Changing Marriage Scenes from Corona Luxury Marriage on Dreams but Four People Counting in Barat

Changing Marriage Scenes from Corona Luxury Marriage on Dreams but Four People Counting in Barat 


 Marriage observances across India have been heldup due to a lockdown for the nimbus contagion, but some have decided for lower and near bones rather of their luxurious and lavish marriages. 

 So could this be a new routine? Read the BBC's Geeta Pandey report from Delhi. 


 Nitin Arora and Chetali Puri met in council six times agone and started dating a time latterly. 

When they set their marriage date in early May, they were planning a lavish marriage. 


 The marriage began with an engagement party in March attended by 170 people and was held on the field of the Posh Club in Chandigarh.

 The venue was decorated with white and green flowers and there was light shining like golden brownies everyplace. 

"It was a Punjabi function,"says Chitali. There was plenitude of wine, lots of food, lots of music.

 And we danced all night. We stopped when it was time for the DJ to leave."

 For the three- day festivity of their May 2 marriage, a large, luxurious eatery was reserved on the outskirts of the megacity, withpre-wedding blend parties, music and cotillion events and numerous other observances. 


 The factual marriage form, in which the bridegroom and bachelor take seven turns around the fire, was to take place on a hilltop inside the eatery, which handed the perfect setting for the print with the evening. 450 names on the guest list The ten- runner dining menu comported of four different styles of food and a DJ for the after party. 

 For the bridegroom there was a light pink silk skirt, blouse and scarf and the bachelor's dress was ordered to suit him while jewelry was also ordered. 


 And also on March 24 the lockdown took effect. 

India has blazoned a complete arrestment of the country to check the spread of Corona contagion. 

 The couple awaited for the lockdown to open and soften and also they could get their marriage done according to their plan. 


 But there was no sign of the lockdown ending. Also they decided to defer the marriage on April 15 until November. 

 But they say that fortune has its own plans. 


 Speaking on the phone from Chandigarh, Nitin said"On the autumn of May 1, my father got a call from a friend. 

It has been a excited three or four hours,"he said. After the original request was rejected, the curfew was eventually passed at5.30 pm. 

"They said the marriage would take place on the same day,"says Chitali. 

After that we had to find a Pandit for marriage.

 Our original Pandit first said yes, also he refused because his children were bothered about getting infected with the contagion. We eventually got another Pandit ready at 730. 


 The coming day, at half once nine in the morning, Nitin arrived in Delhi with his parents and his family. 

The Pandit arrived at10.30 am and the marriage form started at 11 am. 

 Cheetah laughed and said'My room came a marriage kiosk, I wore my mama's saree and my grandmother's beautifiers.

 Nitin's family took filmland and we took what we had for lunch."


 The form was attended by 16 people including Pandit. 

A drone link was set up so musketeers and cousins could see the marriage. 

 Chitali said that Nitin isn't happy as his extended family members, his relatives, aunts and unclesetc. 

couldn't attend his marriage but he plans to do so this time if the trouble of Code 19 is reduced. 

Will give a bad party at the end of Still, Cheetah also said,"We thank our stars for making this be."


 Some of the same sentiments were expressed by newlyweds Sukanya Venkat Raman and her fianc شان Shantho Jacob Paul. They wore marriage rings to each other in a fine parking lot in Bangalore. 

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