Why not original Pakistani dramatizations and pictures on Netflix and Amazon Prime

 Why not original Pakistani dramatizations and pictures on Netflix and Amazon Prime? 


 There was a time when the thoroughfares came vacated at night as soon as PTV dramatizations like'Waris' started. 

The discourses, stories and actors of similar dramatizations used to allure the people. But also there was only one channel in Pakistan and it was the only drama of the day. 


 And moment there are over a dozen Pakistani entertainment channels with twenty to thirty diurnal dramatizations. 

 Also, rather of time and TV dramatizations, youthful people started watching pictures and dramatizations on web platforms (or OTT services) like Netflix and Amazon Prime with further interest. The most searched on Google wasn't a Pakistani drama or film but the Netflix series'Squid Game' made in South Korea. 


 Still, he can find dramatizations and pictures from each over the world, If a Pakistani turns to Netflix or Amazon Prime. Just desolation in the box of Pakistan. What's there's either old or not original content. 

There are some good dramatizations from Pakistani channel Hum TV on Nick Flix but there's no Pakistani drama or movie made by Netflix. Which begs the question, why is that? 


"We don't have freedom like India."


 Some people suppose that just because dramatizations and pictures are good does not mean they are available for streaming on Netflix or Amazon. Well given director and author of Hum TV Sultana Siddiqui says that Pakistani dramatizations have the eventuality to contend with the content available on Netflix. 

" Life is a flower on Netflix,"she says. Which means people love watching Pakistani dramatizations. I suppose people will love Television dramatizations these days if they were on Netflix. 


 But in Sultana Siddiqui's opinion, there are other reasons why big platforms like Netflix don't produce Pakistani content. 

"It simply came to our notice also. We made'Udari'on the content of child sexual abuse which was appreciated each over the world but I got a letter from PEMRA. We talk about competition with Indian dramatizations and flicks but we do not have the same freedom as them.” Appeared in the supereminent part in the web series' Necromancy'. 


 She believes that in a web series, actors, directors and pens have further freedom. 

"You can talk about any of the motifs in the web series that are considered unhappy to talk about. In addition, the actor has further freedom to act. 


 In the near future, another series of Sarwat' Killer of beautiful knockouts'is also going to be released on Z5. 

He says it was too late for Pakistan to realize that its content should also be on platforms like Netflix." Numerous Pakistani actors, directors and others are part of these products, indeed though the material isn't Pakistani."


"India is far ahead of us in that respect. They started delivering their content at the right time to a place where further and further people around the world could see it. But Pakistan is also working on it now. And Pakistan is erecting a good web series. 

"Looks like the same drama is playing on every channel"


 For decades, Anwar Maqsood presented the harsh political and social realities to the people with a touch of humor and entered important sun. But his pen has been silent for a long time now. He says in his traditional way,"There are so numerous plays passing in the country, so why do I need to write plays."

 Anwar Maqsood believes that the reason for the declining quality of drama in Pakistan is the proliferation of channels and dramatizations. 


"Where will so numerous actors come from for so numerous dramatizations? When you switch channels, it looks like the same drama is playing on the channel. The actors are all the same, indeed the bedsheets vended on the beds are frequently the same. 

 According to Anwar Maqsood, numerous actors and directors in Pakistan are doing a great job. The problem is with good scripts. Have a good dialogue. Currently, the exchanges that take place on mobiles at home are written in the script as a dialogue in the script. 


 He says that drama reflects the situation in your country." Just as the situation is in our country, so is the situation in our dramatizations."

 But Madiha Saeed, who has been involved in entertainment journalism for 16 times, says there are other reasons why there's no Pakistani content on Netflix. 


 Still, the difference is egregious,"If you pick up any Pakistani drama or film and watch a Netflix series. The problem isn't just the good story or the amusement. There are also specialized issues, similar as sound and videotape quality issues. 

 According to Madiha, another important reason is the Pakistani request. 


" Indeed moment, utmost Pakistanis watch dramatizations on Television and the number of Pakistanis watching content on Netflix is much lower than the rest of the world. Netflix has around 180 million druggies worldwide, compared to just in Pakistan. Pakistan ranks last among the last two countries in Asia Pacific in terms of access to smartphones and internet. So we aren't as big a request for Netflix as India or Korea."

 Madiha says that despite having so many Netflix subscribers in Pakistan, Netflix earns Rs. Will go 

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