Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari is the daughter of the former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto and former President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari. She was born on 25th January, 1990 becoming the first child born to a sitting female prime minister.

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari studied at the renowned university of Edinburgh and graduated with a Masters with honours MA(Hons) in English Literature. Owing to her enthusiasm towards education, she plays an active role in the prestigious educational institute ‘SZABIST’ founded by her mother in 1995.

Demonstrating her commitment to a healthier world, she is a philanthropist making a diligent effort to promote human welfare, for which she established her own non-governmental organization named as save the flood and disaster victims organization for early recovery response to those impacted by natural calamities in Pakistan.

She has also been assiduously engaging in variety of activities conducted nationally and internationally touching on healthcare issues as well as women and child rights protection. In this regard, she also participated in a united nations healthcare conference organized by the Arab states’ regional office of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Dubai Police where she vowed to bring such welfare programmes to Pakistan.

As the dedication to the cause of humanity encapsulates her sheer tenacity in achieving mother’s dreams, the gregarious Bhutto-Zardari also keeps a keen eye on Pakistan’s socio-political subjects and is vocal on many fronts against the profound issues country is confronted with.

An education enthusiast

The literature grad from Edinburgh university, Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari has acquired great deal of experience working in the board of the Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, that she aptly applies to enhance the over-all performance of the education sector. Szabist with its branches in four big cities of Pakistan and one branch in Dubai is well-recognized for its rapid growth providing an education which is more global in approach. Advocating the need for acquiring education with latest technological means, she has played an important role in establishing the stem cell research laboratory at the karachi campus that is one landmark achievement of the respective academic institute.

Putting education at the foremost place, Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari has been visiting several educational institutes, particularly in Sindh (Pakistan), to elicit more advanced techniques to prepare the students to compete with the modern day challenges and tough competitions. Her endeavors are fittingly discerned in the outshining performance of Szabist.

For more details about szabist:

A philanthropist

“ I want to stand up and be counted; to make an effort to help my country”

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari’s mission is to help the countrymen to ease their sufferings by all possible means. In a bid to lend a helping hand to the survivors of natural calamities, she founded an NGO ‘Save the Flood and Disaster Victims Organization’ which started operating during the dreadful earthquakes that hit Pakistan in 2010 in order to rescue the hundreds of thousands of affected people.

From her compassion and commitment to well-being of the society, emanates the support to the philanthropist initiatives in the areas of health and education. She engages with the workforce of different organizations, like Dar-Ul-Sukun (an organization aimed at helping the mentally and physically challenged children and adults) and Markaz-e-Umeed (an institute working for the welfare of special children), and has been taking part in their programs to improve the lives of the underprivileged. Her efforts also include the collaboration with several other charity institutions to provide rehabilitation goods to those in need.

Making it a global cause, Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari has also been assiduously participating in different international activities touching on healthcare issues. In this regard, she recently participated in a united nations healthcare conference organized by the Arab states’ regional office of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Dubai police where she vowed to bring such welfare programs to Pakistan as well.

For more details about flood and disaster victims’ organization, visit:

An exponent of human rights

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari celebrates the passion and gallantry of her mother Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto who won over insurmountable odds in an attempt to make her country a better place to live in. Drawing her strength from the mother, she is vocal against all the adverse issues society is entangled in and aims to bring positive change through her endeavors.

She feels strongly for the downtrodden and her belief in humanitarianism leads her to support many causes and reform movements. Sheer advocate of women, child and minority rights, she has been voicing her opinions through various forums to reach out to a larger audience and extending her support to the just causes.