamas won a landslide palm in the Palestinian legislative choices, and in 2007.

 gaining the upper hand over also-President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement, consolidating its political control over Gaza. 

The militant group has fought three major battles with Israel, and in the once Israel, along with Egypt.

has maintained a leaguer on the Gaza Strip in order to insulate Hamas and discourage attacks. 

Hamas as a whole, and in some cases its military sect, has been designated a terrorist group by Israel.

the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and other world powers. 


 Hamas gained elevation after its firstanti-Israel resistance movement when it opposed the peace 7.


reached between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the early 1990s. 

Despite multitudinous Israeli operations against Hamas, the group persisted and responded to all Israeli conduct with self-murder bombings. 


 In February and March 1996, several self-murder bombings on motorcars killed nearly 60 Israeli civilians in retribution for the death of Yahya Ayash, a lemon- making expert. 

Yahya Ayash failed in December 1995. 


 The bombings are said to have had a profound effect on the peace process between the Palestinians and Israelis.

and have paved the way for Netanyahu to return to power. Netanyahu was formerly a loyal opponent of the Oslo Accords. 

The Oslo Accords were a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. 

The alternate major round of the Hamas resistance movement began after the end of the agreement and the failure of Camp David Summit by US President Bill Clinton in 2000. 


 Attacks by Israel increased, and so did Hamas' influence in Palestine.

 The reason for this growing influence was that Israel indicted the Palestinian Authority of backing attacks on Israel and assessed warrants on it. 


During this period, Hamas established seminaries and conventions in colorful areas and handed installations to Palestinians who were disabused with the loose and unskillful Palestinian Authority. 

 Numerous ordinary Palestinians rejoiced at the self-murder attacks carried out by Hamas. 

Because they saw the as vengeance for their losses and also in response to Israel's agreement in the West Bank. 


 Hamas suffered heavy losses in 2004 when Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and his successor.

 Abdulaziz al-Rantisi, were killed in Israeli bullet strikes in Gaza in March and April. 

 Following the death of Fatah leader Yasser Arafat the same time, the Palestinian Authority gained.

 new leadership in the form of Mahmoud Abbas in November. Mahmoud Abbas considered the rocket attacks by Hamas to be useless. 


 When Hamas won a landslide palm in the 2006 Palestinian administrative choices, a bitter power struggle erupted between the group and the Fatah group for power. 

 Hamas has opposed the Palestinian Authority's renewed peace convention with Israel, as well as all its sweats to fete Israel's legality and renounce violence. 


 What's the fiat of Hamas? 

Hamas's fiat doesn't fete Israel and refers to major Palestine, ie, the land where Israel is located moment is called Muslim- possessed land, while any endless peace with the Jewish state is fully denied. Is. 


 The 1988 Manifesto used harsh language against Israel and the Jews, but in 2017 Hamas drafted a new policy document that relaxed some of the positions stated in the first Manifesto and used the language with caution. 

The fiat states that Hamas' resistance isn't against the Jews but against the Israel says this is an attempt to wisecrack the world. 

As a result, the new Palestinian government led by Hamas has been subordinated to severe profitable and politic warrants by Israel and its Western abettors. 


 After Hamas ousted Fatah's loyalist forces in Gaza in 2007, Israel began tensing leaguers on Gaza.

 Meanwhile, rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas and air strikes on Palestine by Israel continued. 


 In December 2008, the Israeli army launched Operation Cast Lead to help rocket attacks.

 Further than Palestinians were killed in 22 days in Israeli airstrikes during the operation, and 13 Israelis were killed in retribution. 

November 2012, and the reasons for launching this operation were nearly the same as those on which Operation Cast Lead was launched. 

During the eight- day operation Pillar of Defense, about 170 Palestinians were killed in Israeli attacks, while six Israelis were killed in Hamas attacks. 


 The Israeli operation began with an airstrike in which Ahmed Brigadier General, commander of the Qasim Brigade, was killed. 

Hamas came militarily weak as a result of these two Israeli operations, but the support it entered from the Palestinian people saved the group. 


 Inmid-June 2014, Israel arrested several Hamas members across the West Bank as Israeli security forces searched for three Israeli teenagers who had been killed. 

In early July 2014, the Israeli army launched a new operation called to destroy rockets and coverts used by zealots across the border. 


 At least Palestinians were killed during the 50- day conflict, including civilians. 

On the other hand, 67 Israeli dogfaces and six civilians were killed. 

 Regular violence has continued since 2014, occasionally ending with ceasefire requests from Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations, and no large-scale formal war has begun. 

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