Coitus Workers How did a woman forced into prostitution on the roadways of Denmark get out of this job

 Coitus Workers How did a woman forced into prostitution on the roadways of Denmark get out of this job? 


Every time thousands of women from around the world are traded to European countries where they're given the task of having commerce with men.

 Jewel is a immature girl from Nigeria. Before coming to Europe, they anticipated to work there as a nurse (minding for the senior, children or the sick), but the situation was truly different for them. 

Still, thanks to two accidental meetings, she soon managed to escape the clutches. 

 This is how Jewel described his appearance in Denmark."It was as if I had seen the light for the first time in my life.

 Because where I came from, it was constantly dark because there was no electricity.

 But everything was shining also, it was each beautiful."

 According to Jewel, when she arrived in Denmark, she thanked God that she had arrived in a ultramodern country. 

According to her, she was now eager to start work also. 

When Jewel boarded a flight from Nigeria to Denmark, she allowed she'd have to take care of aged people. 

 According to him, people from Nigeria generally go to Europe via mortal bootleggers, they're taken to Libya by motorcars and boats.

"But my plan was going so well and fully that there was no mistrustfulness that it would be."

 The International Organization for Migration estimates that 80 of Nigerian women entering Europe immorally are used in the commerce trade. 

 Jewel knew of numerous Nigerian women who arrived in Europe after a dangerous trip and faced a truly unwelcome situation there. 

So when he started his trip from the field in Lagos, he was assured that he'd not worry about it at all. 

In Copenhagen, he met a Nigerian woman who took him the coming day to the megacity's notorious Red Light Area, Westerborough. 

 Jewel recalls that indeed also, her eyes were fixed on the girding terrain, allowing that there might be a sanitarium where she'd have to work. 

She walked with him on the roadways for a while and was asked by the woman to get acquainted with the surroundings and the area during the walk. 

 Also this woman said commodity which came a rejuvenation on Jewel. 


The woman told Jewel that this was the place where she had to work. 

I started looking around as if she (the lady) was pointing at a structure that I couldn't concentrate on. 

But that did not mean they were just walking.

 The lady also told me that I was going to work as a courtesan also and that was where I had to find guests. 

It was as if the total of Denmark had fallen on me."

But Jewel was lucky in one sense because that night she suddenly met Michelle Mildwater of Hope Now. 

Hope Now, an NGO, helps people being traded for commerce in Denmark. 

When Michelle saw the alarmed 20- time-old girl (Jewel) walking down the road, she gave him her card, which contained all the contact details. 

 Jewel's Nigerian master, the same woman who had brought him to the area, advised him not to trust Gori (Michelle) on a motorcycle. 

He also precipitously plant Jewel and gave him his first client. 

 Jewell said the man paid her 4 450 to take her home with him, after which herMrs. left. 

"It simply came to our notice also. I couldn't indeed speak Danish at the time and I had no idea what the man was saying.

 We used Google to talk to each other. It was terrible."

In the months that followed, it wasn't easy for Jewel to get involved in the commerce trade. 


I was a skittish girl confined to a corner.

 But I plant out that regular guests who come also know when they prefer to have commerce with a freshman to the area. 

 According to the bottommost numbers released by the European Union, there were further than victims of mortal trafficking in 2017 and 2018.

 But all of this only addresses similar large-scale trafficking because they only collect records of linked victims. Half of these victims are from outside Europe. 

 Nigeria is one of the five countries where utmost women are traded abroad for the purpose of commerce. 

 According to the European Commission, sexual exploitation leads to similar trafficking. 

The crime generates up to 14 billion euros (16 16 billion) a time in profit. Do 

 Sine Plumbach, a elderly experimenter in the field of migration at the Danish Institute for International Studies, says bootleggers are stuck in debt. 

 Nigerian citizens are among the most obliged to migratory commerce workers. 

The loan can be between ten thousand and sixty thousand euros. 

When you're stuck in such a huge debt also you have to make further commercial in lower time and indeed if you don't have the original trip documents also the fastest way to make plutocrat is commerce assiduity. 

 The bootleggers had said they would pay euros in regular installations. 

The day before Jewel left Nigeria for Denmark, his bootleggers took him to a cemetery for a meeting so that he could make his point clear to Jewel. 

And if I don't abide by that pledge, my family and I must be prepared for serious consequences."

 When Jewel arrived in Denmark, the bootleggers also floated her family members that Jewel would shoot them commercial regularly. 

 So whenever I called my grandmother, she'd tell me that I had to pay the exact quantum of the deal and that the police shouldn't know about it. 

She claimed that I give her the plutocrat in any case, fresh anything could be to her. 

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