In Pakistani drama,Every story revolves around women, not variety for men

 In Pakistani drama,Every story revolves around women, not variety for men.


 Currently, there's a growing trend in Pakistan to make dramatizations on issues which are considered taboo.

 There's also a drama called'Phans'which covers the subject of sexual violence against women. 

 It can also be called a' suspenser drama'because the character who sounded a bit inoffensive in the early occurrences, now as the story progresses, the layers of this character are also unfolding and the curiosity of the followership is also adding. is going. 

This is the part of'Sahil', played by notorious actor Shehzad Sheikh who has been seen only in the part of' Idol' ahead but in this play he's playing the part of a mentally hindered youthful man. 

 Talking to Urdu News, Shehzad Sheikh said that it wasn't easy to play the part of Sahil in the drama periodical Phans.

 Hollywood has seen and understood the people who have played similar places in Bollywood. 

I was veritably nervous the day I went to the shoot,he said. 

The director asked on the first day of the shoot if the medications were complete and he replied that he didn't know what to do. 

 According to Shehzad Sheikh, “ I asked the director to give me three days and during the firing he'd see what I was doing. 

He understood me and also congratulated me on my performance and said that you're doing as I allowed of this part. 

When Shahzad Sheikh was asked why he supported this part, he replied that when director Ahmed Kamran called him to tell this story, he felt that this part is different and also grueling. So he incontinently said yes 

 Shehzad Sheikh said that now the turning point in the part of Sahil is the life of this character.

 I allowed that I would work hard for the first subcaste of this character while I would work three times harder in the alternate subcaste. 

Now look where people used to love this character, now they're abhorring it and that's the beauty of this character. 

 According to Shehzad Sheikh, actors are generally looking for places that are out of the ordinary. 

Due to the different tones in the part of Sahil, there was a lot of interest in doing this part. 

"The manly actors in our assiduity do not have important variety,"he added. Product houses should also produce stories that revolve around men.

 Every story revolves around a woman and a man is a part of it. 

Shehzad Sheikh thinks that it isn't necessary to show negativity, to show spices."The problem is with the followership.

 They infrequently accept anything, which is why product houses are forced to make up analogous stories."

 Asked if he'd ever felt the pressure of acting as the son of elderly actor Javed Sheikh, Shehzad Sheikh said,"I came to this field after seeing my father. 

The first two times were veritably delicate, people used to compare me with them and allowed it would be a battle but also I explained to myself that I've to work hard and moment when people praise me I'm happy. 

 Shehzad Sheikh says," Art is a work that can not be done in anyone'sname.However, you'll walk or you can sing well, also you'll walk, If you can perform well. 

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