How lucky we are

 How lucky we are

Because we are the last people to see the next two centuries

The one who sat on the edge of the stove on a winter's night and listened intently to tales of demons and ghosts from Grandmother's house

We are the lucky ones

In the village streets they played cultural games and played dolls with the sisters. 

Viewers of both centuries

We are the lucky ones

Who read novels by the fireplace late at night and wrote letters to loved ones. He picked up all the letters and read them over and over again. And then they saved up

We are the lucky ones

Who studied alphabet writing on a matte strip

And wrote Beth on the slate. 

Recess time on slate

What to eat. 

The school holiday bell rang and it felt as happy as Eid. 

We are lucky to have them. 

Those who spent four eggs and eight eggs also waited until evening. 

And took two lambs and a loaf of bread with him in four yards. 

Which he shared with his brothers and sisters. 

We are very lucky

The two on which everyone saw walking

And took part in the labors of the Labradors. Have breakfast with Lucy

And enjoy the whitewashed walls. ⁇ ٽرو. Rambo. کو⁇ ر. Where طفڻ. Each. Use the horse and toothpick with your hands. 

We are the lucky ones

Hearts made of clay. Mutton. Nadine and Klein drank cold water. 

Sleep well in mud huts. 

Let's see the Eid moon and clap. Babies bursting at night. Shouted slogans against the unbelievers. 

On Eid we wore new clothes and visited the small bazaar again and again to celebrate. 

We are the lucky ones

Apply essential oils on top. 

Attended weddings putting winter in the eyes. 

We just bathed all year

On the day of Eid and wedding, I was lucky enough to take a bath with Capri soap. 

We smelled the tires as soon as the bus passed

We are the lucky ones

Who saw the camel transport system. And saw caravans carrying donkeys in rows. 

Saw the saw and the camel's stick. 

Dog saw the dog

And the cries of the donkeys. 

We are the lucky ones

Who dug wells. Rope from the well. لانه. Blow through and fill with other water. Early in the morning the goats flocked. The goats took crunchy shades and ropes. 

Play with babies during goat breeding season

We are the lucky ones

While watching the movie we will be crying for the failure of Ajay Devgn's love. 

And we will be very happy inside on the success. 

It was also a time when the whole family slept together on the porch. 

There was a table fan. 

The only argument was that every child would say I fell asleep in front of a bird. 

At sunrise everyone's eyes were opened. 

But then another forced relay would fall asleep. 

It would rain at midnight. 

All the family members would soon be looking to get inside the cottage. In the morning there were streams flowing down the mountain. Both were full. 

We would swim in the canals. 

It was fun to eat chili powder after bathing. 

Right-handed game. Turkish applause. Swimming upstream. The pleasure of getting lost in the water was their own. 

These games ended with a period of living and sleeping together on the outskirts of the house. 

In families, these loves are gone. 

These relationships were broken. 

It was a time of beautiful and sincere relationships. 

People must have been uneducated but honest and sincere. 

Now when the age of reading and writing has become an educational disaster it is no longer a recurrence. People are lost in selfishness

But we are the lucky ones who have seen it for centuries. We have seen the deprivations of both centuries, the loves, the hatreds. 

Note: Take care of your pigs

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