Hyderabad's Muslim family in a hurry to get married in view of adding age of marriage in India

 Hyderabad's Muslim family in a hurry to get married in view of adding age of marriage in India 


 In India, the law on raising the age of marriage for girls is soon to come a reality. If that happens also there's a real peril that the marriage will be heldup for the coming many times. 

To avoid such a situation, numerous families in Hyderabad are anxious to get their 18-to 20- time-old daughters married as soon as possible. 


 Judging judges are also admitting that there has been a unforeseen increase in the speed of marriages. 

By the way, haste is most current in poor families. 

Presumably a factor as to why they are doing so inadequately. 


 Speaking to the BBC, Maulana Saeed-ul-Qadri said Poor people do not want to stay another three times for their daughters to get wedded, so they're in a hurry to get wedded. 

 Offer to increase the age of marriage for girls 

The central government has introduced an correction in congress during the lately concluded downtime session of congress. 


 The Child Marriage ( Correction) Bill, 2021 proposes to increase the age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 for boys. 

After numerous questions were raised on this correction bill, the government has now appertained it to the select commission of the Lok Sabha. 

Now that the report has come out, the government is likely to move in that direction. 


 There are numerous similar cases in which marriages have formerly been arranged and there are plans to perform marriages in the near future. 

But the central government's decision to raise the age of marriage from 18 to 21 has forced people to marry precociously. 

 Take the illustration of Tawfiq whose son got married just one day in medication."After conversations, it was decided that we'd get engaged in four or five months and the marriage could take place in a time and a half,"he said. 

 But she says her family has learned that if the new law is legislated soon, her son won't be suitable to marry for the coming three times. He says'My son is only 18 times old and she has passed 10th. So, we were forced to marry her in just one day."


 Tawfiq had to take out a loan for his alternate son's marriage because, according to him,"we haven't been suitable to earn any plutocrat because of Corona."We had to pay our auto loan inaugurations which we couldn't pay due to Corona. 

We allowed we'd save some plutocrat and get married in the coming time and a half. 

 Threat of broken connections 


He said the boy works in a Greek medicalstore.However, we will have a hard time holding her back for another three times, because when the new law comes, If we do not marry her. 

He has not been released yet. We will do that latterly."

In this regard, Maulana Saeed says,"Unlike Western or Arab countries, we don't meet boys and girls and don't arrange marriages."In India, marriage isn't just for boys andgirls.However, culture and language, it's a relationship of two families, If you look at the customs. One can not stay for two or three times for similar marriages. 


 Qazi Ismatullah Qadri has performed numerous marriages in the last many days. He spoke to BBC Hindi about it. 

" Numerous families, not only from the poor but also from the middle and rich classes, are marrying their daughters in a hurry because they're hysterical of the new law,"he said. Indeed middle- class and fat families don't want their marriage to end after three times of staying. While poor families feel that they will have to bear the burden of minding for the girl child for another three times. 


" Numerous of these marriages are taking place with cousins and musketeers we know,"says Tawfiq. 

The main reason is the fear of the new law that they will have to stay another three times for their son to get wedded. 

 According to Maulana Saeed, there's a peril of breaking up the relationship due to detention in marriage. 


 Still, the trend of hasty marriages in Hyderabad isn't seen in other metropolises like Bangalore. 

In this regard, Maulana Maqsood Imran of the Jama Masjid in Bangalore told the BBC The atmosphere in Karnataka is different. 


 An functionary from Karnataka, speaking on condition of obscurity, said"It's a fact that working long hours drains the energy of parents, especially among hardworking workers. Because of this, people are forced to move their children home as soon as possible. 

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