18 Alat Pemroses/ Process Device on Computer

 18 Alat Pemroses/ Process Device on Computer 


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Selamat datang di blog Artikel & Materi. In addition to this, we can also read the composition about Unit/ Alat Pemroses/ Process Device on a computer without fungi and gambarnya. Silakan disimak selengkapnya. 


 The computer unit that's located on the computer is called the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU will be suitable to give information on the system which will help you to find information. 

 This includes oil CPU, or primary storehouse, computation sense unit and control unit. 

 1. Primary storehouse is a special processor or other device with main memory. 

 2. Arithmatic Sense Unit (ALU) 

 3. Control unit adalah merupakan suatu alat pengontrolan yang berada dalam komputer yang memberitahukan unit masukan mengenai jenis data, waktu pemasukan, and tempat penimpanan didalam primary storehouse. The control unit is also handed with a bespoke computation sense unit that allows you to perform operations that allow data reclamation, data reclamation, and data reclamation. 


 Please try again in a many twinkles to find out further 


 1. Containing 



Still, you can use CPU if you're tired of reading and harkening, If you're looking for a hard drive. 


 2. Power force 

 Power force can be handed or listed for the CPU power force without listing and other rosters can be handed for the computer. Qualitas power force maintains qualitus kinerja computer. 

For illustration, 300-400 watts can be used to disable the power force of a computer with a erected-in graphical or graphic design. 

In a day, 400-500 watts per day if the computer is vended using Peripheral (unit unit). 

 3. Motherboard/ Mainboard 


Motherboard is a computer that uses a computer to reuse the processor, memory and other details. 


 4. Processor 



Processor adalah sebuah chip yang merupakan pengolah utama dan pusat pengendalian berbagai perangkat computer. 


 5. Memory 



 Memory is a tool that provides information and information to keep information safe. 

Indeed though utmost of the memory can be stored, indeed the most introductory data can be allocated at any time, this can be used to increase the memory capacity of the device, which can be used for long ages of time. 

 1. Register 

 2. Cache memory 

 3. Fragment cache 

 4. Glamorous fragment 

 5. Optic fragment 


 Still, you need to keep the memory in order, disassemble the bars, If you want to get the most out of this. 

 1. Tipe register harga fading mahal and tipe optic fragment harganya fading murah. 

 2. Tipe register capacitance fading besar and tipe optic fragment capacitance fading kecil. 

 3. Tipe register frequence pengaksesannya fading tinggi and tipe optic fragment frequence pengaksesannya fading rendah. 


 Capacitas memory dinatakan dalam satuan byte or bit. 

 1 byte = 1 huruf 

 1 Kilo Byte (KB) = 1 x 1024 byte 

 1 Mega Byte = 1024 KB 


 Terdapat dua jenis memory, yaitu sebagai berikut. 



 1. Read Only Memory (ROM) 


ROM information totalities up the quantum of penny suspicion that comes with the computer. The data and relations in the ROM can be planthere.However, please feel free to communicate us, If you have any questions. 



 2. Random Access Memory (RAM) 




RAM is the most important data or program for you at any given time. 

The data in RAM can be used to shoot data to your list. 


 Then is how to put one together for use with 

 1. FPM DRAM ( Fast Runner Mode Random

Access Memory), RAM that can be fitted into a niche containing a 30 leg mainboard computer, while RAM can be added to the computer type 286 and 386. 

Memory genes are fluently added to this product. 


 2. EDO RAM (Extended Data Out Random

Access Memory). 

Niche memori untuk EDO-RAM adalah 72 leg. Bentuk EDO-RAM lebih panjang daripada RAM yaitu bentuk Single Inline Memory Modul (SIMM). 

Memiliki kecepatan lebih dari 66 Mhz 


 3. BEDO RAM (Burst EDO RAM), RAM that's

completely integrated with EDO RAM which has a tax of 66 MHz 

 4. SD RAM ( Coetaneous Dynamic Random

Access Memory), RAM genes contain these factors in EDO-RAM settings.

 Niche memory for SD RAM is 168 legs. Buy SD RAM with Binary Inline Memory Module (DIMM). Memory keys at 100 MHz. 

 5. RD RAM (Rambus Dynamic Random Access

Memory). RAM genes have these parcels, they can be fitted into a computer with a Pentium processor 4.

 Niche Memory for RD RAM is 184 legs. Bentuk RD RAM adalah Rate Inline Memory Module (RIMM). 

Memiliki kecepatan hingga 800 MHz. 


 6. DDR SDRAM ( Double Data Rate Coetaneous

Dynamic RAM). RAM genes have the same features as those with SDK RAM, and the stylish RAM that can be used.

 RAM jenis ini mengkonsumsi sedikit power listrik. Niche Memory for DDR SDRAM contains 184 legs, including RIMM. 

 6. VGA Card 



 VGA Card is an electronic card that supports the motherboard and examiner. 



 7. I/ O Card 




 Input/ Affair Card (I/ O Card) is an electronic card that allows you to connect to the motherboard with the unit and unit unit. The I/ O card also supports the motherboard and hard fragment drive with a droopy fragment drive. 



 8. Sound Card 



 Sound card is a multimedia device that provides access to your computer. 



 9. LAN Card 


 The connection between the computer and the computer 


 10. Wireless Network Adapter 



 The connection between the computer and the router wireless mecca is connected to the computer. 



 11. Wireless Router 


 You'll also be suitable to connect to the Internet as a member of the Internet, Television string, or ADSL with participated IP addresses on the computer that won't be compromised. 


 12. PC Camera 


 Restate videotape into real- time kepada orang lain melalui internet communication using webcam technology 



 13. Modem 



 The most popular digital analog bias are digital and the most popular digital digital analog bias can be used to connect computers to the Internet. 



 14. Capture Card 



 Merekam gambar dari VCD/ DVD or camcorder (handycam) 



 15. Television Tuner Card 



 Find the rearmost channel or channel on TV 



 16. Card Reader 



 To make Flash content available MMC, Secure Digital (SD), Extreme Digital (xD), Memory Stick, Compact Flash 


 17. Harddisk 



 This includes operating systems and mechanisms that control the quantum of data and information available. 

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